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John Maxwell is far more influential than Luther in WELS. |
narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Is the Holy Spirit Your Coach?":
While I can't judge the hearts of those making the above comments, it certainly sounds as if they could have come from a Joyce Meyer or Beth Moore seminar. It would have been nice to hear one comment stating: "The Holy Spirit shows me the truth of His Word, comforts me with the promises of the Gospel, and maintains my Faith in Christ through Word and Sacrament."
From Wikipedia: Paraclete comes from the Koine Greek word παράκλητος (paráklētos, that can signify "one who consoles or comforts, one who encourages or uplifts; hence refreshes, and/or one who intercedes on our behalf as an advocate in court").[1] The word for "Paraclete" is PASSIVE [emphasis mine] form, and etymologically (originally) signified "called to one's side". The active form of the word, parakletor, is not found in the New Testament but is found in Septuagint in Job 16:2 in the plural, and means "comforters", in the saying of Job regarding the "miserable comforters" who failed to rekindle his spirit in his time of distress.[2]
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Is the Holy Spirit Your Coach?":
Excellent comment!
I noticed that not one of these comments mentioned appreciation for the Holy Spirit's conviction of sin in a Christian's life. The Holy Spirit is not called "holy" for nothing.
Nathan M. Bickel
GJ - And Pastor Bickel - the conviction of sin begins with not believing on Jesus Christ. I am simply building on what you said, so people do not begin with the wrong image of sin.
Narrow - we can and should judge what people say about their faith. This began with Mark and Avoid Jeske asking
No one said -
This is an absurd question, or
You are confusing John Maxwell with the Holy Spirit, or
What are you capitalizing Coach?
This was set up as a catechism, and it only shows how vague, pan-denominational Christianity is a thin veneer covering the New Age boosterism of Maxwell and other hot air merchants.
narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Is the Holy Spirit Your Coach?":
Thanks for the comments, Pastor Bickel and Pastor Jackson. In light of "Time of (Dis)Grace," I have been thinking about all the AWANA advertising I have seen by Babtist and "community" churches lately. Since I knew nothing about it, I did some research. While it's about what I expected, here it is:
Just for giggles, I looked to see if any "Lutheran" churches were involved with AWANA.
Please note the second comment on this link:
When finished laughing, I am sad. My former-LCMS circuit was discussing taking a Focus on the Family study and "putting a Lutheran twist on it." Although I left before finding out what they decided, I wondered what was wrong with Christian instruction materials by our Lutheran Fathers.
GJ -
Fuerbringer thought the best materials on for practical human relationship problems came from the house-postils (sermons) of Luther.