Wednesday, April 3, 2013

UOJ Decision Theology

Notice how this is exactly the same as the new version below.
WELS is totally committed to this anti-Christian heresy.

narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Classic Ichabod - Bethany Appleton as Church and C...":

I have to admit that UOJ confuses me. On one hand, they essentially call St. Paul a liar by denying the Law's primary purpose of condemning us, because everyone was saved at the Cross and empty tomb, whether they believe it or not. On the other hand, they hammer people with the Law on how to have a "Purpose-Driven Life" in these life-coach seminars.

Do I need to go to an overpriced seminar for someone to tell me how to pray correctly? Jesus taught that in His Word, which we should be receiving every Sunday. While we should certainly have healthy prayer lives, what about the Holy Ghost interceding for us when our prayers fail? What about the specific prayer Jesus taught us, The Lord's Prayer? This seminar rings of the Prosperity Gospel, where one is reprimanded for not having a million dollars dropped on the front porch due to improperly asking. I recall the Apostles having problems in their lives and suffering for the Gospel.

Another contradiction I find is in the condemnation of Decision Theology, yet UOJer's "orthodox" theologians hammer people with making a decision. If one disagrees with a UOJer, he will accuse YOU of promoting Decision Theology and having faith in your faith. This reminds me of Huber calling Hunnius a Calvinist. We are seeing the fruit of discarding the Means of Grace, which is what begins and feeds our faith. Perhaps the SynCons could have a seminar on Word and Sacrament, but this probably wouldn't be as financially rewarding.

WELSian Decision Theology is intact in the new edition,
so the Gospel-starved turn to the Babtists for comfort.

This is where the guilt-free saints in Hell thinking comes from.

Faith is meaningless in UOJ, so the Storm-Brownies
attack faith every chance they get.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Decision Theology":

Ichabod -

I would not doubt that J.P. Meyer was a WELS closet fan of Billy Graham. He wasn't satisfied until he could come up with a WELS version of people "making their own decisions for Christ," theology.

Nathan M. Bickel