Friday, June 28, 2013

Spiritual Abuse and Other Forms of Abuse Come from UOJ

They misused  Calov in favor of UOJ,
but they are silent now.
This directly repudiates what Jay Webber tries to sell,
and it came from Dr. Robert Preus.
Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Girl Slaves of Catholic Magdalene Asylums to Recei...":

There are substantial similarities between these heinous accounts and that of the WELS, ELS, LCMS and CLC in the spiritual abuse of the Laity when covering up and glossing over their new gospel; the false gospel of Universal Justification which they have foisted upon the men, women and children in the Seminary, pews and classrooms.

They have not been honest with their membership regarding their chief teaching. It has quietly replaced the Rock and sure Foundation of Christ in the church and it's tendrils now stretch out into every nefarious activity.

I liked the Luther quote recently used by faithful Pastor Paul Rydecki to wrap up his post:
[Paraphrasing the Apostle Paul:] “Therefore my doctrine is true, pure, sure, and divine. Nor can there be any doctrine that is different from mine, much less better. Therefore any doctrine at all that does not teach as mine does—that all men are sinners and are justified solely by faith in Christ—must be false, uncertain, evil, blasphemous, accursed, and demonic. And so are those who either teach or accept such a doctrine.” (Luther’s Works, Vol. 26, 59)