Friday, July 18, 2014

Abusive Narcissists Attractred To Mark Driscoll

I Photoshopped a Mark Driscoll prophesy several years ago.
Now it is coming true.
 A recent outpouring of accounts by former church members of Mars Hill, Seattle's own homegrown megachurch, are painting a picture, both fascinating and horrifying, of outrageous and psychologically damaging behavior that's been happening inside the church for many years.

Women's Training Day at one of Mars Hill's Seattle meetinghouses. Photo: Mars Hill Church
There are emerging stories of sensational kangaroo courts and "sex demon" trials, like something out of the Salem witch hunts of the 1600s. Even more devastating to individual members are the ways in which they are shamed, taught to blame themselves and each other when they see problems, and to formally shun people who step out of favor with church leaders. Shunnings, both formal and informal, have caused the outcast to spend years in isolation, cut off from friends, sometimes suffering deep clinical depression, nightmares, disillusionment and shattered faith.
More at the link directly below:

Tim Glende and Ski went to a
Mark Driscoll conference some years ago,
hiding the facts in the church bulletin,
making it appear to be a WELS pastoral conference.

Recovering Mark Driscoll True Believer

Mark Driscoll's disciples
show the same contempt for women.
They posted these photos with sex-tart Katy Perry on their Facebook Accounts.
I predict the same conclusion for WELS celebrity shrinkers as Mark Driscoll is now experiencing. Glende has already ruined one congregation, turning a thriving campus church into foreclosed property with only a few members. Sure, Church and Change let him vamoose before his precious coffee bar church was built, but the stench of failure was already in the air when he packed his bag faster than Jonah. But it was Mark Jeske--rather than a whale--who vomited him on the shores of Dead Horse Bay.

Church and Change has bailed out Ski three times in a row. Like Glende, he had to change districts so everyone would forget what happened in the last place. Like Glende, he worked for Mark Jeske.

Are they like Mark Driscoll?

  1. When an attorney proved that they were plagiarizing Craig Groeschel, that Glende lied about it, they excommunicated him.
  2. When the husband of their victim spoke against their behavior and Ski's return to the pastorate, four staff members sued him in court.
  3. Do they shun and shame anyone who questions their power grabs?
  4. Did the District Pope threaten any pastor who doubted their divine status?  

Little Rain - Many Birdbaths.
Birds Love Elbow Room and Variety

We have been following the disappearing rain news all week. Others are flooding, including southern Arkansas, but we are dry. Two days of rain predicted turned into a tiny bit of rain last night.

I have pictured a fancy birdbath above, and my birdbaths below. Some people build one fancy birdbath and stop at that. They have something to clean and fill, so why would they buy ten of them, or even five?

We are going to be watering for the next month, so I have about 12 birdbaths stationed to catch the extra water. 
  • Two are under faucets, 
  • One catches the AC water condensate. 
  • Quite a few are under the suspended drip hose along the fence. 
  • The rose garden has two more and the tomatoes have one.

The humble plastic dish above can be bought for $1 or so. Similar items are offered as dishes to catch the water under a flower pot. A container is worth $10 when it is listed as a birthbath, so look for these trays instead.

Our helper dug up a metal pot in the backyard, where one area was likely used as a dump, complete with broken glass. He threw the pot away. I saw another birdbath in the rough, so I placed it under the faucet for washing and filling.

These dishes almost clean themselves and fill all the time from the necessity of watering.

The result is a wide variety of birds using them throughout the day. They have a much greater need for water than for food from us. Most birdfood is the equivalent of Cheetos for birds, and they do not eat much of that for their diets. Experts say the amount is 15% at the most.

But water for bathing is essential and hard to find around here, apart from natural sources. Birds are defined as animals with feathers. Even those evolutionists with Darwin tattoos admit that "feathers are a miracle." They are lightweight and required for flight, but specialized feathers also provide warmth and waterproofing.

The robins who look so puffy in early spring are simply using downy feathers to create a sweater effect, trapping body heat in the air spaces created.

These feathers have to fit together just right to work, so bathing and preening are essential for flight, for life, for comfort and health.

