Thursday, August 14, 2014

Steve Spencer Offers Great Advice - Kelmed from Ichabod

Circuit Pastor Paul Rydecki
and Pastor Steven Spencer -
at the first and final Intrepid Lutherans Conference.

Anonymous said...
Anonymous, et al - We cannot blame the DPs entirely. (And, b-t-w, District Conventions are also little more than gab-fests, and vacation time for old school chums from NWC, DMLC, and their descendants.) The "marching orders," whether actual or perceived, are to preserve, protect, and grow the church body - and this in turn is seen as following God's will in the Great Commission. 

The reasoning, again whether spoken or not, is, that since the WELS is the last bastion of Biblical truth and the pure Gospel, it is absolutely necessary and essential that it not only survive, but thrive. Otherwise, how is the Message going to get out? It is our duty to make the world WELS, if at all possible, or die trying. Remembering that all analogies limp, it is almost like America"making the world safe for democracy," or bringing "barbarians into the Greater Co-Prosperity Sphere," or doing people the "favor" of letting them be part of the Third Reich, or uniting the "workers of the world." And the thing is, the laypeople get caught up in all this, and seem to want it as well, so the DPs are only doing what the folks desire. Even a very fine and confessional synod president comes to see the "need" for WELS to continue to exist, and so without maybe realizing it keeps feeding this "beast." 

I once said on the floor of our district convention, only partly tongue in cheek, that "there is a monster in Milwaukee," and we must stop feeding it. The current SP was standing right behind me when I said it. If the laypeople and the rank in file pastors want to correct the system, there is one sure-fire way to do so, even beyond recalling DPs and other leaders, and that is to stop sending in their offerings. Cut off the blood supply to the hydra and even it will eventually stop growing heads and die. Of course, this too takes courage and faith and trust in the LORD. So, Matthias, and anonymous and everyone else reading this, the fault lies not just in the DPs, but in ourselves!

Spencer is kelming my Photoshops - hydra!

GJ - The synods get a ton of money from Thrivent, endowments, and foundations, but the mission offerings (salaries for bums) are the core of the system.

I once had a "free" meal paid by the bishop's assistant with his synod credit card. I looked around and calculated all the money sent in for a year so he could use our money to give us a meal at no cost. That is how synods work.

Thrivent does the same - giving back a nickel for thousands of dollars worth of solid leads. "Oh yes, we send checks to your congregation all the time."

PS - If you want to read Spencer's best advice, read Ichabod first.

Jeske's Vicar - Tim Glende Was Actively Involved in Closing Star of Bethlehem, Savoy, Illinois - But the Congregation Continues

Tim Glende - Passionate about excommunication
and taking fellow Lutherans to court.

Thank You, Lord, for Your abundant blessings!

After sharing God’s holy Word and the life and love of Jesus in the Champaign-Urbana area for over 40 years, Star of Bethlehem Lutheran Church held its final worship service for the foreseeable future on Sunday, August 10, 2014.  
Campus ministry for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Eastern Illinois University, Millikin University, and the area community colleges will continue. Please contact us if you are interested in joining our campus ministry events.
Thank You, Lord, for Your abundant blessings!


Ski and Glende learned from Mark Driscoll -
pile up the bodies.

GJ - According to sources, Star of Bethlehem was a healthy congregation named Bethlehem Lutheran Church, on the campus of the University of Illinois. 

Tim Glende forced a re-start of the congregation, sold off a beautiful location and paid-for building, and drove the "new" congregation into the dust. He left before the Savoy building was finished and landed in St. Peter, Freedom, Anything Goes District.

Savoy had the coffee bar that Glende had to have, and now an Emergent Babtist Church will make a success out of his failure to ape them adequately. The Babtists are already moving in and building a stage where the chancel was. McGavran, thou hast conquered.*

Lately he has been making sure the members of Savoy are scattered and no longer affiliated with Star of Bethlehem. 

The members who joined from his single one-hour Bible Information Membership Class are long gone.

The mission board members--who gave Glende everything he wanted in Savoy and at The CORE--refused to help Savoy with any subsidy.

Star of Bethlehem used to be so-o-o-o big.

*For those of you who went to WELS schools, that is a play on the words supposedly spoken by Julian the Apostate as he breathed his last, "Galilean, thou hast conquered."

Sunflowers Are So Much Fun in the Garden

This dwarf sunflower is called Sunny Smile.
I have grown many kinds of sunflowers, but my favorite is the Russian Mammoth or striped seed sunflower. The larger the plant, the greater the diameter of the seedhead, the larger the seeds.

Two rows of sunflowers of growing now, chiefly for to feed the birds and squirrels. Sunflowers have a honey-like aroma. Bees are working the flowers right now.I let the plants go to  seed - if the squirrels allow it. Sometimes they chew off the bloom and eat that. We have seen squirrels bounce on sunflower plants as they pull seeds from finished disk.

