Saturday, April 27, 2013

St. Peter Freedom WELS Movie - The People Who Brought You Koine for Easter Sunday


Why build such a vanilla church?

Original recipe.

Classic WELS interior,
plus ugly screen.

Nice stage. Nice computer monitors for mindless CoWo lyrics.
This looks like a generic Protestant mausoleum.
Is there a locked vault for the Book of Concord?

Easter Sunday - 5 minute sermon.
Koine crooning their timeless tosh.

Missouri Is NOT So Far Down the Rathole of Emergent Church Gimmickry.
Wait! What?

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Ski Still Lists Himself as the Pastor at The CORE ...":

BJS reports that one of the Concordia U's gave an honorary doctorate to a pastor who transitioned his parish from traditional Lutheran music to "Gospel" music, which I suppose involves praise bands.

Back in the mid-1990s I toured a new LCMS church in its construction stage. The church was quite large, and they made a point of showing the praise band platforms in the making. They were proud of themselves because in most other churches the praise band platforms had to be retrofitted, with the result that they looked retrofitted and out of place.

(The other point they made sure to mention were the steel studs used instead of wood two-by-fours. They cost twice as much as wood, but are always straight, are much lighter than wood, and present no fire hazard. When drywalled with gypsum, the walls are fire-proof rather than fire-resistant like drywalled wood frames walls are):

One of the official publications of one of our LCMS Districts reports that a retired pastor has just been given an honorary doctorate from one of the Concordia universities owing to the fact that under his leadership, his congregation’s music “transitioned from the emphasis on traditional music and added a more Gospel oriented genre.”

Thrivent, United Nations, WELS, ELCA, and LCMS

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "The Chasm Between Faith and Apostasy Keeps Growing...":

I am happy to see Thrivent's close relationship with the United Nations being exposed. For many years carnage has been the United Nations number one export - the calculated slaughter of men, women and children around the globe.

This linked Ichabod post contains many real, relevant and relational information on the true nature of both organizations.

Theosophy has been the religion of the United Nations and the religion has itself supported the goals of the UN.

No surprise then that the Lucis Trust is the publishing NGO of the United Nations - once known as the Lucifer Trust until people couldn't sleep at night. Look up Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey and read about the prayer room they established in the UN's New York headquarters. Then read about Theosophy's true leaders according to Helena.

The Lutheran Synods are falling over each other to usher in the New World Order and lead their members into the NWO's United Religion. And that certainly makes more sense when the Antichrist condemns to Hell One Justification solely by Faith in Christ alone as does the (W)ELS, ELS, LCMS, CLC and ELCA. WELS DP Jon Buchholz proved that when he excommunicated faithfully Confessional Pastor Paul Rydecki for teaching and defending Justification solely by Faith Alone.

The Lutheran Synods are already operating in the New World Order and under the United Religion - the just haven't realized it yet.

Gratuitious kitten photo.


GJ - Lutherans should be running from any connection to the United Nations, instead of running to it.

Years ago, the Michigan District of WELS gave a cash gift to the United Nations. When I publicized the  gift, everyone demanded proof. I don't recall the future DP John Seifert objecting.

$60,000 to Lutheran World Relief (ELCA) and C.A.R.E. (United Nations). Pastor Kenneth Strack. 1997. BORAM, p. 165.

Ski Still Lists Himself as the Pastor at The CORE (WELS, St. Peter, Freedom)




Pastor at The CORE
Candlelite Way & Oakbrook Ct ·


That is the Twitter page for Ski, today.

He is still welcoming people, with various "movies" on The CORE's home page.

The St. Peter, Freedom, Wi newsletter is strangely silent about all this, erasing all recent worship bulletins and newsletters.

This is interesting. St. Peter boasted in February that they received over $730,000 in pledges for their school building.

So why did WELS need to give them over $500,000 to buy a stinky old bar in downtown Appleton? And loan them enough to remodel and Febreeze it?

Breaking News - Update on pledges, 
from their Built on the Rock1 Facebook page.

To date we have received approx. $1.6 million in commitments. It is such a joy to see God's people respond out of gratitute (sic) for the Lord's blessings. Over the next months we will regularly be bringing to your attention some of the "faith statements" made by our various members. You can read in their own words what went through their minds as they considered our building project. 

Tim Glende wearing liturgical red - but was it a red Sunday?

