Saturday, August 23, 2014

Temps in the mid-90s: More Mulch for a Bigger Garden.
Pole Beans

We had cool weather and rain. Now we have a stretch of 95 degree days coming up. Our helper stopped by to mulch, felt the heat, and went home - with my approval.

With a co-op electrical company and the lowest water prices in the area, we do not feel the bite as much as we did in Bella Vista. Electric was only $100 last month.

Pumpkins wilt on hot days, but they are in the sunniest garden, near a brick wall. The rose garden in the front yard has two advantages. One is the eastern location, so they get the morning and early afternoon sun, but shade during the hottest part of the day. The other advantage is a thick layer of newsprint and wood mulch. The roses simply bloom faster, because there is always enough water for them. One block away, the roses that perked up in the rain have now wilted in the sun and lack of water. On the corner, his roses are surrounded by knee-high crabgrass. He has to work and his brother does not go after the weeds.

Crabgrass is no threat in the early summer, when it is gathering strength to flower and fruit. In August, crabgrass displays its power to produce 250,000 seeds per plant on delicate seed stalks. Mulching alone will not stop crabgrass. Newspaper plus mulch will stop everything except witchgrass and the dandelion seeds that land on top. Both are easy to control.

I watered the roses and the fence garden so I can harvest with our grandson today. He can prune roses and pick pole beans if he wants.

We have always planted pole beans, but this is the first time I have enjoyed a long stretch of support - the chain-link fence. I have considered using both sides and running soaker hose around the entire perimeter.

The pole beans produce continuously because I planted them at different times. They start over with blooms and fruit when I pick them daily. If one section is still thin, I move to the next one. They are fixing nitrogen in their soil - as legumes do - and softening the soil for next year's plants. When the vines are done, they will go into the compost for the winter and be covered with autumn leaves.

My gardening neighbor was speechless when I handed him the latest vase of roses. His voice trailed off as he looked at them. That was not exactly hard work. I dug holes, put a bare root rose in each hole, filled the holes, watered and mulched them. No other plant gives so much beauty for a little well-planned work. Pruning mostly involves cutting roses for church and for neighbors.

I brought some to English class and gave them to the registrar's staff. At lunch we talked roses.

This week the yellow roses budded and bloomed at once. I never plant them on purpose, because of black spot, but this plant is immune to that problem (so far). While some roses take forever to form and bloom, this plant bursts into bloom all at once.

Here is a good example of not understanding the Creation or the efficacy of the Word:

Seeking ways to use technology to advance God's Kingdom.

These illiterate buffoons are going to have a conference based on pure heresy. Technology does not advance God's Kingdom - the Word alone does.

This is what they would do if they tried to garden the same way they run their churches - into the ground, pun intended:

  • We need a new computer system so we can plan our garden better.
  • The staff got together and created a vision statement about the future of our garden. We will go to God in prayer and tell Him how He is going to do this - and how fast.
  • We cannot have a good garden unless we copy what the neighbors are doing, especially those neighbors who reject the Parable of the Sower and the Seed.
  • All of us need new digital devices. We cannot garden unless we have the best tools.
  • In sorrow we have to kick out anyone who disagrees with our gardening, especially those trouble-makers who quote from gardening books. Confidentially, we blame Ichabod for that.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Travels with Sassy

The moment we saw her rescue site photo, we loved Sassy Sue.
Those ears are exclamation points during our discussions.
Want to go for a walk? Ears up - barking yes, yes, yes, yes, now, now now.

Sassy and I do errands together, and she enjoys being in the back seat. But she does not sit there passively. Most of the time she perches on the Town Car's armrest, which divides the front seats. Her front legs are on armrest and her only back leg is on the rear seat. Precarious?

She has had a few spills, but she likes leaning forward and watching the sights. She is keenly aware of familiar territory and always barks when we turn onto the home stretch, either on Scott or Letha. I recently passed the final turn because we were going to the bank, too. She was upset that I missed the turn.

