Frequently Axed Questions
Q26: Is the conference open only to CELC* members? *CELC = Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference of which the WELS and ELS are members
A: The 2015 Christian Leadership Experience and its organizing partners are specifically inviting the people who make up our constituency, which is primarily WELS/ELS or CELC. However, the event is open to whomever (sic) is interested in building their leadership skills.
The topic is discussed here.
Using whom and whomever in the wrong place is typical of those with poor training in English. They use "myself" instead of me. They never use "me" as the object of a preposition - "they gave the job to Bob and I."
Theology is the grammar of faith, as Paul Holmer, my professor at Yale, observed. WELS is a good example of bad English grammar and horrible theological grammar.
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My conference will be soooo big. |
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Elton Stroh is teaching Martin Luther College students how to dump the liturgy and creeds at their big old fuddy-duddy congregations. Those musty old practices are dated and uninviting. |
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This is the original photo, before it was edited by WELS to make the whiteboard writing hard to read. But they left in the same blonde, the same outfit on Elton. |