No  - clearly a white Sunday.
Praise band. Check.
Giant screen uglifying the chancel. Check.
Another Groeschel sermon - Check.
A perfect WELS Easter in Emergent-land.
Where are the bunnies to pet?

Buchholz pretended to oppose Emergent Church Gunn.
Jon-Boy now criticizes the critics of Gunn.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Ski Still Lists Himself as the Pastor at The CORE ...":

Ask Jon Buchholz what the difference is between a pledge and cash in hand.

Wait, better yet, ask his previous church which is still saddled with the residual of $1.3M debt which he left them with.


Robin D Fish Jr has left a new comment on your post "Ski Still Lists Himself as the Pastor at The CORE ...":

It's unbelievable that someone would do this to a Lutheran church, especially on Easter Sunday. Those poor, poor folks in the pews!


Stetzer cannot spell disciple,
so WELS loves him.

GJ - Robin, it is quite believable. When an attorney, Rick Techlin, objected to the dishonesty, deceit, and plagiarism at St. Peter, Freedom and its rump service called The CORE, Glende and Ski excommunicated Techlin (without notice) and DP Doug Engelbrecht backed them up.

Engelbrecht even published an essay supporting clergy plagiarism, because "everyone does it."

Everyone certainly includes all the Shrinkers in WELS.

The alcoholism, plagiarism, and debauchery in WELS staggers the imagination - I will grant you that.

Don't forget Dark Helmut.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Ski Still Lists Himself as the Pastor at The CORE ...":

Ski's twitter page lists:

Candlelite Way & Oakbrook Ct, which Google Maps says is in
Darboy, WI 54915, to the west of Appleton. Streetview:

I presume that's Ski's house, in a really nice neighborhood with $300,000+ dollar houses. So Ski might be living the high life like all the synodocats are. It reminds me of Fleischmann of Christian Life Resources ( Ski lives the high life in the burbs (or exburbs) while ministering to bums in Appleton. Fleischmann meanwhile tries to convince poor single women (who have most of the abortions in America and many are in inner cities) not to have an abortion while living in a $300,000+ house in an exurb of Milwaukee.

The exact address in the yearbook is N305 Candlelight Way, Appleton, WI, 54915-8731.

Zillow, which is based on comp sales, says:

Your search at N305 Candlelite Way, Appleton, WI:

Tim Glende's Home on Zillow:

Your search at 4535 N Watershed Way, Appleton, WI:

The Chasm Between Faith and Apostasy Keeps Growing

They are ELCA-wannabees.

Facebook makes it easier for everyone to keep track of apostasy, because the ELCA units love to brag about their latest projects. Like the Shrinkers, the Lavender Mafia members love to crow about their dominance. The passive remain in bondage - they must like domination.

I am linking Exposing the ELCA now because they are good at updating their readers about ELCA's latest crimes against the Word of God.

LCMS, WELS, and ELS members/pastors should find their blood boiling, because their overpaid synod presidents willingly work with ELCA on a multitude of projects, from the congregational level to the national level. Of course, national for the ELS is an oxymoron. And WELS is merely a four-state synod: Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and Adjoining States (Nebraska).

Nevertheless, the millions wasted pile up, even when the sects are a small part of the pie chart - about 5% for the WELS/ELS.

All four sects work together following the ELCA agenda. Everyone must accept women pastors and ordained women executives. Missouri and WELS were doing that years ago with the The Membership (insurance funded) Initiative. But WELS and LCMS also work with open lesbian and homosexual executives. The lavenders leaders of each group know one another, but I am sure that is as far as it goes. I know what you are thinking - but that would be unionism!

WELS/LCMS/ELS oppose unionism. They are confessional!

The WELS DPs, who are so quick to get rid of justification by faith, are also blind to their constant work with ELCA. If they oppose the Gospel (justification by faith), and support the crimes of ELCA, they must be apostate themselves. Ditto LCMS and ELS.

I know many people of various confessions, who ask about this strange tolerance of abortion and gay activism, "How can stay in the same room with those people, let alone engage in religious projects of any kind?"

The rot spreads from the top. A few boards make sure their apostate buddies get the funds and the coveted positions.

In brief, if you donate to the ELS, WELS, or LCMS, you are supporting the ELCA agenda. If you pay for Thrivent products, you are funding ELCA, the Unitarian-Universalist Church, Habitat for Humanity, and the United Nations.