Sometimes we sing the Cattle Dog Blues but lately - Waltzing Matilda. I like the part - "Up rode the squatter, sitting on his thoroughbred. Down came the troopers - one, two, three." I am getting Sassy to offer three barks on one, two, three. She is in the novel I am writing; her character is Wigglesworth - Wiggles for short. She plays a key role at the end, saving the writer's life. Taking her along and walking with her - that is pure research.

Here are some of her exchanges:

  • She waited for her treat from a drive-up bank teller who dotes on her. Once she got the first one, she simply stared at the teller until the second one went into the tray. (We use the closest bay.) It was not an evil stare, but an expectant one, her long-practiced puppydog look, loving but starving. The teller loved it.
  • She loves the UPS driver, because he leaves a large milkbone for her. When she hears his truck come onto our cul-de-sac, bedlam barking follows. I open the door as he circles the end of the street. She gets her milkbone and sits in the middle of the yard to enjoy it. The driver waves and smiles at us as he drives past.
  • She flirts with all the women who step up to admire her. I mention the missing leg and the attention doubles. At Lowe's she comes inside and rocks the place with her happy bark. When I pick up mulch afterwards and women load the trunk (with my help), she sits at the window and soaks up the love.

The smile is great for getting treats and
also forgetting she is in trouble for not listening.

Norma Boeckler Has Started a Zazzle Account - Her Art on Various Products

Norma Boeckler's Zazzle Page - CreationIsFun


GJ - Zazzle is a site where individuals can add their art to various objects, so the rest of us can buy special gifts for others or for ourselves.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

John Seifert Urged Me To File Charges against DP Mueller, But He Would Not.
Will Engelbrecht Defend Driscoll on the Plagiarism Charges?
Crude Sexual Remarks Made to Wives

DP Engelbrecht defended plagiarism in an absurd essay,
and he supported Glende and Ski in excommunicating Rick Techlin,
who proved the plagiarism.

Twenty-One Former Mars Hill Church Pastors Bring Formal Charges Against Mark Driscoll

On the heels of what was arguably the worst week in the history of Mars Hill Church, twenty-one former Mars Hill Church pastors brought charges late last week against lead pastor Mark Driscoll. Accompanied by a cover letter, briefs on workplace bullyingand a summary of the powers of Mars Hill elders, the charges are being leveled by well-respected former pastors and are in the possession of the Mars Hill leadership. These documents greatly expand on charges brought by former pastor Dave Kraft. Those charges were dismissed by the Board of Advisors and Accountability. The cover letter states:
We have submitted to the Mars Hill board of advisors and accountability the attached formal charges of Mark’s disqualification from the pastoral office. We have signed these charges and intend to stand as witnesses. There are additional witnesses whose names have been withheld for their protection, but who also intend to testify in an investigation of these charges...

On the last charge above, I obtained invoices which demonstrates knowledge of Result Source in October, and I have seen an email which indicated Driscoll’s awareness as early as July, 2011. The letter asks Mars Hill leadership questions which contain further concerns and the pastors believe, if investigated, will prove disqualifying. For example:
Is Pastor Mark guilty of plagiarism? If so, what is an appropriate consequence for him?
Is Pastor Mark guilty of sexual harassment in the form of sexual immorality in speech (Eph. 5:3)? We are aware of a number of credible reports of inappropriate sexually-oriented comments that Pastor Mark has made to and about other men’s wives, particularly in casual social settings. 

No one has removed a WELS DP
because no one will stand up to them.
Yet Driscoll is clearly a model
for abusive WELS pastors trained by him.

Variations in Roses

Mr. Lincoln is heavily scented.
All my recipients inhale the aroma of their roses.

Roses vary in color and fragrance, based on their environment. Their fragrance varies according to the individual's perception.

There is not just one rose fragrance (the kind we associate with commercial rose scents). Some roses are more lemony. One grower had an Intrigue rose growing and insisted it was lemon-scented. I told her, "Yes, that is what the catalogs say." Her husband said that was impossible, but he was an engineer.

