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MLC students produced an inane, offensive video of their statues coming to life, swearing, and fighting. After the gay video, the school decided the competitions needed some adult supervision. |
solafide (http://solafide.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Luther Seminary Is Another Canary in the Coalmine....":
Martin Luther College is going the same way. Stuffing students' schedules with "theory" classes to please the secular world so that they can get that valued "license." Most students could graduate with the ability and knowledge to teach K-12 in the standard 4 years, yet, at MLC, the second you double major (there is no K-12 path, it's K-8 and 6-12), you add AT LEAST an additional year before you can graduate -- that is, if you overload your schedules so you are taking 18-22 credit hours a semester. If you do a traditional 14-16 credit hours, it takes 6-7 years to graduate.
When you talk to MLC students away from campus, so as not to set off any alarms, you find out that many of them think that most of their professors are under-qualified (some haven't been in a real K-12 classroom in 20 years, yet profess to know how to educate students on how to teach K-12) and overpaid. If you ask if most of them care about public school licenses, you will get a resounding "No." If they wanted to be a public school teacher, they would have gone to their local state schools and gotten much more in financial aid and tuition breaks.
The real push for all this is from the handful of teachers and professors at MLC that want to be called "Doctor." The fact is these "Doctors" have all had to ignore or, more likely, contradict the faith they proclaim to have and the teachings they swear they believe and will teach when they are installed in order to get that valued PhD.
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Notice the inappropriate doctoral stripes on the robe, not to mention the stole with an academic gown. |
GJ - Requiring more credits is a great way to extract more tuition money from students. Since the higher education business is managed by hordes of invisible higher education bureaucrats, there is no one available to ask, "Do we really need to force this course on all the students?"
Pretending a drive-by DMin is a doctorate, Larry Olson insists on being called "Dr. Olson" and will not answer a student's question unless addressed that way.
A doctorate requires
- two years of residence at that school, just to take the coursework,
- passing comprehensive exams about the subject matter,
- and a dissertation involving several years of original research.
The seminaries discovered they could make a mint by calling the STM a DMin and dumbing it down. Those who would never have taken a continuing education course rushed over to grab a phony handle.
Who has these drive-by DMins in WELS? The Church and Changers -
- Larry Olson - Fuller Seminary.
- Paul Kelm - Concordia, St. Louis.
- Steve Witte - Gordon Conwell.
- John Parlow - Denver.
Did any WELS DP or SP seek to excommunicate them for violating their ordination vows, for embracing false doctrine to buy their piece of paper?
Higher education graduate degrees can be atheistic, simply because the faculties make sure their colleagues have the right attitudes and politics. I taught computer science at a community college in Phoenix, but the world religion department in the same school required atheism - even for adjuncts.
The biggest cultural shift will be from required diversity training classes. Imposed on graduate programs (and long ago at Fuller Seminary), they harshly condemn and punish anyone who questions:
- Pansexualism - homosexual, lesbian, transsexual, bisexual.
- Feminist philosophy.
- Abortion on demand, for any reason.
- Any religion (except Christianity).
- Quotas based on these bizarre distinctions.
- Etc.
The diversity quotas make it impossible for large corporations to offer internships to the students they want to train and hire.
The newly required diversity class was not even offered when I earned the degree. Suddenly it was mandatory. If this brain-washing course is not required in a graduate program, it will still be implicit in the teaching until it is mandatory.
Long ago, any student at Fuller Seminary who questioned feminism was subjected to mandatory re-education sessions.