ELCA Malaria Campaign

ELCA Malaria Campaign Logo

Lutheran Malaria Initiative is Now ELCA Malaria Campaign
The ELCA, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and the LWR had been approached by the United Nations Foundation and offered a grant of $5 million to develop a movement to prevent and treat, increase awareness and educate those at risk for malaria.  As part of the grant, the ELCA agreement was to raise $30 million out of a total Lutheran Malaria Initiative goal of $70 million by 2013.

UOJ makes work with ELCA as easy as a DMin from Fuller.

WELS Works with These Blokes - LGTB Retreat.
Exposing the ELCA.
Woodja Call WELS/LCMS Apostate or Confessional?

Goodsoil is the advocacy group that dominated the ELCA 2009 convention,
when pastors suddenly discovered ....

  Exposing the ELCA - Exposed Blog:

Inez Torres Davis, the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) Director for Justice, is a regular writer for WELCA's website. She made this statement in her latest contribution to that website: 

“I pray to discover Sofia’s guidance so that I may identify and then take actions that carry God’s promises.” (see here)

I don't know how Inez Davis defines “Sofia,” whether it is some gnosticfeminist feminizing of God or if it is the pagan deity
 But neither is right and it should be rejected by Bible-believing Christians.


The ELCA's North Carolina Synod had this announcement in their latest e-newsletter:

LGBT Couples Retreat--Saturday, May 11

Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Fairview, NC, will host an LGBT Couples Retreat on Saturday, May 11, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This one-day retreat offers a time apart for LGBT couples to work on their communication skills and meet other couples who value spirituality as an important part of their relationship. There will be time for worship, relationship building, Bible study, and fellowship. The cost of this retreat is $40 per couple which includes a light breakfast and lunch.  

The retreat is made possible by a grant Abiding Savior received from Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries. "This is an area of ministry with the LGBT community that our congregation thought was missing," says the Rev. David Eck, pastor of Abiding Savior. To download the brochure and register for this event, please go to the Abiding Savior website. 
(see here)

This is the ELCA.  And Bible-believing members are having it forced upon them.


The ELCA's Southwest California Synod recently wrote this on their Facebook page:

    “If you and your spouse/partner are Portico Benefits members, please complete the survey before April 30 and save the synod’s congregations and ministries money!”

Notice “partner.”


The ELCA 1991 Social Statement on the Death Penalty declared “we oppose the death penalty.” (see here

The ELCA's Rocky Mountain Synod is publicly advocating the repeal of the death penalty. Their March e-newsletter said this:
Abolition Sunday - Focusing on Repealing the Death Penalty 

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - CO has been involved with a coalition working to repeal the death penalty in Colorado for many years.  This year is the year!   We ask everyone to get involved to support the repeal of the death penalty.  As Christians, we are called to be committed to justice and oppose the death penalty. "Executions harm society by mirroring and reinforcing existing injustice.  The death penalty distracts us from our work toward a just society.  It deforms our response to violence at the individual, familial, institutional, and systemic levels.  It perpetuates cycles of violence" (ELCA Social Statement).

One way you can take part is participating in Abolition Sunday.  During Abolition Sunday, you can host a guest speaker, watch a movie on the death penalty, gather facts sheets and petitions, and contact your Representative and Senator to support the repeal of the death penalty.  

(See here

So the ELCA believes the Bible is supportive of homosexual relations and abortions but is against the death penalty? They must be living in a Bizzaro World where right is wrong, up is down and wisdom is foolishness.

'via Blog this'

ELCA goes to Fuller Seminary for training
and also works on faux-evangelism projects with Missouri and WELS -
same great results!
Members give millions of dollars to keep all these thugs in their luxury digs.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Unanswered Questions

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Book Busta Gut at Your Emergent Church":

Why the US allows 70,000 Muslims to immigrate into the US every year, thereby importing a terrorism problem: Only 52% of Evangelicals view Islam as a violent religion, while healthy majorities of everyone else (mainliners, agnostics, etc) believe that Islam is an essentially peaceful religion:

Elders (ages 67 and older) are also less like likely than Mosaics (ages 18 to 28) to have a very favourable perception of the religion and are more likely to have a very unfavourable perception.

More than half of evangelical Christians (52 per cent) view Islam as "essentially a violent religion," a new report from Barna Group reveals, though only about a quarter (26 per cent) of all American adults feel the same way.

