Thursday, February 27, 2014

Stay Tuned for Shocking Announcement about Ski - WELS Fox Valley -
Anything Goes District

The WELS high school also had him speak on his favorite subject,
since Ski can relate on the same emotional and academic level as high school students.

This is from DP Doug:

Wishing to demonstrate sensitivity to those who have concerns about James’ return to the public ministry, and at the same time reflecting the thoughts of those both inside and outside the district who have expressed a desire to see this brother return to the pastoral ministry, we have placed a number of stipulations on the granting of CRM status. One: that the granting of CRM status exists only to allow James the opportunity to receive a call into another district. This means that he would not use his CRM status to preach or perform acts of public ministry in the Valley or in the synod, which normally could be done by those who hold CRM status. Two: according to COP policy CRM status will lapse after three years. If no call has been received or accepted in this period of time, it would seem appropriate to counsel him to move on with a different vocation. Three: should James fail to honor the terms under which we are granting CRM status, his CRM status will be revoked immediately.


Translated by someone as:

"Yes, here is a man who is irreproachable (except in the Valley) and an approved candidate for representing Christ to His people (except in the Valley, where he is not approved), and if the Lord of the Church extends a call to him through a congregation in this part of the state of Wisconsin, we will determine that the Lord has no right to extend such a call of that man whom we have approved for ministry."

When politicians like A. Weiner inspire memes like this,
their careers are over.
In WELS - the only one with a problem  is the person who reports it.
Glende's ministry team took a member to court for
responding to a public request for advice about Ski's fitness.

PS - There are bets that St. Peter in Freedom will call Ski anyway.