So when I run the Elevated Soaker Hose, 100 feet from the faucet to the end, along the top of the fence, birds gather above and below. For those birds who miss official bath time, dishes catch water on the ground, along the path of the hose.

Grackles crave water, and they dig for pests with their powerful beaks. I hear their rusty hinge call in the trees. In Midland and Phoenix, two types of grackles were quite visible. Now I hear them more than see them, but they are always welcome.

Starlings arrive in flocks, and I want them eating insects and weed seeds in the yard. If you have never seen a murmuration of starlings, your life is not complete. They create mathmatical patterns in the sky that cannot be ignored. I will post one below.

Birds provide endless delight in their habits and songs, but they are also extremely useful in their feeding habits. They need the most meat (insects and grubs) in the spring, when most of them are raising young. Some, like doves will raise numerous broods. But spring, in warming and budding, feeds the baby birds, and the parents rid us of insect plagues.

The Little House on the Prairie books were written to recall the time when the author lived in Southern Minnesota, not too far from the little Schoolhouse on the Prairie. The locusts came in and ate everything, including blankets thrown on crops to protect them. We saw the location of the Plum Creek home, and visited a demo sod house there.

I remember grade school teachers saying "We would be up to our knees in insects without the birds eating them."

Doves and starlings also eat seeds. Since most seeds escape the birds by germinating, the rest of the seeds are weed seeds. Why not share some. They know what they need for their diet and they find it.

That another reason for having a variety of plant life in the yard, including a trashy area where big leafy plants and tall grasses grow. Each bird has its own type of feeding and the nesting area. They gladly share with other species of birds, but not with their own kind.

Sassy leaves the birds alone, showing no interest in scaring them into the air. In the rose garden, where robins often patrol, the birds will stay a few feet from me, ducking behind a rose, but not leaving the place where more protein is served birds than anywhere else in NW Arkansas.

Our helper is a little distraught that the birds have torn up our newspaper and mulch decor around the roses. I figure they are eating and picking up nesting material, so I laugh about it.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sassy Sue's Continuing Adventures

We saw this photo on the rescue group's website,
and we had to have this three-legged dog.

We think Sassy is the greatest, but we enjoy seeing how much others enjoy her personality and talk about her silky fur, which looks German Shepherd (top half) and Red Healer (bottom half). My neighbor on the corner would love to have her pups, but she is spayed.

Sassy has a combination of personalities and voices. She guards us night and day, even turning around while sitting on the grass, to keep her eye on the perimeter (GS).

Like a Cattle Dog (or Healer), she is a talker and a singer. We sing the Cattle Dog Blues in the car and for select audiences. I am teaching her Waltzing Matilda so she knows one of her two cultures. I had to learn the words and the meaning - a unique national song, not about a girl, and not about waltzing.

Many German Shepherd owners are puzzled by her, because she is off-spec for a GSD. She does not wear that worried look that so many GSDs have. Instead, she smiles all the time and really tries to make friends with everyone. Most adore her, especially when they learn she has three legs.

I was waiting for some attention at the Walmart drive-through for prescriptions. I said quietly to Sassy, "Bark." She let go a big bark and I had an instant reply from the pharm tech. At the bank she got a bigger response, which led to three treats. That was her own idea.

If I go inside, I crank down two windows and position the car so she can watch the front door. I usually say something like, "Guard the limo while I am gone." She usually barks happily to say, "Hurry up!" This time she licked her lips to remind me about getting her snacks.

Our helper's family is used to seeing her twice a day. In the evening Mrs. Helper loves to coax Sassy into her loud, happy barks.

Her are some funny communications from Sassy:

  • Staring at me with a big smile on her face - she wants something and I know what it is.
  • High-pitched sounds every so often - time for a snack.
  • Switching her tail so it beats against my arm - late for a snack, and I should know that.
  • Half closing her eyes - I am not doing my duty. If I respond, a bad daddy tirade starts. I argue back and forth about how I do my best. She barks back that I am neglecting my tasks, especially the walk. She is more impatient for walks than for food.
  • Lightly chewing my hand - do not pluck my shedding hair. I like it there.
  • Ear flapping - this is an alert so I do something for her, like take her out, without waking Mrs. Ichabod.
  • Banshee squeal - this is her loudest bark, far louder than her Wake the Dead bark. I went back to sleep inside after letting her out one evening (good weather, backyard). She used the Banshee on me, and I woke up. She knows how to go to the right window for effect.
That missing leg makes children love her.