A sunflower is like a cheap motel, with all kinds of residents. Grasshoppers will stay on a leaf and chew away, doing nothing to slow down the plant. Spiders set up shop to trap some food. Bees arrive for pollen, birds and squirrels for seed.

I leave the stalks up for the winter, so birds can perch safely on them above the snow, looking for food.

The seed companies like to market all kinds of sunflowers, all colors and sizes, almost like car models. "Have you grown Sunset sunflowers, yellow and brown?" They cost more and produce fewer seeds, tiny seeds.

Mammoth sunflowers are ideal for birds and for human snacks.
They are loaded with minerals and protein and oil.
I plan to use mammoth sunflowers to screen the back fence, where No-Man's Land separates us from the homes on Joye street. The sun may be limited, but the sunflowers will spread out and grab whatever they can. I have soaker hose out to that location so I can easily add one link. They are heavy feeders and demand plenty of water to grow.

Buying pounds of sunflower seeds is a great way to do some interesting things. like create a living screen. Or they can form a square around children's equipment, so a green fort grows up around their slide or climber. Dig shallow trenches and sow in abundance. Water daily. The results are spectacular. The little bit of work is worthwhile when a child disappears inside the fort and pops out to surprise his parents.

Crepe myrtle may bloom again.

I was studying my gardening in the South book when I discovered that pruning the crepe myrtle may result in a new set of blooms. I was interested in the soft branches for the compost; I also wanted to shape the plant, which threatens to engulf the mailbox. No one ever figures out how big a plant will be in the future. Proof - we have two trees in the backyard, growing into each other.

If we prune now, the bush will send down more roots, create new growth, and possibly bloom again for the fall. The full blooms lasted for weeks and have not completely finished going to seed. Crepe myrtles in our neighborhood grow with pink, raspberry, or purple blooms.

This crepe myrtle should be shaped like a vase,
the form used for most hybrid tea roses.

More Advice on Polluted WELS

Zank the Rank is another election failure.
He supported Ski and got elected when Engelbrecht retired
as DP of the Anything Goes District. said...
Matthias - I think you have seen the major flaw in our synod polity. The SP, indeed, has very little, if any, REAL power or authority. Indeed, in my opinion, if a group wanted to marginalize a confessional man, the best thing they could do was support him for SP! It is mostly a ceremonial position. For all the talk about him being the "pastor" of the whole synod, he really can't be, since, by tradition and rule, he can't really discipline anyone. I mean, he COULD, maybe, perhaps, remove a DP, but that would be tantamount to declaring open rebellion in the synod and a full-blown civil war. Frankly, and I have been very open about this for many years, I believe it is actually way past time for such a war. "Choose this day Whom you will serve . . . " Again, in my opinion, Pres. Schroeder is a good man, an honest man, a man of integrity, and a confessional Lutheran. I know many others disagree with this view, including many of my oldest and dearest friends, and I understand their viewpoint, even if I don't agree with it. Whether we like it or not, it comes down to politics, and that always comes down to "numbers," i.e. how many support one side or the other. The SP needs to be able to say to the CoP that a majority, or at least a very healthy minority, support dumping junk like Time of Grace, Grace in Action, this leadership conference, etc..... If he can't say this - and back it up with names - the DPs have no reason to follow him, practically speaking, that is. Like most things in life, this is a war or battle for the "minds" of those filling the pews and plates. Thus far, men like Jeske, et al, have been doing a much better job of winning the hearts and minds of the pew-sitter. I believe the SP can and should use the power of FiC and email, and Facebook, and blogs, to - as Reagan did - go over the heads of the DPs and directly to the people. However, this too would signal a real civil war in the WELS. Therefore, the first thing that must happen is that all need to recognize the war began already decades ago, and it is only now getting "hot." I don't know if anyone in leadership positions have the stomach for this right now. It may take still more time, before this can be admitted openly. Until then, I still think the confessionals among us should contact the SP directly and offer him our "swords" so to speak. If he cuts off our own heads with it, so be it. But let's try anyway.
Seifert encouraged me to put DP Mueller on trial,
using the old Jungkuntz method of urging someone out on a limb,
to cut it off. Seifert is as bad as Mueller or worse.
I wrote letters and met with leaders - a waste of time. said...
Matthias - (with a nod to Dr. Jackson for giving more bad advice.) There is one other option: The DP may be deposed by the District Council, i.e. the combined CPs of the District, and the VPs. Again, this has never happened as far as I know. But it COULD and in some cases SHOULD have happened, and still can. The collected CPs must, as the saying goes, "grow a pair," and put the DP to heel. However, the CPs, too, are elected by "popular vote," and again, in most cases, are men whom the others in the Circuit do not fear and have no concern they will meddle in their parish. In point of fact, the entire system is rife with favoritism and family/school ties. Term limits would help, but even that would not solve the problem. Very small "synods" of no more than 100 churches/pastors would be much, much, more helpful. These, then, in a "confederation," for some united purposes - but very limited and with NO full-time officers - would be even better. With church bodies, bigger is not only NOT better, it is very much worse. The bigger, the worser!
 Anonymous said...
Pastor Spencer - All you say may be true, but the longer the confessional Pastors wait to actively and openly confront the heterodox the fewer confessional Lutherans they will find in the pews to support them. Either they will have left for a true confessional church or they will have been led astray and deceived by years of subtle lies and deceptions. Besides when it comes to conventions the called workers control, the lay person is marginalized if only by numbers. The called workers of the WELS need to step up to the plate. It is well past time to choose whom you will serve - is it God or mammon? What few have the stomach to admit is that the rot is deep and entrenched. To root it out will destroy the WELS as it is now - but is that truly a bad thing? What blessings will our Father in heaven provide to us, to you, from such a trial? My fear is we will never know - but rather we will find out that our most of our shepherds are but hired hands who have taken to their heels when the wolves have come.

