Christian Schulz Can anyone name a recent WELS mission plant which retained the historic liturgy and took its oath the Lutheran Confessions seriously -- especially in regards to AC 24? Knowing the answer is "no," why is that? Why is the WELS overwhelmingly supporting sectarian and heretical forms of worship over and against its sacred tradition from the times of the apostles and especially to its own oath -- the Augsberg Confession? This alone shows that the WELS is bent on adopting heretical forms of worship. There's seriously nothing you little (no offense) lay people can do to change it unless it's regarding a massive amount of tangible results for the leadership, i.e. money withheld. Otherwise they'll just head where they've already been -- straight to sectarianism, directly away from the Christian tradition and faith. There are reasons behind our worship and actions and WELS seems to not get that and continues to choose to act like heretics while unreasonably claiming orthodoxy.
38 mins · Like
Christian Schulz Simply put, the reason why there aren't "traditional" mission starts and the reason why there are sectarian mission starts instead just shows you where the WELS is at and where its leadership sides.
Have we already forgotten about Pr. Rydecki who was defrocked from the WELS ministerium for teaching in accordance with the Lutheran Confessions (and Scripture, therefore) for teaching that sinners are justified by the God-given faith in Christ? There are so many issues at hand within the WELS. It's if we recognize and are willing to debate them in light of THE FACTS that will have any significant change.
Christian Schulz And I know I just quelled any further debate because I brought up the ominous UOJ. But again, the facts speak over and against WELS' position on that particular case....
Christian Schulz Yeah, I try not to comment much because I can't get over all the obvious injustices and obvious wrongs that are being allowed and supported by the WELS over and against obvious scholarship, historic writings of holy tradition (cf. Chemnitz regarding Tradition), the Lutheran Confessions, and of course, Sacred Scripture. I try to let those with better temperament talk for me, like Bryan Lidtke, Joe Jewell, et al. Most of these issues are very, very simple if we all had the same guiding norm. We obviously don't. We are of another spirit. We don't think of the Confessions on the same level, we don't think about the historical contexts of Scripture in the same way (i.e., the Psalm 150 twist), and we obviously don't think about the holy Sacraments, the Real Presence, and the efficacious Word in the same way. Because if we did, we'd come to the same conclusion on evangelism and how the holy Spirit operates. It shows a major lapse of unity. Lutherans evanglize in one way, false teachers\ in another. Both relfect a different teaching, a different doctrine, behind why they do it that way. We obviously think differently about what Scripture says and which is why I think this is much, much more than an "adiaphora" issue.