Wednesday, August 13, 2014

WELS Engages in a Vile Deception about the Chief Article of Christianity -
Justification by Faith

Many WELS essays about their precious UOJ dogma - justification without faith - start with Justification is the chief article of the Church, the master and prince.

That is true of justification by faith, taught by:

  • The Scriptures, especially St. Paul the Gospel of John.
  • Augustine, Luther.
  • Melanchthon.
  • Chemntiz.
  • Polycarp Leyser.
  • The Book of Concord.
  • Gerhard.
  • Calov, et al.

But UOJ was first a heresy promoted and quashed after the Formula of Concord. The heresy emerged again in Pietism, taught at Halle University by various heroes of WELS/ELS.

The syphilitic founder of the Missouri Synod, Martin Stephan, caught his dose of UOJ at Halle University. Never graduating from any school, Stephan went on to lead his bewitched laity and clergy, plus his diseased groupies, to America. He left his dying wife and children, except the healthy son, in Dresden.

Walther, with only a bachelor's degree, assumed the role of Dr. of Theology for All of America, much like his Church Growth/Emergent Church followers of today. CFW continued UOJ and made sure his parrot, F. Pieper, taught the same. Francis did not disappoint.

The UOJ Stormtroopers want us to believe that their concocted dogma is the Chief Article, the Master and Prince, because they have no concept of the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace. Moreover, they despise the exclusive work of the Holy Spirit through the Word.

Whether one follows the Scriptural doctrine of justification by faith or the Halle dogma of UOJ, WELS is lying about the Chief Article.

WELS, the ELS, and some zanies in the LCMS
think faith is a work of man. Did Luther?

Is this the Calov who taught UOJ,
according to WELS?

Is this the Augustine who taught UOJ,
as Jon Buchholz and Jay Webber claim?