Shepherds of thy Fathers sheep - Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. Easy to say, hard to do. It means putting the Lord first before family, friends, classmates, it means trouble and hardship, persecution from those you thought near, it means putting God above and before all things. Easy to say, hard to do.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The Synod in convention is the biggest farce and fixed "democracy" ever. The steering committee is appointed with two DP's. The floor committees are stacked with pastors and teachers who will steer the vote the way it is supposed to go. Best way to move up in the synod is to get "appointed" as a chairman of an important floor committee.

These Church and Changers should be called
Fuller Seminary Xerox Artists.
GJ - The Word is going to change matters much faster than political maneuvers.

PS - Steve Spencer is Mark Schroeder's Mequon classmate.

Kind Words about Robin Williams

“I don’t share the opinion that suicides are certainly to be damned. My reason is that they do not wish to kill themselves but are overcome by the power of the devil. They are like a man who is murdered in the woods by a robber. . . . They are examples by which our Lord God wishes to show that the devil is powerful and also that we should be diligent in prayer. But for these examples, we would not fear God. Hence he must teach us in this way.”
[Vol. 54:29], Kelmed from P. McCain, ALPB Forum.

I have been startled by the cruel words used against Robin Williams. I am not going to repeat them. I wondered how much these verbal assaults help the ones who mourn him. There is no more painful grief, as my professor at Notre Dame once said. 

Luther always emphasized the Gospel, which shines through in his brief passage about suicide. "They are like a man who is murdered in the woods by a robber." I believe David Scaer quoted those words first, so perhaps McCain kelmed Scaer, who quoted them in class.

I traveled south in Ohio to conduct a funeral for a young married man who ended his own life. The pain felt was dreadful. Like others, he was just starting to get better.

Few in our drugged out society want to blame the use and abuse of cocaine in Hollywood. Heroine is also popular and accepted. Everyone jokes about these powerful drugs so much that marijuana is considered quite mild and harmless in comparison. 

These addictions cause powerful mood swings. I can imagine how a performer is tempted to be completely up for a performance that might help or damage his career. Hollywood directors had Judy Garland on speed, so she took barbiturates to calm down and sleep. Her life ended with an overdose, but that medicine loses its effective dose, which gets closer and closer to the lethal dose. 

My friend tried every drug available, legal and illegal, so he died relatively young. He was also an alcoholic, as he admitted to me toward the end. Talking to someone like that is like speaking through tin cans connected with string. They are so far away, so difficult to reach. I have yet to find his obituary.

Can we name a more vicious robber and thug than a chemical that promises so much yet steals independence, peace, and emotional strength.

We need more understanding and fewer self-help gurus. My favorite pop singer has a song which reflects her Evangelical faith. It is a song, not a Gerhardt hymn, but it says a lot in a few words.

Use your life kindly and worthy of grace
Remember one day you'll meet God face to face.
Yes, use your life kindly and worthy of grace.
These were my father's last words.

The Seekers are together again for their 50th anniversary as a group. They began singing with Gospel and popular songs, creating a new national anthem for Australia. They maintained their friendship all these years, a remarkable record, perhaps the blessings of the Gospel.

As I said many times before, I grew up in a kindly town where people cared about one another. Consideration for others was taught at home, at church, in the schools. My classmates still help each other out and rejoice in our mutual joys - grandchildren, wedding anniversaries, and accomplishments. Now we are going through our cycles of illness and loss.

Several examples show that the tragedy of suicide can be averted. In one location a man talks to those who appear to be ready to jump to their deaths. He takes them for tea and a quiet talk. They change their minds when they experience some compassion and a listening ear.

Those who survived a jump from the Golden Gate Bridge have admitted the same thing. The moment they jumped they realized their troubles were relatively easy to solve. The robber is cheated of his prize when someone can survive and tell others to have hope and courage.

Each day we have opportunities to help our neighbor, sometimes with actions, in other circumstances with words. Facebook is a great place for mutual encouragement, sympathy, and support.