When did your hide become unchapped, so that you approved a huge grant for more Church Growth nonsense. |
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "DP Patterson Threatens His Counseling Victims with...":
Joe Krohn, "Pr. Rydecki was not removed from the WELS ministry for false doctrine."
According to faithful Pastor Rydecki's letter to the antiChristian DP Pastor Jon Buchholz and the AZ-CA District Presidium he was excommuncated for teaching false doctrine. According to the (W)ELS - it is heresy to teach that man is justified solely by faith in Christ alone.
I've kelmed Pr. Rydecki's quotes of DP Buchholz's letter:I am deeply disappointed that you have turned away from the teaching you learned in your ministerial training and have instead denied the truth and fallen into error.
After numerous conversations with you and repeated efforts to admonish and instruct you from God’s word, you have made it clear that you are not in agreement with the doctrine of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).
Specifically, you have refused to acknowledge and confess that God forgave the sin of the world when Jesus died on the cross (John 1:29; John 19:30; 1 John 2:2; Romans 5:18; 2 Cor. 5:19; Apology IV, 103).
By the way, the anathema that Buchholz and the Lutheran Synods declare upon One Justification solely By Faith Alone is the exact same anathema that the Antichrist sitting in his Roman Catholic Church declares.
GJ - The America system is completely messed up. Someone pretends to be a conservative, until elected. Then he is the worst apostate so far, until another man takes over. And he is everyone's pal, until elected. Once elected, he delights in demolishing congregations, families, and divine calls. The next person is a healer, until he repeats what was just done.
Buchholz examining anyone is a hoot, for starters. He has no grasp of Biblical doctrine and has no interest in study, but considers himself a great expert on everything. Pretending to be critical of Church Growth, he always leaps to the defense of people like Wayne Mueller and Al Sorum.
Because I heard from various college students, I tried to tell him that the worst Shrinkers in WELS were paraded by the colleges and preps as the WELS superstars. "No they aren't!" he snapped.
Buchholz should be asked, "Do you agree with the Book of Concord and the Bible that the Holy Spirit brings us grace only through the Means of Grace?"
If he says, "Yes," then ask, "Then how can the entire world be saved, as you claim, apart from the Word of God? Please join the Unitarian-Universalist fellowship at your earlier convenience."
Parlow, Jeske, Kelm, and Patterson - the WELS Jelly-Tele-Tubbies. |
"Why would a layman feel physically threatened by you?"
"You claimed you were never a Church and Changer, so why did you go to the final (hahaha) Church and Change meeting?"
"Did you send all those anonymous comments to Ichabod from Garland, Texas, your hometown?"
"Why did you take a group of church workers to Exponential in Orlando, Florida? If you are so opposed to false doctrine (stifling laughter) - why expose them to the worst of the worst?"
"Why do you spend thousands of dollars on African trips and demand WELS offering money to staff your well-established congregation?"
"If you are so opposed to the Church and Changers, why are they constantly rewarded and promoted while the faithful are treated like dirt?"
"Would you do a feature story in FICKLE on how Glende's stinky bar in downtown Appleton got an enormous grant from WELS to host a second campus campus near an established congregation with a real church building? And why the loan to help them clean up the dried vomit and fumigate? Are they broke with so many staffers?"
"Why can WELS clergy plagiarize Groeschel, Stanley, and Swindoll--without harm--while those who quote the Formula of Concord are expelled?"
"When will you expel those who teach contrary to the Scriptures and the Confessions?" |