Friday, May 16, 2014

Lear (sic) from Joel Lillo - Who Cannot Spell Archeological.

He corrected himself later, but only caught one of two errors!
Write first, party later, Joel.

Fox Valley WELS Pastor Joel Lillo;
Greg, I hate to tell you this, but it looks as if someone has hacked your account.  There is an article that has been published on Ichabod today that doesn't feature any photoshopped images of WELS pastors in clown suits.  It only has information about an important archaeolgical (sic)  dig in Galilee with an intimate connection to the work of Jesus.  It's actually interesting and informative.

You need to look into it and make sure that whoever posted it isn't able to access your account again.  Otherwise, your moronic followers will actually have to lear (sic) to read instead of just pointing at the pictures and saying, "Ha ha! Funny looking pastor!"
Just thought you needed to know.


WELS Pastor Joel Lillo responded:

"Write first, party later, Joel."

I grow tired of asking this, but I must ask it once again: Are you accusing me of being an alcoholic? It's an easy yes-or-no question.  Will you please answer me this one question you bilge rat?


More Joel:
That wasn't an answer, pusillanimous poltroon!


Former WELS member:

Hi Greg,

Does Lillo realize that he called himself moronic?  It's obvious that he follows your blog too.

There are many self-help tests and tools available to help those who may be wondering about their own condition as it pertains to drinking. Most of these tools are in the form of simple tests. One of the more popular is the CAGE Questionnaire.
The CAGE Questionnaire asks four questions. Answering yes to two or more of the questions may indicate a problem.

    1. Have you ever felt you needed to cut down on your drinking?
    2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
    3. Have you ever felt guilty about drinking?
    4. Have you ever felt you needed a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?

Joel can answer his own question about being an alcoholic.