Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Best Ejukashunal System in America - WELS - According to SP Schroeder

We the mlc grads david strucely and myself, current student morgan jacob, and an old blc student kathryn Scislow are doing well as (sic) the second week as English teachers (sic!) this trimester here in Peru! — with Kathryn Scislow and 2 others.


 GJ - Do they teach how to use the shift key for capital letters at MLC?


Arron Landgraff has left a new comment on your post "Best Ejukashunal System in America - WELS - Accord...":

The truth is that when I make a Facebook post it isn't intended to be taken into consideration as a professional document; especially when it is written on a cell phone in the late evening. I am glad to see that you do take time to read about my life. If you are curious the end of the trip went splendidly as well and I have returned to the states. Thanks for the post!


GJ - They do teach how to make excuses. WELS is splendid in that area.