ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Leading People Down the Path of Works-Righteousness
What do people normally think about when they hears these words - "to convict him of sin"?
Most people associate that phrase with contrition, with forgiveness to follow.
What is that sin? The first thought, the predominant thought is carnal sin - drunkenness, being a Prodigal Son and losing all the money on slow horses and fast women, drug abuse, embezzling the college chapel fund and lying about it, etc.
The predominant remedy is to make amends, to remove the sin by "changing your ways." Is that not what everyone says repentance (metanoia) means? No wonder people feel excluded from the Kingdom of God, because they are not strong enough to change their ways and cleanse themselves.
All this summarizes the essences of Pietism and Roman Catholic devotion, all centered around human works.
Justification by Faith
Jesus knows more about this subject than most - He defines sin as - not having complete faith in Him. "To convict someone of sin" means to reprove that person for faith in himself and for having no faith in the Savior.
That does not condemn a weak faith or a weak person. We all suffer from a weak faith at times, battered by circumstances, our emotions, and the insidious message of an unbelieving world. If we are at all honest, we are all weak, not always in the same way or the same degree, but we are all weak and frail, fallible and therefore mortal.
The true meaning of faith is to put aside all trust in human remedies, wisdom, and books, and rely only in the grace of Christ that comes to us in the invisible Word of preaching and teaching, the visible Word of the Sacraments.
Metanoia does not mean "change your ways," as if Jesus were a life-coach living out of a used van parked down by the river. The classical Greek roots mean afterthought or regret. Parsons often rely on pop Kittel rather than context, the Scriptures interpreting the Scriptures.
To convict the world of sin is the chief work of the Holy Spirit in the Word. "The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, because they do not believe in Me."
Repent of that sin. That does not mean do penance, as Luther was quick to teach. Lutherans quote him but forget the rest of it.
The sin is lack of faith, so joining a cell group is not a cure. Testifying is not a remedy. I have encountered various Evangelical who treat testifying as a work - one even saying that God would not allow spiritual growth if she were not testifying.
The SynCons have engaged in error and spiritual abuse by not showing their members and pastors the grace of Christ in the Means of Grace. LCMS pastors joke that a Missouri sermon is 99% condemnation followed by, "But Christ has died for your sins. Amen."
The Moravian Pietists (Zinzendorf's pet group) began with the Gospel and ended with the Law. Paul Calvin Kelm endorsed that in print, and we all know he never published an original heresy in his life. Think long and hard about WELS PC sermons. Are they not the same?
1. The entire world has been forgiven of its sins and saved. Halleluia. Only WELS has preserved this Gospel in all its purity. Praised be our name - WELS.
2. You miserable curs have not:
a. Given enough.
b. Witnessed enough.
c. Joined a cell group.
d. Volunteered enough.
e. Shown enough friendliness to fool visitors into thinking we are a loving sect.
f. Shown enough delight in being forgiven of all your sins before your were born.
g. So stay after for the WELS connection, so you can learn how to repair the damage to Holy Mother Synod.
An ELS sermon is simply - thank God we are not WELS. Amen.
The SynCon pastors are not told to be faithful to the Word of God and Confessions. Their leaders are hardly in a position to suggest that radical step. The pastors are commanded to obey Holy Mother Synod and protect Ecclesia Immaculata with lies, half-truths, slanders, and evasions.
Shunning is the SynCon sacrament. Everyone feels better after a good shun. Let's say someone told the truth about an illegal and immoral situation. The official answer is not to address the scandal with the Word of God, but to shun the person who blabbed to the press or police. Those few who refuse to shun are also shunned. Once all the shunning shunners are lined up, the truth-teller is frozen out. Everyone feels good again after a profound and complete shun.
Lutherans need to study faith.
I have been trying to show Lutherans where they can find resources on faith.
The SynCons go crazy-nuts-angry over this little blog because they cannot give up their works religion. Even more, they are terrified of what will happen when more people wake up to their greedy scams.
Pastors cannot fix their synods. The corruption is too in-bred and established. All they can do is study the Word, proclaim it faithfully, and visit with the Gospel.
Justification by Faith