Today Sassy asked permission to chase a squirrel. I said, "Our little girl is growing up." She is much better at asking permission. When she wants to walk down another street, she stops, looks at me and smiles, and looks down the street. "Do you want to go there?" She jumps forward for some exploring and seeing favorite spots.

Sassy usually asks if she can meet someone new. She looks up at me, looks at the new person, and smiles. We have had experiences where a new person is frightened or annoyed, so we are more cautious. Most start by admiring her, so she picks up on the affection or smells the dog on their pants. The stranger must like dogs, so she waits for the compliments and gets them.

Sassy friends cats now, but she began her career
on our block by sending a cat up the tree and into its garage.

Early on I took her to a dogpark, and I had her run a lot. As you can see from that early picture, she was rather weak from her neglect and then her amputation. Running at me became a big game.

Almost every day, she holds back, a half-block away. Then I say, "Go, go, go." She runs at me grinning and I grab at her. She evades me at the last minute.

Sassy is a Packer fan and does not mind rubbing it in.

By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Atlantic Giant bloom.

The Michigander wrote:

"Imagine my surprise at what I thought was a curiosity search about Epsom Salts would become such an inspiration for you, and even for others on Ichabod.  I'm glad I sent the quotes along."

Another Lutheran wrote today:
"I love to hear the stories about Sassy. What a wonderful pet she is for you!
Keep the gardening reports coming. I'm trying out some of the methods on our reluctant soil. I'll be laying down newsprint."

Warty gourd bloom.
Interest in posts shows up two ways. I watch the numbers daily and look at what people read the most. If they look up old posts and those go up quickly in views, I assume a post was linked to others. Some recent surprises are the Yale Egyptology story from a year ago, and a quote about Mary commanding her Son as the Queen of Purgatory.

Secondly, I get phone calls and emails, which have concentrated on gardening and Sassy stories. 

Crepe myrtle, like all bushes, enjoys prunes.

Today the Epsom salts email led to Walmart and the purchase of an 8 pound bag for $6. Rain is starting, so I scattered it in every area where I am planting - and on the crepe myrtle bush, which is the superstar of the entire neighborhood.

I believe earthworms, some extra watering, and pruning led to this great display of flowers. If they all looked the same as mine, I would give credit to our early rains. Pruning a flowering bush after the blooming season will shape it, open it up to air and sunshine, and promote root growth.

God mulches his plants. Pine trees mulch pine needles, which are good for pine trees. A bush is going to shed quite a few leaves in a year. Rather than scrape them away to bare soil, I add worms to the base and throw wads of grass underneath when the lawnmower gets cleaned. What is better than soil and grass under a bush, with red wigglers waiting to pull them under?

I suggested to both gardeners that the increase the organic matter going into their soil. Just as the church consultants say "Rock group" as the solution for everything, I say, "Mulch with earthworms." 

An old gardener's aphorism - "Every shovel of soil should have one earthworm in it." The soil population will build up quickly with soil amendments, including Epsom salt and wood ash, grass clippings, leaves, small twigs, wood mulch, sawdust, and animal (but not pet) manure. 

Composting on the spot will take place all winter, since God has three teams of bacteria at work, one for each temperature of organic matter - hot, medium, and cool. When the organic matter is the wrong temperature for the current crop of decomposing bacteria, another team will take up. Hot is faster but it never stays hot, since the high nitrogen ingredients that feed the warming up are used in the process.

Earthworms are "cows that graze on high protein bacteria." 

Soil creatures and organic matter will encourage more saturation of the soil by water, instead of runoff, and the soil will hold moisture better with the soil population and the sponge effect of humus. 