No rose seems to have every single trait people want. Rosarians look at the buds, fragrance, color, resistance to disease, frequency of bloom, foliage, size of the bloom, and the staying power of the bloom when cut and displayed. Peace has most of those but slight in fragrance and some tendency to black spot.
Tropicana is the champion as a long-lasting cut rose. Mr. Lincoln, Double Delight, and Fragrant Cloud are famous for fragrance.

Likewise, Paul lists various gifts people have as different in each person, each one contributing to the body of Christ. He noticed then, too, that jealousy kept members at odds with one another. That would be absurd in the human body, if one organ refused to work with the others and despised the work of others.

Mr. Lincoln rose garden.

Roses in the Classroom

Peace is the Secretariat of roses.
Many variations on this classic have been marketed
to include the name and DNA of 
The remarkable history of this rose.
I cut some roses and took them to English class yesterday. One student pronounced them "Fake" and I responded, "You lived in the Hood too long." Everyone laughed and he said, "You are right. We don't see many roses there."

At lunch we bemoaned the lack of rose growing in American parks. Canada and Europe have large rose parks where people can enjoy and examine all their favorites.

Chicago Peace seems to illustrate pink winning out over yellow.
The English composition lesson used roses to show the parallel between rose growing and the True Vine passage in John 15. Parallels are easy to find. Roses and grape vines need:

  • Tending.
  • Pruning of deadwood.
  • Pruning of fruitful branches so they fruit again.
  • Gathering of cuttings to be removed from the plants.
  • Connection to be fruitful. "Apart from Me, ye can do nothing."
The English class answered the question about the plants being fruitful. There is no fruit apart from the plant itself. "So how do we become fruitful as believers?"

The class answered - Through the Word, through the Spirit. Both are correct, since the Holy Spirit works through the Word.

Pruning and Rain
Our crepe myrtle bush is already showing the positive effects of Lyle Lovett pruning, mulch, and rain. Two pink flowers have sprouted on the crepe myrtle, and vertical growth has resumed. The plant looks healthy, if a bit spindly in the legs. At night, faerie lights decorate the top foliage.

Many include Pink Peace as one of the great roses
of all time. The web page lists it as very fragrant.

Sassy's Communications

Sassy snagged her ball from the air again yesterday,
then headed inside, away from the heat and humidity.

Sassy has the most hilarious ways of signaling what she wants.

When she shares medallions of cinnamon toast with me, the pieces that are off spec (too much crust) are left in the bedding.

I taught her to lick her lips when she wanted a snack. She does more than that - she looks at me, smiles broadly, and licks them. Last night I gave her two pieces and stopped. She repeated her signal and I shook my head no. She gave me an even bigger smile and kept beaming the love at me. I gave in, went to the kitchen, and got her one more.

On our walks - To go in a different direction, she plants her feet and does not follow me across the street. She acts deaf but turns toward her goal and looks at me smiling. "Do you want to go down there?" She says yes by heading that way - and I catch up.

The neighborhood children are intrigued by Sassy stopping to look into my face until I give her permission to cross the street. "Do you want to see your friends?" Her answer is to bolt across the cul-de-sac to greet all the children.

Sassy has a tendency to treat the street as a broader version of the sidewalk. The other day I had to remind her to listen to me. A couple of stern words had her making up to me at once. The drivers are especially careful of her, and it is seldom an issue, but I still do not want her Inner Puppy in charge.

I have to tell Mrs. Ichabod the latest Sassy stories when we come back from the walk. We are now a bunny hunt team. Rabbits have their favorite hang-outs, one every few yards. Some yards have broad expanses of grass and bushes for hiding. If a rabbit is motionless upon hearing our approach, I point and Sassy makes her run. She will never catch a rabbit, but she enjoys the brief chase.

At the garage sale on our block, Sassy checked in several times a day and visited each family member. She has baby Sophia on her radar now and always gives her a kiss. Sassy is family to them.

She is looking at me now, so I need to give her some time and some cinnamon medallions.

Sassy found Ronald McDonald a bit stiff on our trip,
so she refused to sit on his lap. Instead, she posed with her staff
when a local resident offered to take the photo.

Where Were the Leaders?
Answer - Praying to Marvin Schwan and Thrivent

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Where Were the Leaders?

