Saturday, May 25, 2013

Introducing a New Meme - Curious Flamingo.
CF Asks the Hard Questions


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Introducing a New Meme - Curious Flamingo.CF Asks ...":

Ichabod -

I think that CF is onto something.

That, is how it works. And, that is partially why some remaining clergy become so hardened and insensitive. Some of those remaining clergy, witness these ongoing atrocities being committed against their own; and instead of recoiling and objecting, they become more connected to their synodical counterparts who have dealt unfairly and harshly with the discarded.

It is no wonder why there is lack of true Christian love and brotherhood with many denominational and synodical pastors. The earnest and well-intended pastors withdraw, while the ones who keep kissing up to their denominational and synodical officials become more entrenched, hardened and systematized. What do they obtain in return? Not the Lord's blessing; but only a false synodical or denominational security, because they are only hirelings.

Nathan M. Bickel


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Introducing a New Meme - Curious Flamingo.CF Asks ...":

Well said Rev. Bickel.