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Tim Glende, Ski, and Katy Perry. What could go wrong with a combination like this and the backing of the District President? |
Why I No Longer Attend My Church
February 4, 2011 by Rick
It is with sadness that I no longer attend my church (St. Peter; Freedom, WI) where I was baptized and am still a member. Even though I am not a watchman (Ezekiel 33), the public act of no longer attending the church where I was baptized and am a member demands an explanation.
I have doctrinal disagreements with my pastors, my Church Council, and the District Presidium. For the most part, I have kept these doctrinal disagreements private. However, whether or not the Church openly discusses God’s Word is a theological matter. (Isaiah 8:20; 9:2, 6-7). The Word is communication, and God expects His people, His Church, to wrestle with His Word. (2 Corinthians 13:5). The Word is how God communicates light and truth into us, and we struggle with His Word only by reading and openly discussing the word.
The Word is communication, and it is through the Word that the Holy Spirit works to enlighten, sanctify, and keep the whole Christian Church on earth in the one true faith. (Small Catechism, Explanation of the Third Article). Therefore, we must communicate doctrine, and we must struggle with the Word openly. Further, if there is pain and loss in that struggle, then that pain should be understood as a necessary step on the way of the cross. (Matthew 10:34-39).
However, when the local church and District Presidium use endless procedures to stifle disagreement and discussion of the word, they are not struggling with the Word, but instead they are engaging in an earthly political struggle. Temporal earthly kingdoms are built through political struggle. On the other hand, citizens of the eternal kingdom of heaven must struggle with the word which involves open communication and sometimes the sadness of a cross.
The true Scriptural procedure for dealing with public doctrinal error and disagreement is to discuss the matters. However, the Northern Wisconsin District Presidium has steadfastly refused to have a meeting where everyone sits down to discuss doctrine. Instead, they have been completely hung-up on a never-ending series of frivolous procedures that no one can fulfill. (For example, one is not allowed to invite the District President to a meeting without first asking the permission of the District President).
I am not the only man who disagrees on matters of doctrine and practice with my pastors and the District Presidium. Other WELS pastors have also expressed disagreement. Thus, there needs to be discussion of God’s Word. That is the true Scriptural procedure. Only God’s Word can make alive and heal.
I have written two letters dated November 1, 2009 and January 20, 2011 that detail some of the doctrinal problems I have seen at my congregation, St. Peter. And it is in the spirit of the word (which is communication) and the theology of the cross (which is pain and struggle) that I share these two letters. I had hoped that the second letter would have been unnecessary, and that neither letter would need to be shared. Sadly, there is no other way. (2 Timothy 4:2-3).
We all must lift our cross, and follow Christ. (Matthew 10:38 & Mark 8:34-38). May the Lord’s will be done. (Matthew 26:39).
Postscript: Since the second letter was sent, it has been reported that District President Engelbrecht is “very willing” to arrange a meeting between my pastors and the other concerned area WELS pastors. Nonetheless, because District President Engelbrecht has handled these matters incompetently at best, he would best serve the Church by resigning.
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Posted in religion, St. Peter & The CORE, WELS | Tagged Church, Church catholic,Confessional Lutherans, Lutheranism, Lutherans, theology of glory, theology of the cross,WELS, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod | 6 Comments
Tony Kubek
Christopher Esget
Pastor, Immanuel Ev.-Lutheran Church (LCMS)
Alexandria, VA