[GJ note - So many post anonymousely that the others have to respond to the Anonymous handle plus the time stamp. Hence this one is Anonymous at 12:41PM, Anonymous 12:41.]
Just so all the readers of this blog know the real reason “Mathias” is anonymous is because he is not a real pastor. He is a fraud. He is not a WELS pastor so he pretends and remains anonymous.
He has also been deleting these comments so if you read this you are one of the fortunate few. He has become like li’l Greg and his icky blog deleting anyone who disagrees with him.
To Spencer, Baker, Vernon, Lidtke et. al. If you continue to post and respond here please do not be surprised when people do not take you seriously elsewhere. It shows a lack of common sense to take up whatever issues you may have with the WELS with someone who is a fraud and deletes comments so only one side is known. If I am ever personally at a Synod or District Convention with you I will personally see to it that as many pastors and lay people know that you are the ones who post on blogs with someone who fakes being a pastor and who deletes any comments from the other side. You will have no one to blame but yourselves for your own poor reputation. (Being OK with someone impersonating a pastor will not be received well by anyone.) Show common sense and “mark and avoid.”
To “Mathias,” I pray that whatever sick thing is going on in your head you will repent of your sin of impersonating a pastor. It is a sin, no matter what you say, to impersonate a pastor. I pray you listen to me before you listen to God in judgment.
I have a feeling however that instead of applying God’s Law to your own heart you will just delete my post.
He has also been deleting these comments so if you read this you are one of the fortunate few. He has become like li’l Greg and his icky blog deleting anyone who disagrees with him.
To Spencer, Baker, Vernon, Lidtke et. al. If you continue to post and respond here please do not be surprised when people do not take you seriously elsewhere. It shows a lack of common sense to take up whatever issues you may have with the WELS with someone who is a fraud and deletes comments so only one side is known. If I am ever personally at a Synod or District Convention with you I will personally see to it that as many pastors and lay people know that you are the ones who post on blogs with someone who fakes being a pastor and who deletes any comments from the other side. You will have no one to blame but yourselves for your own poor reputation. (Being OK with someone impersonating a pastor will not be received well by anyone.) Show common sense and “mark and avoid.”
To “Mathias,” I pray that whatever sick thing is going on in your head you will repent of your sin of impersonating a pastor. It is a sin, no matter what you say, to impersonate a pastor. I pray you listen to me before you listen to God in judgment.
I have a feeling however that instead of applying God’s Law to your own heart you will just delete my post.

The comment above was caught by the spam filter, but I let it through so that everyone can see how the WELS company men fight. Very dirty. Very personal. Very threatening.
I'm also very curious why this individual is so certain that I'm not a pastor. Why would someone anonymously pretend to be a pastor? I'm not sure how to prove that I really am a WELS pastor, but I am.
I'm also very curious why this individual is so certain that I'm not a pastor. Why would someone anonymously pretend to be a pastor? I'm not sure how to prove that I really am a WELS pastor, but I am.

One other thing. I've never deleted posts by people from the other side of the argument. In fact, as anyone who has actually read this blog would know, I am eager to respond, sometimes line-by-line, to the arguments of other. I have also repeatedly asked for people on the other side of issues to make a case for their position.
There has only been one time that I've deleted comments. There were some off-topic personal attacks against someone else on one thread that I got rid of. That's it though.
There has only been one time that I've deleted comments. There were some off-topic personal attacks against someone else on one thread that I got rid of. That's it though.

My goodness. One observation about LCMS call practices and an interesting happening in the early years of my ministry surely deserved that anonymous threat, don't ya think? Anonymous at 12:41, you've given the WELS ministerium more of a black eye than anyone else who has posted on this blog!
How exactly, Anon 12:41, are you so sure "Matthias" is not a pastor? Nothing I've read here seems very unlikely to me.
Randall Schultz