Despite the general perception of Islam within the evangelical community, 68 per cent of evangelicals agree with the statement: "Peace between Christians and Muslims is possible."

Researchers also found that 79 per cent of mainline Christians, 82 per cent of college graduates and 75 per cent of all American adults also believe such peace is possible.

The report indicates that those who associate with different religious groups tend to view Islam differently. Only 30 per cent of non-evangelical born again Christians, 26 per cent of Catholics and 20 per cent of people who are agnostic or have no faith also consider Islam to be violent. In contrast, 62 per cent of people who are agnostic or who have no faith agree that "Islam is essentially a peaceful religion," and 59 per cent of Catholics, 47 per cent of non-evangelical born again Christians and 27 per cent of evangelicals agree.

Book Busta Gut at Your Emergent Church

Apostasy Is Like a Radio Frequency Burn - Burning from the Inside Out

By Norma Boeckler.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Denominations Are Dead and Dying - Why That Matter...":

Apostasy is like a radio frequency burn. A hot stove burns from the outside of the flesh inward. Radio frequency burns from the inside out. Denominations do not matter because a Confession of Faith does not matter in today's Americanized Christianity. Apostasy is not a grass roots movement. The leaders sell the laity out for a bowl of watery gruel. Much of this was in its beginning stages even before non-denominational churches took the country by storm. When the Son of Man returns, will He find Faith?

KJV Luke 18:7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? 8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Extra Nos: Walther: The closer to Luther the better the theologian...unless

Extra Nos: Walther: The closer to Luther the better the theologian...unless:

Walther: The closer to Luther the better the theologian...unless

I have been looking over the Net on some striking Walther quotes.

How many times have I heard the famous C. F. W. Walther quote - the closer to Luther, the better the theologian?

Walther is held up as a guru by Synodical Lutherans; this pastor even said that the closer one is to Walther, the better is the theologian.

There is one example of fanatic if you ever want to find one.

During Walther's controversy on the doctrine of election, learned men frequently quoted to Walther the fathers of the Lutheran church.  Here is what Walther said, you can find the full quote in here.

The principal means by which our opponents endeavor to support their doctrine, consists in continually quoting passages from the private writings of the fathers of our Church, published subsequent to the _Formula of Concord_. But whenever a controversy arises concerning the question, whether a doctrine is Lutheran, we must not ask: "What does this or that 'father' of the Lutheran Church teach in his private writings?" for he also may have fallen into error;

Those words of Walther are an epitome of the quip - take my advice, I am not using it.

In reality, what Walther really meant in practice was - the closer to Luther, the better the theologian, unless, the theologian teaches against me (because the said theologian must be in error).

The words in red are my interpretation of his behaviour on how he handled criticism. In fact his UOJ followers have the same attitude towards their critics... they must be wrong.

When a person falls for a fallacy, one does not stop at swallowing just one fallacious argument. The person invariably swallows the next one and the one after that and so on and on.

Here is another Walther quote from this site and IMHO, shows that Walther and Huber were cut from the same cloth.

We are not reconciled to God when we believe, but we are already redeemed, are already reconciled to God, so that we believe.  This is also true regarding justification.  The whole world is already justified in Christ.  Faith is not the condition under which we are justified but the way and means by which we become partakers of the justification which God has long ago given us

There is the fallacy of misreading Romans 4:25.

A fish is caught through its mouth.

'via Blog this'


GJ - The little Walther book on Election is illuminating, because Walther teaches election without faith in his invented catechism and proves he is right by referring the reader to the same catechism.

Even worse, Walther quotes Luther constantly with the implication that Luther was talking about someone just like CFW.

Luther taught the Word, but Walther taught Walther.

Wasting Money - A FEMA Priority

The Tridge in Midland, Michigan flooded too.
The water is receding there, but not elsewhere.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "WELS and the Episcopalian Liberals Love to Excommu...":

Why the flooding on the Mississippi and other places is bankrupting the US--FEMA continues to fix up flooded houses instead of demolishing them.

