ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Friday, February 14, 2014
Rolf Synod Argues the Way Bill Nye Does - Making It Personal
The atheist Nye used the weakest form of argument at his recent debate, assuming he was only talking to evolutionists. Although he should have been aware of a vast amount of Creation arguments, he kept referring to Creation as "Ham's Creation" and "Ham's concept."
This is a personal attack - plus guilt by association. I read it all the time at the skunk patch called LutherQuest (sic). The snide tone conveys the thought that the subject matter in not worthy of consideration. Associating it with one person says, "Anyone who believes in Creation is a foolish follower of Ham."
Before Megatron met its untimely death (when Tom-Tom software destroyed it), I had a list of Creation statements from well known scientists of the past.
The Rolf Synod did the same thing, constantly referring to "Rydecki's justification." In fact, they begin with Paul Rydecki being received into ELDONA and giving a paper on justification by faith. Told in hushed tones of outrage normally reserved for the Protest'ants, the history of Christian doctrine is brushed aside in favor Walther's hand-picked parrot, F. Pieper. Fuerbringer specified that Walther changed the rules to get Pieper the job.
For Walther, the divine call was "whatever CFW demands as the Missouri pope."
First, A Matter of Definition:
“Objective Justification” has been variously presented
• as merely a synonym for unlimited atonement,
• as properly referring to justification as the object of faith,
• and as the ‘proper’ understanding of the teaching.3
This last view states that it is a fact4 that Mankind has been not only atoned for by Christ, but actually declared free from sin by God prior to faith. In the resurrection, it is said, God actually absolved the world.5
Acta Apostolorum, Rolfus Synodum.
The footnotes refer to Pieper, F. Bivens!, and Sig Becker. Thus the only possible definition comes from that self-perpetuating fanaticism known as UOJ.
Since the Rolf Synod considers UOJ canonical, any variation from their Enthusiasm must be rejected as the demonic negation of their true Gospel.
Every so often I try out the UOJ dogma on Evangelicals, who invariably say, "They are Universalists." In fairness, I say, "Not quite, according to them. If someone believes in their world absolution without faith, that persona is saved. But everyone is forgiven, absolved, and guilt-free whether they believe or not."
That only brings puzzled looks. My English students were not fooled by the New NIV, Romans 3. When I showed them the extra "all" - all are justified (contrary to the actual text), they said, "No, it still says justified by faith."
But the dimwits at Mequon promoting the NNIV race past that fact and yell, "See that - all are justified. It is in the Bible. All are justified."