Place eyes everywhere. And lock up rooms that are not in use. Abuse happens when a church is not watchful. An open door to an unoccupied room is an invitation and opportunity for a perpetrator. A church that is diligent in its efforts to prevent abuse will frustrate those with evil intentions. My church assigned deacons to walk the halls, walk the parking lot, and look into the various rooms of the church during our worship services and other activities. We realized that the more eyes we have watching our facilities, the safer our church became. - Making Church a Safe Place, by Charles Burkeen

I wish I could find the perfect words to express how extremely important that paragraph is. If my church had been even half that vigilant, it would have been a thousand times more difficult for this to happen. However, since he was the "popular pastor", everyone seemed oblivious to what was happening under their noses because no one thought it could happen "in their church". 

And I mean... literally under their nose because the longer it went on, the bolder he got and the more risks he took. It was extremely stressful when it happened within close proximity of congregational leaders’… sometimes just a few doors away. I could hear them discussing church business while I was behind a locked door with the Pastor in a dark closet. Yet no one knew because all the red flags were missed. Why would NO one question a pastor coming out of a closet with someone..with anyone? Should that not be the biggest red flag of all?
If the church leaders had been observant enough to pick up on the red flags, they would have caught it. I know they would have because it was so obvious. Especially since it wasn't only one or two leaders that had the opportunity but, over the course of time, it was the majority of them - from the Church President on down. Every single one missed every "red flag". Everyone seemed to have the mentality that "it can't happen to us" so no one paid attention. I lost faith in the congregational leaders after that because they were totally oblivious to what was happening around them.

I was crying inside (more like screaming) for someone to recognize it. I was too afraid to say anything because I didn't know who I could trust. My only option was to hope for someone to see a warning sign...but no one did. I know for a "normal" person it will probably be hard to understand why the fear of telling someone was so great, and I don't know how to put that into words. But it was the controlling factor of my life. The thought of telling anyone terrified me more than anything else in the world because I was petrified of what would happen.

It's probably wrong to feel this way, but sometimes I blame the congregational leaders more than the pastor even. He was so controlled by his physical urges that he couldn't stop himself anymore, even if he wanted to. He was that out-of-control by this time. But that wasn't true with the leaders of the congregation. They could have stopped it. Most of them had at least one opportunity to stop it, if not more... because basically every one of them saw at least one "red flag" but failed to recognize it.

The pastor caused me to lose faith in God but the leaders caused me to lose trust in the church. 

I  remember another time when I was upset and crying wanting this to stop and trying to distance myself from him. We had a pretty big disagreement and, again, a congregational leader happened to be walking past while we were disagreeing and said to me afterwards…"that sounded like you two were having a husband and wife fight". I made a flimsy excuse trying to say something without having to actually come right out and say it. But, as was the pattern, he never questioned further. Never asked for more information. Never asked why I was crying over that "fight". He just dropped it. 

Another time the church president, himself, was maybe 5 feet away on the other side of a locked door looking for the pastor because he needed to talk to him about church business. When I opened the door, there he was standing right there. I can still vividly remember the sheer terror and panic I felt when I saw him there. My heart literally stopped beating because I thought.... This is it. This is the end. But no. Nothing. The thought that something was amiss apparently seemed to be the furthest thing from his mind, because he went on like nothing was happening. 

So many people came so close to finding out the truth, but for some reason, everyone always dropped it and never questioned anything. No one ever pushed to see what was actually happening… and it was happening daily under everyone’s nose.


GJ - The answer is - everyone knew. Or, perhaps many congregational leaders knew but chose not to do anything about it.

Two members of the Michigan District WELS praesidium, a VP and the secretary (both pastors) were carrying on when I was in Columbus. DP Mueller admitted to all the pastors that he lied to the VP's congregation, wife, and everyone else to cover for his friend. He forgot to mention getting his pal a choice job for a happy landing, running a WELS nursing home. 

I wrote to every pastor in the Michigan District - and they re-elected Mueller and Kuske. One "friend's" remark was that I was politicking, a sin in WELS.

