Sunday, April 21, 2013

Creepiness Continues - Ski Still on The Core's Website.

Expect more evasions and deceptions from DP Doug Engelbrecht.

Welcome to The CORE:

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Erasing the Past at St. Peter in Freedom, Wisconsi...":

"And yet Ski's Scrotum Sermon is still linked"

I think most of the (W)ELS laity and clergy simply do not care. The perversion of pure doctrine and right practice has been going on for so long that they are numb to the severity and consequences of the situation.

Notice how (W)ELS lists Ski as having Resigned and not publicly removed either on paper or in reality.


GJ -

Click on The CORE link. The opening movies still feature Ski, and so does a silly animation that follows.

Contact information about Ski is now missing.

When this first came out into the open, the opening movie disappeared, then reappeared.

Engelbrecht told the evening service of St. Peter's (aka The CORE) that Ski would return from his "leave of absence" in a few months.

St. Peter's has not admitted on its website that Ski resigned retroactively, but someone was busy erasing and de-linking routine bulletin and newsletter files.

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