Saturday, April 27, 2013

Thrivent, United Nations, WELS, ELCA, and LCMS

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "The Chasm Between Faith and Apostasy Keeps Growing...":

I am happy to see Thrivent's close relationship with the United Nations being exposed. For many years carnage has been the United Nations number one export - the calculated slaughter of men, women and children around the globe.

This linked Ichabod post contains many real, relevant and relational information on the true nature of both organizations.

Theosophy has been the religion of the United Nations and the religion has itself supported the goals of the UN.

No surprise then that the Lucis Trust is the publishing NGO of the United Nations - once known as the Lucifer Trust until people couldn't sleep at night. Look up Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey and read about the prayer room they established in the UN's New York headquarters. Then read about Theosophy's true leaders according to Helena.

The Lutheran Synods are falling over each other to usher in the New World Order and lead their members into the NWO's United Religion. And that certainly makes more sense when the Antichrist condemns to Hell One Justification solely by Faith in Christ alone as does the (W)ELS, ELS, LCMS, CLC and ELCA. WELS DP Jon Buchholz proved that when he excommunicated faithfully Confessional Pastor Paul Rydecki for teaching and defending Justification solely by Faith Alone.

The Lutheran Synods are already operating in the New World Order and under the United Religion - the just haven't realized it yet.

Gratuitious kitten photo.


GJ - Lutherans should be running from any connection to the United Nations, instead of running to it.

Years ago, the Michigan District of WELS gave a cash gift to the United Nations. When I publicized the  gift, everyone demanded proof. I don't recall the future DP John Seifert objecting.

$60,000 to Lutheran World Relief (ELCA) and C.A.R.E. (United Nations). Pastor Kenneth Strack. 1997. BORAM, p. 165.