Mueller and Kuske were cheerleaders for various clergy adulterers, but their mercy did not "drop as the gentle rain from heaven" for anyone who challenged their inerrancy. Then it was - Off with their heads while extending the Left Foot of Fellowship. The current DP, John Seifert, knew all about it, but did nothing apart from leveraging the situation to become DP. Mueller "chose not to run" and got a free trip Russia on Schwan money. Mueller was voted out of office. Do something - Pow! Do nothing - become DP.

The pastor who exposed the adultery of Mueller's clergy pal - he felt the wrath of the district leaders.

I knew a member of the district secretary's congregation. She said, "When it was clear he was leaving the ministry, all the divorced and single women began crying their eyes out." 

The short answer is - the "conservative" WELS-ELS-LCMS leaders and clergy are quite tolerant of clergy adultery and child abuse.  They are too busy elbowing each other away from the Schwan-Thrivent-Antioch money troughs.

The current president of the ELS seminary knew all about the Columbus situation at the time. His answer was to say when I was present, "It hurts the face of the church" to address those issues. That is one reason he went from 'umble parish pastor to become seminary president - doing and saying nothing.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Supposed Chief Article That Dares Not Speak Its Name

Ten little Stormtroopers jumping on my head,
One fell off the wagon, and he's pronounced dead.
UOJ - Justification without Faith - is the Chief Article of the Christian religion. The master and prince..." -
various LCMS-ELS-WELS leaders.

Someone started another anonymous blog - doubtless a "confessional" Lutheran blog. He or she is quoting the Large Catechism - anonymously. The anonymous introduction says very little, perhaps forgetting that the leaders of the Reformation did not hide away or duck issues, working only in the dark. These newly anointed martyrs and confessors claim that hiding away is a virtue, and the right way to do things. As one tried to say maladroitly, "Thank God I am not a blogger, like Ichabod."

When Wittenberg was under siege, Luther risked his life to come back and preach a series of sermons, exposing himself to capture and a long, slow torturous burning at the stake. These foxes and weathervanes will not risk an appointment to the summer camp committee, lest they lose some mileage money or a free lunch at some fancy bistro.

During the great Missouri Croquet Match, when everyone pretended to be Martin Luther yet suffered little more than some discomfort, the leaders used their own names and published. Nothing was really settled, except the biggest liars went off to form the AELC, which became the gay quota template of ELCA. The Seminexers, many from WELS, made sure they were over-represented and sent their faculty to the Lutheran School of Theology to bankrupt it. Good riddance to both. They even donated their own gay seminary professor, Deppe (former LCMS) who moved on to the UCC, leaving his wife and children behind. That should sound familiar to Missouri idolators. And WELS' own Richard Jungkuntz moved on up to the ALC, where the activist for the Lavender Mafia pronounced himself "old school."

Like the UOJ Stormtroopers,
slugs are bisexual.

As this current debacle unfolds, UOJ has turned into a slug that no longer inches along to leave  its slime on everything. As gardeners know, a slug responds to touch by pretending to be dead. The little antennae withdraw. The little gastropod feet disappear. The familiar profile transforms itself into a lifeless blob. The only way to bring the slug back to life quickly is to introduce it to some irritant like salt, which will make the true slug appear again as it dies, silently and hideouslessly.

The UOJ slugs have abandoned Romans 4 faster than Nixon abandoned Agnew. Nostalgics remember how UOJists used to write "raised for our justification - Romans 4:25!" as proof for their heinous dogma. . But that was only part of a verse. When Romans 4:24 was added, in the context of Chapte 4 showing Abraham to have been justified by faith, they curled up and played dead.

They used to mention Calov with reverence, which was handy, since Lutherans read Calov even less than Calov. One might as well quote the Constitution to Congress or the Scriptures to a synod president. As the graphic above shows, Calov eviscerated the UOJ slug in one comment.

But - let us return to the Bible. Another symptom of their Tourette's Syndrome is shouting "Behold the Lamb of God, who bears the sin of the world" or simply "John 1:29!" There is no connection between their Halle rationalism and this verse, and even less harmony with Luther's description of the Gospel of John.

