The WELS convention was another debacle, but certainly in harmony with the notion of a sect rejecting
Biblical doctrine and claiming for itself such descriptors as orthodox, Lutheran, and confessional. And yet the First VP, James Huebner, is a Fuller-trained false teacher who mocks the Word and the Confessions.
SP Mark Schroeder seemed eager to act out the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, which could easily be renamed The WELS Leaders versus the Believer.
Schroeder sniffed that the break-away groups from ELCA, the LCMC and NALC, differed from their Mother Church in only one respect - they opposed homosexual ordination.
But did he explain why WELS continues to work with ELCA through Thrivent, with Mark Jeske on the board of the insurance company?
Schroeder could hardly disavow homosexuality in the ranks, with the WELS college video still playing on Facebook, the Director of Public Relations in the slammer, and known homosexuals in the clergy. When someone complained to Schroeder about an active homosexual WELS pastor, he replied, "Write a letter."
Schroeder does not answer letters or even remember them, so that advice is equal to, "Don't bother me."
I was waiting for an explanation of WELS working with two members of St. John in Milwaukee, to steal the property and endowment funds of that church.
Did Schroeder admit that the divinely called Planned Giving Counselors are actually insurance agents who had to obtain an insurance license before starting their jobs, because it is a commissioned job? Yes, if they can get a dying granny to give up a lot of money in an annuity (no health requirements), the PPC gets a big, fat commission. A moral hazard? - not in a crooked sect.
WELS is organized to get the maximum amount of funds to the laziest false teachers.
The convention was organized to keep the NNIV safe from any no votes. The final result was the NNIV leaders being in charge of picking the right translation to force on WELS members. Anyone who cannot discern this is obstinately blind.
Remember when everyone voted against amalgamation? They kept voting and discussing until it happened anyway. WELS keeps getting dumber as the smart ones with a taste for freedom walk away. Different leaders, same results.
Joel Gaertner ordered me to "stop slandering WELS." I did not know an entire sect could be slandered. I think he meant, "Stop publishing the truth."
Slander is the monopoly of the leadership, which is why so many are afraid to cross the cross apostates. WELS leaders start anonymous whispering campaigns against anyone who opposes their hellacious plans. Corky was "brain-damaged" for criticizing Church Growth and amalgamation. Likewise, the former seminary president was senile for questioning the DMLC-NWC merger.
Those who cannot put their names on their lies will spaz about my signed posts, especially since I write from experience, research, and inside reports from WELS.
One WELS goon almost went crazy when I told him that my information came from his fellow pastors. I never heard anything so funny in my life. First he was denying my facts. Then he was asking where I got the information (which assumes they were on target). Then, when he learned his buddies were telling me, incoherent hysterics in a little girl's voice followed.
One source in a distant city mentions my name or blog, just to watch people go into fits, ranting about things they have been fed by the WELS grapevine, while ignorant of the facts.
I have to cloud up a lot of anecdotes because too much precision would lead the WELS KGB to the door of the leakers. WELSians love to hate people out of their little sect, wondering why it keeps shrinking. Eventually it will be so purged of believers that they can merge with ELCA and The Episcopal Church.
I just checked my email. Craig Groeschel sent me an earnest message to buy his latest book. I had no idea who he was until certain WELS pastors (not in the Anything Goes District) got me to follow Craig and Pastor Tim. This goes on all over, with Keith Free and Mark Schroeder telling the sheep how wonderful and Lutheran they all are.
WELS made two public statements about its rejection of the Gospel. The first one was the rapid excommunication of Paul Rydecki, defenestration of his parish, and foreclosure of the church mortgage. WELS even started a cheeky little rump church in the same town, following the example of their ELCA mentors. ELCA does that often when losing a vote.
DP Jon Buchholz and SP Mark Schroeder were going to clean up WELS, being buddies and all. The only cleaning up they have done is to enable Church and Change, elevate Mark Jeske, and promote Jeff Gunn, Paul Kelm, James Huebner, Tim Glende, et al.
The second public statement was this convention, where everyone pretended that WELS teaches justification by faith instead of the opposite.
"Hypocrisy is the vice that pays homage to virtue," as Luther said in one remark. And he added, "But hypocrisy is still a sin." To pretend to teach JBFA while excommunicating for that Chief Article is the worst of all follies. Only a hardened heart could lead a sect in such deviousness, such cowardice.
The sins are piling up for Judgment Day, and that day is arriving fast.
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A UOJ fanatic said I cannot understand English. That is because I do not apply the OJ/SJ spectacles of Pietism. |