Monday, April 8, 2013

Ski as the Means of Grace - Scary for a Pastor, Funny for Fox Valley WELS Defender

"Leave Ski alone - I mean it."

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Ski's Scrotum Sermon at Morrison Zion WELS ...":

Ichabod -

Yikes! First, the "scrotum" remark and then this:

"My personal mission statement is this, because I’ve developed my own... From every pore of my body, I will ooze Jesus Christ so that in this world, as I brush up against people, my sweaty, oozy Jesus will get all over them!"  [Pastor Ski's own words]

I'll tell you, if I had been sitting in that church that Sunday, hearing this "Ski 'sermon,'" I would have jumped from my seat and scurried through the nearest exit enroute to the nearest restroom facility!

Nathan M. Bickel


One must uphold the brotherhood.
Even a den of thieves has honor.

Joel has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Ski's Scrotum Sermon at Morrison Zion WELS ...":

Hey, I was even roommates with Randy my Senior year.

The conspiracy keeps on growing, doesn't it, Greggy?