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Mark Belling is a Fox Valley native. |
Mark Belling is the afternoon drive time host on News/Talk 1130 WISN-AM in Milwaukee. He is also a weekly columnist for many local newspapers including the Milwaukee Post, Waukesha Freeman, West Bend Daily News and Hometown Publications. Mark is one of the best known local talk show hosts in America. He has been a guest host on America's most listened to radio program, The Rush Limbaugh Show. He has for years been one of Talkers Magazine's "100 Heavy Hitters," a listing of the most important talk shows in America. Mark's show is one of the highest rated local talk programs in America and routinely wins its time slot. He has won the Marconi award for best radio host in America. Mark's show is a mixture of his principled conservatism, lifestyle issues and anything else "I feel like talking about."
Read more: http://www.belling.com/pages/bio.html#ixzz2OK5CmCOU
This is the broadcast about St. John Lutheran Church in Milwaukee.
GJ - The broadcast is good. Here are some missing facts.
The two members who stole the congregation, locked out Pastor Kevin Hastings, and fired him, are only two of the four past members. The member in Arizona was not notified of the action. Neither was the pastor. An older lady was in the hospital.
The two men also seized the congregation's cash, including a large endowment. I am sure the cash was the prize, but the building would be useful.
A congregation must give adequate notice before it takes action as a voters assembly. That notice was not given, so the action was not legal.
The action also prevented a new family from being formally accepted into the congregation.
As far as I know, Pastor Hastings and the others are going to address this illegal action immediately.
Les Baker has left a new comment on your post "WELS Newest Scandal - Trying To Grab Historic St. ...":
I am sympathetic towards Pastor Hasting's dilemma, but am disturbed by your (Unchristian?) comments. Indeed the WELS is not perfect and l am disturbed by the whole UOJ confusion. Yet, your post attempts to involves the WELS in a non-WELS matter. St John's is not a WELS church and has not been for sometime. What is occurring at St. John's is a sin (and hopefully illegal) but does not involve the WELS in any direct way except as it involves all Christians concerned for God's people. I am sure the WELS errs in many ways. It is run by imperfect people. Imperfect just as are you and l, but not in this issue.
(When l used non-Christian earlier it was only concerning this one action. I understand you are men of God and l respect that, but even men of God make mistakes in judgement at times.)
GJ - Les, I do not know you, but I have known Pastor Kevin Hastings for about 20 years. I have attended a Lutheran conference at his church, met his members (long ago), and stayed in contact with him, now primarily through Facebook.
Facts are not Christian or Unchristian. WELS has been working through these two men from the outside. I know the name of the WELS "friend" who told Hastings "You need an exit strategy" and that he was talking to one of those men. To meddle with another man's call is Unchristian, unethical, devious, and cowardly.
Jeske and Huebner, out of pure spite, tried to get St. John out of the cemetery association. They failed. What difference could that possibly make?
When St. John began using its fabulous church and organ for public concerts, the WELS politicians began making a big nasty fuss. I received one of the emails sent to an organist, which the WELS pastor denied sending. Funny - it has his name and email address on it.
The new visibility of St. John made WELS look ugly, vindictive, and stupid. This theft is a way to get rid of Pastor Hastings, grab the building, and liquidate the assets.
WELS has some good members and pastors, but the leaders are an embarrassment to the Christian Church.
The DP who got rid of Pastor Hastings, long ago, and kicked out the mother church of the Synodical Conference, is also the same man protecting Mark and Avoid Jeske.
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Fox Valley Native Mark Belling Broadcasts about La...":
Ichabod -
I now know the reason (upon second look) why
Jeske doesn't possess horns.
I finally noticed those beady eyes........
GJ - Did you see the gold constellation? The pointer stars are aiming at it.