Tuesday, March 11, 2014

WELS Going Bust...Again.

We need another dead adulterer!

At its regular winter meeting last week, the Synodical Council (SC) began to address the situation that confronts the synod in view of the 2014 Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO) subscriptions.
The ministry financial plan adopted by the 2013 convention called for a four percent increase in CMO in both 2014 and 2015 to maintain and, in some cases, to provide for expansion in some areas of ministry. Unexpectedly, the just-received CMO subscriptions for 2014 show a decrease of more than one percent from what was received last year. This news, coupled with the relatively flat CMO receipts in the last several years, led the SC to reduce the CMO forecast to one percent growth in 2015. The difference between what was planned and what now appears reasonable amounts to approximately $300,000 in fiscal year 2013-2014 and $1.2 million in fiscal year 2014-2015. If this situation does not change, significant changes will need to be made in the approved plans.
In view of this substantial decrease in expected funding from CMO, the Synodical Council has authorized the use of additional Financial Stabilization Fund reserves if necessary during 2013-2014 and has directed the synod president, with input from the various areas of ministry, to develop a prioritized plan to reduce planned expenditures by $1.2 million in fiscal year 2014-2015 (which begins July 1). The plan will be presented to the Synodical Council at its April meeting. 
As it looks at ways to reduce expenditures if the necessary financial support does not materialize, the SC recognizes that financial support may increase from other sources (such as bequests and other types of gifts). At the same time the SC has encouraged the Conference of Presidents to consider how it can work with congregations to respond to the potential shortfall.  The Financial Stabilization Fund provides time to make reductions in a planned way if necessary, but it also provides time for congregations and individuals to respond with additional financial support.
As it wrestles with this current dilemma, the SC will also begin working on the ministry financial plan for the 2015-2017 biennium.
The SC also considered the following items:
  • The Pension Commission reported significant improvement in the funding status for the synod’s pension plan. The Pension Commission will continue to evaluate the plan’s design and policies.
  • A Capital Funding Committee has begun its work to address the synod’s long-term capital funding needs, including those at the ministerial education schools.
  • The SC reviewed the list of unfunded program priorities and made no changes.
  • The SC received a progress report from the Ad Hoc Commission II. The commission will be providing a similar progress report to the district conventions this summer.
Serving in Christ,
President Mark Schroeder

GJ - Perhaps people do not want to market Thrivent, support Planned Parenthood, the United Nations, Thrivent, and ELCA.