We will either compost or mower/mulch all our leaves in the yard. I may get bags of leaves from neighbors, too, if family shunning is kept to a minimum.  I can fill the compost area many times with leaves and still have room for more as they reduce in volume from decomposition.

Dave's Garden Blog

I was in a hurry to plant seeds, especially when I had seed packets in a dish and thunderclouds overhead. I did not mark them. I have pumpkins growing and warty gourds flourishing. Which is which? The fruit will tell me in the long run. The flowers are almost the same, as shown above and may cross pollinate between warty gourds and Atlantic Giant pumpkins.

"Would you like a 500 pound warty gourd for your Thanksgiving cornucopia? No?"

I also have spinach, New Zealand spinach, and Malabar spinach growing. The first is real spinach. The second is a leafy vine. The third is a spinach substitute for hot weather. Real spinach loves the cold while New Zealand spinach loves the heat and abhors the cold. No plant can serve two masters. Each one has its own growing preferences.

Seedlings like very much alike. I planted bush beans and pole beans along the fence, because it was easy to do and not new garden space was ready. The pole beans are climbing now and the bush beans will stay low and produce near the ground.

Some of the weeds confuse me. The suspicious looking ones may be some of the new plants, so I am hold off on cutting them. I still remember the person who kept trying to get rid of this weed, and it kept coming back. He learned before it was too late that it was the rare and difficult to grow, trailing arbutus - or mayflower.

Trailing arbutus, by Rich Stevenson

One of Jesus' parables is not emphasized much - the Parable of the Tares (Weeds). The crop comes up but weeds are growing in the crop. The owner warns that rooting up the weeds will damage the good plants, so the separation will take place at harvest time.

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.”

The weeds are related to the classic parable warning - 

Matthew 7:15-21King James Version (KJV)

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Planting and Harvest.
The clear teaching is difficult to miss, when read with the Sower and the Seed.
The work of the Christian Church is to sow the living seed, the pure Word of God. Nevertheless, false teachers will arise from outside and from within the congregations. Non-believers will find it convenient to remain in the Church without faith in the Gospel, and clever ones will use the trappings holiness to acquire wealth, power, and harems.
The harvest will come at last. The Gospel seed will bear fruit for eternal life, and the weed seeds will grow abundant fruit for destruction.

Not Exactly an Undercurrent of WELS Homosexuality

Martin Luther College students loved, loved, loved this video,
and Wisconsin Lutheran College students defended it.
Nothing to see here, move on.

Arrested and convicted, then convicted again.
But he was caught before - but still hired by WELS.
Nothing to see here, move on.

The Undercurrent of Homosexuality

One anonymous brother recounts his experience with initiation at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary:
During our senior year of MLC, we (the seniors in pastor track) visited the seminary. Getting of the bus we were greeted by "our brothers" as we passed through the arch of seminary students we were all groped. Literally someone had grabbed my goods and at the end of that was a fat man in a speedo who bear hugged us. I complained in a letter. Never heard back. 
I had the same experience, except it was in the parking lot behind the dorm, not under the arch.

At MLC, there was a "tradition" in the mens' dorms that if it was your birthday, a group of about 15 or 20 guys would dog-pile on top of you, all of them completely naked. There were also naked, drunken parades through the dorm hallways, accompanied by guitars and drums.

The Seminary Chorus had a custom of guys surreptitiously groping each other during performances and concerts. Professor Tiefel once commended one of the members of the choir for his wide smile during a performance. After being told that the smile was a result of being groped throughout the concert, Tiefel just laughed. I quit the choir not long afterwards.

It always seemed to me that the worst offenders in this regard were guys who had been sent away to prep school at the age of fourteen. A psychologist could probably pinpoint the reasons why, but the experience seems to warp many of them in disgusting ways. In any case, just beneath the surface of these traditions and initiation rites in the WELS system is a strong and sinister undercurrent of homosexuality. 

I'm not saying that a large number of WELS pastors are homosexual, but I'm sure there are some who have been led into temptation by these activities. And even for those who haven't, it isn't a healthy thing to make light of sin.