In towns, the majority of residents has a vote for a buy out, and prove that it is cheaper for FEMA to buy them out rather than just fix up the flooded houses flood after flood. Some towns are so backwards that they don't ever fill out the necessary forms, and in other towns, the majority don't want the flooded out residents to leave, but rather rebuild, or at least someone else rebuild in the same spot. If FEMA buys out a house, no one can rebuild there again. Thus, it's pure selfishness on the part of those residents who want to stay, and it's helping to bankrupt America:

But in order for that money to arrive, towns must prove that flooding is frequent and devastating enough for a buyout to be cost-effective, and Dutchtown hasn't filed a suitable one yet, said Melissa Janssen, mitigation branch chief for the FEMA region that includes Missouri.

Another southeast Missouri town, Morehouse, also considered a buyout after the 2011 flood but opted against it, even though 75 homes were so badly damaged they had to be demolished.

Mayor Pete Leija said city officials were put off by FEMA's prohibition of rebuilding on bought-out land.

"We don't need property all over town just sitting idle," Leija said.

Denominations Are Dead and Dying - Why That Matters to Lutherans

Cain and Abel - sepia by Norma Boeckler.
Luther's Three Sermons for Cantate Sunday completely destroy the presumptions of Universal Objective Justification. That may explain why current Lutheran leaders ignore or disparage Luther.

But the issue is bigger than UOJ and Lutherans. In this Age of Apostasy, which will continue until Judgement Day, most denominational leaders are unbelieving apostates. The characteristics are obvious.

During the Reformation, the Church of Rome clearly represented unbelief. Anything that worked to scare the laity into giving money and working harder was embraced. Purgatory began to grow in lenth until it was assumed to last--for the most pious Carmelite nun--until Judgement Day.

WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect on the Prairie are run by apostates, because they work with ELCA while pretending to be holier than those blokes. In addition, they have sold their souls to Thrivent and blessed that among their congregations, so the pittance given to a parish is hailed as manna from heaven.

Anyone in those four Lutheran sects is free to mock the Word of God and carry on as a wolf. In fact, the apostate lupine leaders love their apostate wolf-pastors. Engelbrecht and Buchholz are not the only ones. Seifert organizes Death Squads for anyone in the Intrepid Lutheran blogging group, but somehow missed all the predations of Church and Change for decades.

This explains why political tactics are wrong and useless. Many call themselves conservatives, but rely on maneuvers--doing things right--to get something done. The apostate leaders are happy to guide the gullible on timing and limits, as long as the proper response is enthusiastic agreement or profound contrition.

The dividing line is justification by faith, the Chief Article of Christianity, the Master and Prince of all the other articles. This distinction is not simply within Lutherdom but applies throughout Christendom as well.

We hear about the loud, noisy, obnoxious Babtist leaders like Ed (Two Masters and Two Doctorates) Stetzer. Or stealth Babtists who are gay activists like Andy Stanley. Watch that category grow in number. Or the generic leaders like Craig Groeschel, who could be anything.

Many Evangelicals are horrified by the money-grubbing tactics of their alleged superstars. I have tried UOJ out on some of them. They could not comprehend anyone falling for an obvious example of Universalism - their name.

I asked some to look over the NNIV, Romans 3. I said, "The NNIV teaches UOJ." The brightest one said, in one verse, yes, but it still teaches justification by faith. That revealed an interesting litmus test. The Sausage Factory reads Romans 3 and finds UOJ, and they will tear up trees by their roots to get their apostate paraphrase. A believer looks at the same chapter and says - justification by faith is still there, even with the extra "all." (all are justified)

Naturally, Murdoch's media umbrella wants to sell to both sides of the issue, just like Herman Otten.

Saved by grace through faith - by Norma Boeckler.

As long as Lutherans sob for the approval of their apostate leaders, they will be driven down the same road to perdition.

A case in point - St. John Lutheran in Milwaukee is not the only property stolen by a denomination. The Episcopalians have made a hobby out of using national funds--and a mortgage on their headquarters--to take away the property of large, conservative congregations.

ELCA has a process (diaprax) for a congregation to take two votes and leave the denomination with their property. This describes how Grace ELCA in Eau Claire has lost $30 million in property and cash to the 10% of its members who wanted to stay ELCA.

Could greed have motivated ELCA to step in and play rough?

St. John in Milwaukee is a valuable property with cash and an endowment fund. A law firm worked with two men and WELS advice to grab the property and money, changing the locks to get rid of the legitimate members and the pastor.

A Time of Grace (WELS/LCMS/ELCA) staffer is involved - the pastor's vicarage supervisor. Whoda guessed that? WELS, greedy for money? That seems to be their theme, decade after decade.

