Thus, we are brought to assert the following:
Thesis 1
It is our unanimous understanding that the Christ paid for and made full satisfaction for every sin of every person ever to enter this world. The teaching of any sort of “limited atonement” is, therefore, condemned, as is any notion that would make Christ’s atonement less than sufficient, such as an idea that an
individual’s salvation is in any way dependent upon himself (whether with regard to character, works,disposition, or any other thing that might be attributed to Man). In spite of the rhetoric of some, we contend that both those who hold to and those who reject a Synodical Conference understanding of “Objective Justification” are in agreement on this Thesis.
Thesis 2
It is our unanimous understanding that salvation is received by the individual sinner only through faith, that none are to be regarded as saved except through faith, and that faith is (in keeping with the previous Thesis) not a work of Man, but a gift from God, given through His appointed Means of Gospel and Sacrament.
We further hold that the Gospel is not mere information, but that which actually confers what it announces or promises. Further, we grant that those who oppose the teaching of these theses by adherence to the Waltherian8 formulation of “Objective Justification” will consider our words thus far to be in agreement with their own. We condemn every form of universalism and any thought that Man has the merit and righteousness of Christ applied to him other than through that faith which is created by these media salutis [Means of Grace].
Thus far the Theses
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Valleskey and Radloff lied about their Church Growth promotions, and the Conference of Predators covered up for their DP who molested girls in his own congregation for decades. |
George Mueller (Mueller) Advanced Member Username: Mueller Post Number: 966 Registered: 11-2012 GM has a black belt in making unsupported claims. |
Denying objective justification and acting in an arrogant manner go together. Deniers of objective justification have a spiritual problem. They don't like the God who justifies the ungodly. So they won't let him. They always trip over God's words. They've got their system down pat and these ELDoNA guys have answers to most of the standard arguments against their position. But it's that pesky old Bible that gets in their way! They squirm, evade, toss dust, etc., but they cannot withstand the clear biblical truth. |
GJ - Thesis 1 is necessary because the UOJ fanatics always cry out that anyone doubting their scam is a Calvinist enthralled with Limited Atonement.
Are all the Baptists Calvinists? The UOJ crowd must think so, because anyone who part company with the syphilitic bishop and his enabler, Walther, is a Calvinist, even though Walther's education was exclusively in rationalism and abusive, sex-cult Pietism.
The natural allies of UOJ are the Left-wing Protestants, those decaying mainlines that prop up the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches. WELS and Missouri are decaying mainline sects too.
This phrase "justify the ungodly by faith" seems to unhinge the UOJ Enthusiasts, because the opposite sense, which they impose on their opponents, is impossible. Why would God justify the godly by faith? Believers are in Christ and justified by faith.
Therefore, George Mueller's talking-point eructations are simple displays of his lack of reading comprehension. He and his dimwitted allies would like to read the phrase "justify the ungodly without faith," but even the lupine UOJ leaders concede that justify only means justify by faith - in the Scriptures and in the Book of Concord.
Thus we endure another display of dishonesty, since the opponents of justification by faith really the enemies of this phrase from the Apostle.
Do they quote this? No.
They favor Romans 5:6, even though the chapter begins with justification by faith, which in literature is considered the theme established by the writer.
KJV Romans 5:6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
Did Christ die for the godly? They can continue their Universalistic tirades only if no one follows the text and reads its plain meaning. But lo - they think only the elite can discern the true meaning of the Word, which they alone can explicate. What is the word for that delusion? - Gnosticism. Their attitude is also a direct assault on the Biblical doctrine of the Holy Spirit.
Thesis 2
I cannot follow the meaning of this contorted sentence:
Further, we grant that those who oppose the teaching of these theses by adherence to the Waltherian8 formulation of “Objective Justification” will consider our words thus far to be in agreement with their own.
Is the problem one of poor writing or a need to throw a sop to the Walther gang? I have no idea why Walther's false doctrine should have any authority or credibility. The only people who consider Walther, BA, a theologian are those educated and ordained by Walther sects in the Midwest. Outside of that stygian darkness, Walther is just another cult leader, a clever journalist, but hardly a theologian.
To interject some honesty into this discussion, the formulation is not Walther's but Stephan's. The Walther hagiographies agree that he learned OJ from Stephan, who trained at Halle but never graduated from any school. Walther never deviated from Stephan's OJ, and the SynCon wolfpack still teaches the same drivel. Is it a wonder that they protect the child molester Darwin Schauer the same way Walther and the pastors protected the obvious adultery of their Bishop Stephan? And the WELS COP protected Ed Werner? And WELS headquarters SP Schroeder protected Joel Hochmuth?
The point may be that the original UOJ wording did not lend itself to universal salvation language, but the ELS and WELS indulge in it today. So do the Walther heirs when they over-indulge in Ovaltine and Geritol, a lethal combination. Therefore, I cannot fathom the reasoning behind the Satanic verse quoted above. The rest of the thesis is obvious to any believer.
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Party in the Lakes of Sulfur. |