Anonymous said...
I'm a student at MLC and I've never experienced any of these naked dog piles or anything of that sort. How long ago did these things happen?
Matthias Flach said...
I'm glad to hear that, Anonymous. Maybe some of the Northwestern influence is finally wearing off.
Joel Lillo said...
Yeah, I attended four years of prep, four years of NWC, and three years of Seminary and NEVER experienced anything remotely like that. Either you're relating lies or you just had an out of the ordinary experience at our schools. If you did experience, a sincere apology on behalf of those who acted that way.
Der Schwarz Schaf said...
Oh dear MLC student! I feel very sorry for you. There is only one thing worse in the WELS than being abused at Prep and/or College and/or Sem, and that is NOT being abused. That means you are not worth the effort. You have the wrong blood lines, or are of the wrong ethnic stock, or from Bethany, or one of the Concordias, or came from somewhere outside the WELS strain. Or maybe you're just considered such a dunce, lightweight, nobody, nothing, that the leading students don't even realize you exist. Such happens all the time. If none of these gross and disgusting things happen to you, you will never go anywhere in the synod. If you're a Pastor, you'll be able to count the number of Calls you get in your entire ministry on half of one hand - if that! Indeed, you'll probably be given a dead church impossible to turn around, and you'll end up working for Thrivent or Schwans the rest of your days. So, if I were you, on your birthday, I'd stick my head out of my dorm room and yell, "Dog pile on ________ !" Then strip and await your fate. If no one shows up, you'd better head for St. Louis or Ft. Wayne.

Rüsten sie sich als Männer!
Anonymous said...
Der Schwarz Schaf,

You are one sick puppy. I feel sorry for you.
Matthias Flach said...
Joel, on a previous post, a third person testified to the same groping ceremony at the Seminary. That's three independent accounts verifying it. I am absolutely not relating lies.

Anonymous 4:41, Der Schwarz Schaf isn't the sick puppy, it's the guys in the system who are doing this stuff. Everything Der Schaf said is true--pecking order among pastors is determined by your involvement in these abuses. Do you know how many GA popes are now DPs and professors?
Anonymous said...
This is really starting to sound like a gripefest for people "burned by the system."
I'm beginning to get the sneaking suspicion that Matthias is actually Greg Jackson. He's covering the same material (except UOJ) and has all the same hang-ups.
Why he would start a whole new blog is puzzling, though.
OCP said...
I'm with Joel on this one. I also went to 4 years of Prep, 4 years of NWC and 3 years at Sem and never had anything like this either. I've heard enough sources that I don't think people are making it up, but I hope it was a few isolated incidents, or classes. From my experience, this type of thing is not normal - and it is shameful. And while I don't have a big Synod name, I'm not exactly an outcast either - not a dunce, not a lightweight, received calls every 4-7 years through my whole ministry, never been at a "dead church impossible to turn around," so I don't buy Der Schwartz Schaf's explanation either.

One class, or one era of classes, who thought this was funny. It's not, and shouldn't happen. If a current MLC student says it hasn't, hopefully that's a good sign.

Blogger Matthias Flach said...
Anonymous 5:52, I haven't been burned by the system, but I have been groped by the system. Is that better or worse?

By the way, I'm not Greg Jackson. I don't know how to prove it to you, but I'm not. Did it ever occur to you that we bring up some of the same problems because they actually are real problems?

Or are you under the impression that the WELS doesn't have any real problems?
 Jeffery Clark said...
To Anonymous July 17, 2014 at 3:59 PM:

I have to concur with what Der Schwarz Schaf said. When I was at MLC, these things happened, but only if you were considered worthwhile.

People outside of the mainstream were ignored and never targeted, mostly because these men know what they are doing is wrong. Older and second career students are generally left alone since they have been "outside" of the WELS system at some point simply by taking a job, even if they are unmarried and forced to live in the dorms, as I was - because, as Der Schwarz Schaf said, they will go nowhere in the synod. If, by some chance you start to gain influence on campus and start to make some ripples in the water, they might start paying attention to you, but it is only to get dirt on you, since you've probably already been targeted for removal by the Profs who approve of these things and love to "cull the herd" of those deemed to be "not WELS enough."