John teaches mainly the sublime and chief article of our Christian faith: believing in Christ. Because of this article we are called Christians. Besides this, we do not find many sermons on the Ten Commandments in this Gospel. Rather it is his greatest task to establish well the sublime article of the righteousness of faith and to impress it deeply on the people. For there is no danger when this article remains pure and unadulterated and stands firmly. But when it is overthrown, we are lost and are no better than Jews, heathen, Tartars, and Turks, aye, we are as bad as the papists. For this reason, because he so diligently teaches this chief article, the evangelist John deserves to be highly praised.
What Luther Says, ed. Plass, 3 vols, II, p. 702. W 33, 82. E 57, 298. SL 7, 2252.

The UOJ leaders have this advantage - their clergy read Luther and the Confessions as little as they do. But the laity are another matter. The laity do not have the filter of synodical dogma, which fogs every article of faith.

The more we draw out the UOJ slugs, the more vulnerable they are. They live on moist rot in the darkness. They can travel in the light, but that is where they become obvious, like that ugly gastropod inching across the kitchen floor.

In the future there will no attempts to deal with justification by faith directly. Instead, the synodical talking points will be delivered with great pretensions of piety among themselves and large volumes of verbal abuse for those who appear to be threats.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Rik Krahn's Wish Is Not Granted

Rik Krahn said...
While I agree with the main thrust of this post, I think there is a dangerous assumption there. The assumption is being made that a couple blogs are the only places where these things are being discussed. That ignores every other avenue and arena for discussion. If someone notices the areas where there is error, or where wisdom is lacking, and says nothing to anyone, anywhere, then this criticism is valid. But what of the man who speaks of these things regularly to the pastors involved, speaks to his circuit pastor, speaks at his circuit meetings and conferences and conventions, communicates with his District President, Synod President, and other Synod officials? Is that man somehow shirking a responsibility because he is reluctant to use his name on blogs? Are these blogs now the only way to address problems within our Synod, so that a person who posts anonymously must be a coward, whose doctrine is to be questioned? Can no one recognize that there might be reasons, other than cowardice or dereliction of duty, for a man to not want his name to appear on some of these blogs?
Rev. Paul A. Rydecki said...
I question the integrity and the conviction of anyone who pretends to teach, correct, rebuke, or condemn others anonymously. If a person doesn't want his name on a blog, then let him leave the posting and the commenting to those who are willing to be known and to bear the consequences of their faith or their opinions.
Vernon Knepprath said...

I don't think anyone is saying that blogs are the only way to solve problems in the WELS, or even the preferred way. For many of us, the blog topics we choose to involve ourselves with are topics we have already discussed, in some cases extensively, with the people you mentioned. And in those cases, where "the man who speaks of these things regularly to the pastors involved, speaks to his circuit pastor, speaks at his circuit meetings and conferences and conventions, communicates with his District President, Synod President, and other Synod officials", the discussions in those cases are not anonymous. I have found in my efforts to discuss topics with synod officials via email, they will seldom respond at all, but when they do, they will ask, yes even demand identification that goes beyond a simple name. Which perhaps explains in part why the anonymous end up at the blogs.

Also, the reasons Mr. Lindee gave for commenters remaining anonymous are the reasons they themselves have given for their anonymity.

GJ - Rik Krahn's imaginary discussions with various officials made me stifle some laughter. I tried, but burst out laughing anyway. His dance card has one more event on it - Extending the Left Foot of Fellowship.
For example, Kudu Don Patterson will visit someone if that person never speaks a word. The poor victim can only listen to the tirade lovingly delivered for the good of the dissenter's miserable soul. Ask Joe Krohn.
This individual can ask a question at the voters meeting, but it will not be answered. Any doctrinal question is out of order. Ask Joe Krohn. I heard the recording.
Patterson, elected a DP for these people skills, is good friends with Tim Glende, since both are part of the Mark-and-Avoid Jeske solar system, revolving around Guru Mark in humble adoration.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Naming the Perpetrator

