WELS Documented
AnonymousDecember 23, 2014 at 4:37 PM
To add, in however small a measure and not nearly as eloquently, to what WELS Discussed has said. Intrepid Lutheran's was the latest endeavor to form a group in opposition to the existing order. Intrepid Lutherans has ceased to exist as an effective advocacy group. In no small measure because when the DP's applied pressure to the Pastor's, the Pastor's melted away. Perhaps the Pastor's instead of withdrawing their names and support should have detailed the conversations occurring with the DP's on the Intrepid website instead. Shine some light on what was occurring. Perhaps exposing what was occurring to public view would have helped. Doing so would have exposed any abuses of authority and position by the DP's and provided a testimony to the sheep of faithful service and constant belief while being persecuted. If the Shepherd's won't stand up and speak, why would the sheep? If the SP wants hundreds of Pastors and thousands of lay voices then he needs to lead and lay it on the line. Would he get those voices and support if he stepped forward? He won't know unless he steps forward.
GJ - I don't comment on the WELS Documented Blog - and I do not post there, either. However, I do copy worthwhile posts and noteworthy replies.
Mark Schroeder is not a leader - he is a puppet of the Mark Jeske mob. They will tolerate him as long as remains passive and submissive. Obeying Mark and Avoid Jeske is worth $250,000 a year in pay and benefits, perhaps more. Jeske makes almost that much on the Thrivent board alone.
The fascinating part is watching the enablers, the pastors who know better and advise people to write letters and contact the SP's office. The only thing they will get from it is WELS-spin.