What is sad is that they think that they are doing these things in secret, but it was painfully obvious to anyone who had their eyes open and thought for themselves.
 Anonymous said...
This video at 45:50 shows who fits in. Brother called to same congregation. Rev father seems overly impressed, why the whole clan is. How about, 59:09 same location as brother in GJ blogs favorite picture. To hear the audience response is disturbing. And Schroeder's comment.
July 17, 2014 at 9:10 PM
Blogger Matthias Flach said...
This comment was left by Ben Wink on Conformity over Confession, but it fits this thread too:

There was a form of hazing at MLC back when I was there. Of course it was called "freshmen welcoming" or some such nonsense if memory serves. The sophomores were called the Lords and the Ladies, the freshmen were assigned to one of them. The female students would be doused in random condiments at the crack of dawn, covered in flour, and other bits of nonsense. The men would be forced up early and would scream down the hallways "We won't shut up, til you get up!" The same condiment nonsense also happened, some were told to perform disgusting fake sexual acts on the sprinter statue, or were told to have pretend sexual intercourse with trees and benches. And you had to obey these morons in order to get through. Some lords made their "subjects" dress in women's clothing. A friend of mine was told to hit on a pretty girl by a "lord". He did so and this girl's insecure boyfriend knocked my friend down and proceeded to kick him really hard in the ribs several times over. The kicking boyfriend is in one of our WELS congregations right now. Late at night we were told to go to the woods as they were going to burn a large letter M for MLC I guess. All of these students of German descent, in the woods, wearing the school colors of red, black, and white, having some bizarre burning ritual? You don't have to see Triumph of the Will in order to get weirded out from that experience. I understand when you join a fraternity there is some stupid hoops to jump through. But this is a school of ministry and my faith and my student loan more than covered my entrance duties for New Ulm. I shouldn't have to perform fake fellatio on inanimate objects because some putz who is now in a pulpit somewhere ordered me to do so in order to "welcome" me.
July 18, 2014 at 5:40 AM
 Anonymous said...
Yep, Ben Wink....Back in grade school in the late 80's we had a recent DMLC grad as our teacher. She told us how the freshmen would have to lay down in a circle and pretend they were a pancake and the upperclassmen would pour flour & syrup and other things all over them. I'm sure she wouldn't have told us 10 year olds about the "other" things that went on.
 Anonymous said...
I wanted to serve, hence why I continued on. However, I did not make it through. Apparently bishops can ask vicars to do illegal things and when this vicar reported it. He was asked to resign and then not allowed back. [from another thread]+
 Der Schwarz Schaf said...
Ein kranker welpe here!

Since we're playing "True Confessions," why not also talk of the "grassers" at [D]MLC in the state part nearby. I saw fairly open copious coupling, and not fake coitus either. Many a young Christian woman and probably a few men have left that school in great and real fear of losing their virginity. "Buffalo Girls" do like to "come out" at night! And, to be fair, this is NOT about the fact that these same things happen abundantly at nearly all colleges. The point is that they should not be condoned, covered-up, and yes, coveted, by generations of students, parents, and profs. Perhaps Herr Jackson is on to something with his concerns over the WELS version of Justification. Maybe this is done BECAUSE everything is already forgiven, so that these demented dimwits can go along their merry way without any concern for souls - theirs or anyone else's.

Wie schade!
 Anonymous said...
A few musings on this post (related anyway).

a) Whenever I hear someone is thinking of sending their troubled/trouble making teenager to prep (MLS or MLPS). It is NOT a reformatory. If you have a 2 parent household with 3 kids, that is a 2 to 3 ratio. If they are a dorm student, it is more like a 3 (maybe) tutors to 100+ teenagers. Think about that. Where will they get more supervision?

b) I have heard that hazing is now gone, and the ZEX year no longer exists. Good for that if true. Why would you put 13/14 year olds, away from home for the first time in their lives, through a hazing ritual when they are supposed to be encouraged to want to enter the public ministry?
With today's helicopter parents, email, texting, video, etc, I can see where old time hazing would be a law suit waiting to happen.

c) Why are pastor/teacher kids usually the worst? Are they trying to prove something, or is it because the hammer will not come down as hard on them if they are caught. Not all PKs/TKs are bad...some were fine people, but the grand majority of the trouble came from that group.

d) Is it latent sadomasochistic homosexuality that causes some to want to always grope same gender genital areas? Ironically those participating in often through out taunts of "gay" if they are told it is not cool. Hmmm...methinks they protest too much.

