Saturday, February 8, 2014

Will the Timid Lutherans Follow the SynCons Down the Drainpipe?

The haughtiness of the SynCons is matched only by their dishonesty. Although the ELS, LCMS, and WELS loathe e one another, they mutually protect their Pietistic myth--whenever it is threatened.

Thus WELS and Missouri really dislike like Christian News, but they are always on the phone to get Otten to spin their bad news - and he obliges. I have been at his office when faxes from such people as ex Concordia president John F. Johnson were rolling in, when phone calls were coming from various officials.

When I wrote that the SynCons have as much of a problem with abusive, homosexual clergy as the papists, Otten went to the front page to express their outrage and post his abject apology for publishing my review of the Randy Engels Rite of Sodomy book, an article where I pointed out some of the facts about LCMS-WELS cover-ups. WELS seemed especially upset.

Shortly after that, the FBI raided WELS headquarters and found hundreds of man-boy rape graphics in the desk of Joel Hochmuth, the Public Relations Director of the sect. Hochmuth admitted to swapping child porn files with other felons. Moreover, Hochmuth and SP Schroeder had jointly published a letter denouncing ELCA for their support of gay rights.

But I am the bad guy. SP Harrison, aka Matt the Fat, ordered his lobbying group, Steadfast Lutherans to wipe out the thread on the convicted sex felon that Missouri put into a parish to rape again.  Matt commanded, and they erased - so Steadfast they make my head spin. All the copied material is still on this blog.

Timid Lutherans still support:

  • Mark the Bookkeeper, who is little more than Jeske's executive officer; 
  • Matt the Fat, who props up Paul McCain at CPH
  • Pope John the Malefactor, distinguished sect destroyer (his own).

No matter how bad these apostate leaders are, their betrayed constituents still support them. The "conservative" members are told that the brave leaders are fighting hard against the liberal elements, so they must not criticize or say anything that might offend Holy Mother Sect.

After decades of being warned against Thrivent (and predecessors) and ELCA (and predecessors), the LCMS-WELS-ELS combine is still happily spliced to both. For pity's sake - even the sainted Richard Neuhaus had problems with AAL/LB. The WELS answer was to kick out pastors for questioning AAL's relationship with the money-grubbing leaders.

Now all three are stuck with Mark Jeske and the Planned Parenthood/Thrivent scandal. But the Timid Lutherans will find a way to excuse this too, and life will go on. The idea is to find a scandal that Lutherans have no power to address and cluck tongues over tat.