Friday, April 12, 2013

Defenestration of Paul Kuske Reveals the Leadership Skills of the Twelve WELS Apostates

Just so you know - Paul Kuske is not one of my disciples. Too bad people even think that way. The clergy today want to bully and control people. All I want to do is get people to:
1. Read Luther's English Bible (the KJV).
2. Know the Book of Concord, the best one-volume commentary on the Bible.
3. Study the best Lutheran theologians, chiefly Luther and the Concordists, but also some post-Concord leaders.

When I heard that WELS Michigan DP John Seifert publicly stripped Paul Kuske (of his emeritus status), my response was, "A planted story. I am supposed to report this so they can deny it and call me a liar." Nothing is too low for WELS leaders - nothing.

But a number of WELS people insisted it was true, giving circumstances (announced at the latest conferences) and agreeing in the details (not in the written report). It seems that Kuske, retired, got the teachers in his Saginaw, Michigan school "upset" over the issue. Seifert struck back.

On the one hand, WELS takes years to study and not act on something bad, dangerous, illegal, stupid, unethical, or anti-Christian.

But when the WELS leaders hear justification by faith, those same lazy sluggards rise up with the wrath of God and strike, without embracing the opportunity to study the issue and resolve it Biblically.

They never "discovered" that all the leaders were sent to Fuller Seminary to learn Church Growth from an anti-inerrancy faculty. They never found out that Larry Olson had a drive-by DMin from Fuller when they installed him in a sincecure at Martin Luther (sic) College in New Ulm.

VP Paul Kuske was Floyd Luther Stolzenburg's
advocate in Columbus and wrote a reference letter for  Floyd
to get back into the ministry - while denying it.

Kuske has discovered that the methods he used so gleefully can be used against him as well. Seifert will learn eventually too. Those who escape the consequences of their apostasy on earth will face graver consequences in the life to come.

If everyone who cited the Eighth Commandment would
read this first, that would be great.