It's good that some traditions die out.
July 18, 2014 at 7:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
To borrow a quote from Star Wars... Only the Sith speak in absolutes. Please note Lillo's comments. Congrats to Lillo if he didn't attend a grasser or COS meeting partaking in the Boot. Here's to sister Joel he's with us tonight... He eats it, he beats he even mistreats... Here's to sister Joel he's with us tonight. Sound familiar?

The stories on GA sound about right too.

Boorish behavior isn't it?
July 20, 2014 at 1:27 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How about Alec Guinness' quote from the original Star Wars, "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." Seems fitting for a GJ photoshop.

Epsom Salts - A Natural Gardening Ingredient

One reader sent some information about Epsom salt, which I remembered as one of those all around gardening helps - and it is very low in cost, like many effective but basic chemicals. Borax is the best mold killer, for instance, but people use chlorine bleach, which is potent on the nose, harsh on the hands, and ineffective against the entire mold thingy growing there.

I am not sure what the official definition of "salt" is, since there are many salts. Epsom salt was discovered in Epsom, England. It is widely used in agriculture and easy to apply. The beauty of Epsom salt is its affinity for water. It dissolves easily in water and can be applied to plants by spraying it on the leaves.

In gardening and other agriculture, magnesium sulfate is used to correct a magnesium or sulfur deficiency in soil; magnesium is an essential element in the chlorophyll molecule, and sulfur is another important Macronutrient.[13] It is most commonly applied to potted plants, or to magnesium-hungry crops, such as potatoesrosestomatoeslemon trees, carrots and peppers. The advantage of magnesium sulfate over other magnesium soil amendments(such as dolomitic lime) is its high solubility, which also allows the option offoliar feeding


Many rosarians agree that Epsom salts-treated planats (sic) produce more new canes at the bottom of the plant (bottom breaks) and darker green foliage. Recommendations on how much to use vary, but generally you can apply 1/2 cup of granules in spring before buds first begin to open and 1/2 cup in fall before leaves drop. Apply a foliar spray (1 tablespoon per gallon of water per foot of shrub height) after the leaves open in spring and again at flowering.

Tomato and Peppers

Magnesium deficiency in the soil may be one reason your tomato leaves yellow between the leaf veins late in the season and fruit production slows down. Test your soil every 3 years or so to check on nutrient levels. Epsom salts can keep plants greener and bushier, enhance production of healthier fruit later in the season, and potentially help reduce blossom-end rot. Apply 1 tablespoon of granules around each transplant, or spray a solution of 1 tablespoon Epsom salts per gallon of water at transplanting, first flowering, and fruit set.
Epsom salts is available in drug and grocery stores.
I am definitely going to get Epsom salt at the store.
Our soil has plenty of clay, and clay has the most active ion exchange of all soils. The problems encountered with clay are the difficulty in digging and the way clay holds onto its ions, which is where the soil chemicals release their minerals to the plants.
Organic matters helps with both. Soil creatures dig, tunnel, and sweeten the soil, and the right pH allows more ion exchange.
One of the benefits of Epsom salt is the sulfur in the compound, magnesium suphate. Sulphur has many benefits for our health and for plant health, and so does magnesium.

Most herbs have one given compound with health benefits. Some, like garlic, have many benefits.
Herbs tend to favor poor soil, an additional bonus. Until recently, almost all of pharmacy consisted of using herbal remedies, from feverfew to digitalis.
Since God has managed all this so well and provided dozens of remedies for us at our doorstep, we might rely on Him for spiritual matters as well.