Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sad - An Odd Parallel to the LCMS Seminary Fraud

How is this different from the LCMS lying for years that they had a shortage of 600 pastors from the Seminex crisis?

The LCMS gets young and old men to spend $100,000 for a degree that does not necessarily lead to a call. If the man actually gets a call, there is a good chance he will be ousted by the District Pope. There is a good chance he will even be kicked out after his vicarage year, with no chance to finish or return. It is just like the phony college head running away with the money. "So long, sucker."

All Lutheran seminaries are completely on their own. The Synodical Baby Boomers spend "mission dollars" on their own fat salaries and let the seminary students bankroll the underworked and overpaid seminary professors through student loans.

ELCA knows the writing is on the wall - they are closing seminaries right and left.

When I published the precisely researched figures on the LCMS seminary scams, DP Benke asked on the ALPB Online Forum, "Are those figures real?"

The hero of the Leftist Church Missouri Synod has no clue about seminary costs today.