African Bishop Anathematizes Episcopal Presiding Bishop
By David W. Virtue
August 8, 2013

Writing in The Trinitarian the official organ of the ACC, the Rt. Rev. Alan Kenyon-Hoare, Bishop Ordinary of the Missionary Diocese of Southern African, said Jefferts Schori's statements made from the pulpit on Whitsunday whilst on a visit to Curacao in the Episcopal Diocese of Venezuela were heretical and that his pronouncement of anathema is irreversible.
He accused the Episcopal Presiding Bishop of saying that "all the writings of St. Paul are satanically inspired. I pronounce publicly that she is anathema.
"I did so on the grounds that she committed the one unforgiveable sin: that of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. That of course, is not my judgment, but of the Lord himself. Her statement was designed to lead her followers into heresy of the grossest kind.
The bishop said it is not possible for Dr. Jefferts Schori to repent of such a sin, since she can no longer tell the difference between good and evil, having said in effect that Satan and the Holy Spirit are one and the same person.
He said she made the statement to bolster her silly feminist beliefs. Whilst it may be possible to debate the ordination of women, there can be no excuse for blasphemy when doing so.
"I call upon all orthodox Christian leaders to support me in my public stand against all heresy, and this one in particular. It should be noted that a pronouncement of anathema is irreversible, and this ancient ecclesiastical curse was sanctioned by the early fathers."
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