Case in point - St. Peter (WELS) in Freedom, Wi. They have WELS grant money, Thrivent money, offering money, and still sell candy bars, pizza, SCRIP, and old newsprint for extra money. They are like the old Jewish woman who said, "If I were Rockefeller, I would be richer than Rockefeller."

Her friend said, "How could you be richer than Rockefeller if you were Rockefeller?"

"I would do a little sewing on the side." (Leo Rosten, The Joys of Yiddish)

The Spirit is truth - by Norma Boeckler

The UOJ Shrinkers used to cry that I was doing everything wrong. They cited the Four Noble Truths of WELS. But every time I copy their own materials, with the links, the materials disappear. "The guilty run when no one pursues."

Where are the current materials from St. Peter Freedom? Erased and de-linked.

The Lutheran wolves remind me of the pit bull that jumped its fence and ran straight across the street for our dog Sassy Sue. The pit bull attacked Sassy without breaking its stride. I planted my foot in the dog's ribcage, toe first, and the dog ran back faster than a DP from the Northern District. Sassy was unhurt, but very scared by the unwarranted attack.

Animal Control, from the police department, took the dog away about 15 minutes later. I painted a picture of the same dog jumping the fence to attack a child, because the owner defended his dog as "being territorial, like a cat. Cats are territorial too."

The shepherds of Lutherdom are feeding the wolves instead of using their shepherd's crook to poke them in the ribs and drive them away.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

WELS and the Episcopalian Liberals Love to Excommunicate.
VirtueOnline - News

WELS and ELS - love to extend the Left Foot of Fellowship, too.

VirtueOnline - News:

"Five Anglican clergy in the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (IEAB) including the Dean of the Cathedral in Sao Paulo, have been formally excommunicated by the ultra-liberal Brazilian Anglican province.

In a letter to VOL, Bishop Miguel Uchoa, Bishop of the separated Diocese of Recife, said they were suspended for schismatic behavior that amounted to abandonment of communion, but not defrocked. "It is all about power," he told VOL. "Naturally it is a futile gesture, even if liberal on liberal."

The Episcopal Church backed liberal Episcopal Brazilian province cited the constitutional sections of their canons and said the priests were now suspended from the ordained ministry of the church. One of the suspensions is the Dean of the cathedral in Sao Paulo."

'via Blog this'

Maybe the Blogs Died of Boredom - Even Pope Paul the Plagiarist's Was Down

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Keys to Grace Lutheran Church Given to 67 Disgrunt...":

BJS and most of the LCMS mega-blogs were down the last few days while the Icha-blog continued steaming along. The Icha-blog is Icha-Strong:

BJS blog's sob story:

Earlier in the week when we went down the first time, all the other sites hosted by Norm Fisher on the site that hosts BJS were down as well. These include the Book of Concord, the LCMS Sermons website (including Book of Concord weekly readings for insertion into church bulletis, Luther Sayings, Daily Bible Readings (1 year and 2 year reading plans), and 5 Minutes with Luther daily emails), the Year at a Glance that provides the weekly readings for the three year lectionary for any year, the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgical Congregations website letting visitors find liturgical congregations across the country, and the Wittenberg Trail.


pleasestandbyWe thank you for your patience for the last few days while the site was down. Every couple of years we grow out of our hosting capacity and we need to increase our hosting plan. It is a good problem to have. We all volunteer to keep this site running. Unfortunately the new hosting package took a while to get set up, then it took a bit to get the site moved over.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will continue to do our best to be the go to place for Lutheran news and commentary.
Earlier in the week when we went down the first time, all the other sites hosted by Norm Fisher on the site that hosts BJS were down as well. These include the Book of Concord, the LCMS Sermons website (including Book of Concord weekly readings for insertion into church bulletis, Luther Sayings, Daily Bible Readings (1 year and 2 year reading plans), and 5 Minutes with Luther daily emails), the Year at a Glance that provides the weekly readings for the three year lectionary for any year, the Evangelical Lutheran Liturgical Congregations website letting visitors find liturgical congregations across the country, and the Wittenberg Trail.
As you can see, we have been able to restore the site to functionality. Hopefully this new upgrade will support BJS for many years of continuing growth.
Tim Rossow, Editor
Joshua Scheer, Associate Editor
Norm Fisher, Technical Support
and the rest of the BJS team