Several people have asked for specific details regarding who, exactly, the perpetrator is and if he is still being allowed to serve in the church, etc. I would like to comment on that: 

I did find a "safe" pastor now that I have come to trust. I have also come to trust the two district leaders that are involved in my situation. All three know the perpetrator's name, as well as, all of the details and are in full control of the situation. They have assured me repeatedly that they will never allow him to serve as part of the WELS ever again.They acted immediately upon hearing all the details and took swift action to make sure of that. They continue to work with me during the healing process and respect my desire for privacy.Trusting three pastors after my world had collapsed in church was the most terrifying experience I have ever encountered, but they are bending over backyards to make it possible and to alleviate my fears so that I will continue to trust them.
GJ again - I can assure the blogger that this is exceptional. In Columbus, DP Robert Mueller and VP Paul Kuske welcomed a known adulterer kicked out of the LCMS and promoted him for a call. The Mission Board had no problem with it. The ELS had no problem with it, either. Jay Webber and Roger Kovaciny were glad to take his money and treat his Masonic congregation (for which Kuske and Schumann endorsed him) as one of their own.
Everyone knew, except they lied to me and to those who asked about the matter. They were eager to cover up for him, even though he never joined WELS and scoffed at WELS. He was treated as one of the circuit pastors and gave a paper at the pastoral conference.
Or look at Joel Hochmuth, a layman previously caught in homeosexual file swapping - child porn of the worst. WELS knew about that and most likely did his previously "counseling." It is all in the arrest document. WELS is not named - except he kept a lot of his child porn in his office at the Love Shack. But WELS said Hochmuth was not using the headquarters computers. And nobody knew nothing nohow. But Hochmuth was publicly forgiven by his boss Mark Schroeder.
Glance at the WELS Top Ten Crimes, which I am still filling out - so much to do there.

Unrepentant Plagiarist, CPH Book Editor Defines Sound Doctrine. Or -
How To Make Sound Doctrine Look Ridickolus;topicseen#msg342074

Rev. Paul T. McCain

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Re: No doctrine, no Gospel. Know doctrine, know Gospel.
« Reply #119 on: Today at 11:08:35 AM »
Let us also put this on the table:

Ordaining women and active homosexuals is merely a symptom of the profound theological errors that lead to such practices.

When a tree stops putting out green leaves in my neighborhood, the city comes and cuts it down and is always rotting from the inside out.


GJ - McCain only served one parish, for about two years, while he ran Al Berry's presidential campaign via Herman Otten (denying it, of course).

Instead of providing the apology he has demanded from so many of his friends and opponents, McCain closed down and hid his plagiarizing blog.

For this he earns almost $200,000 a year and his boss at CPH gets almost $300,000.

According to the Book of Concord, especially the Augsburg Confession, this is the core of the Gospel, sound doctrine -

Article V: Of the Ministry.

1] That we may obtain this faith, the Ministry of Teaching the Gospel and administering the Sacraments was instituted. For through the Word and Sacraments, as through instruments, 2] the Holy Ghost is given, who works faith; where and when it pleases God, in them that hear 3] the Gospel, to wit, that God, not for our own merits, but for Christ's sake, justifies those who believe that they are received into grace for Christ's sake.

4] They condemn the Anabaptists and others who think that the Holy Ghost comes to men without the external Word, through their own preparations and works. 

McCain does not teach sound doctrine and actively opposes justification by faith. He does not comprehended Robert Preus' last book, Justification and Rome, where McCain's aping of the Romanist Ed Preuss is thoroughly and repeatedly repudiated.

Some Cutting Remarks about Roses

The best roses begin with perfect buds.
Mr. Lincoln is perfumed, velvety, and spectacular in full bloom.

Our roses are spoken for, long before they bloom. We now have a list of five families that will take all the roses we cut. One bunch will go to Dr. Carol today. Their office kept the last ones for a week. Three neighbors on this cul-de-sac and our helper round out the list.

The disparity between those who love roses and those who grow them is remarkable. Everyone loves them, but few grow them. I go over gardening books, catalogs, and articles on the Net. I see a lot of flowers to consider. Each time I ask the big question - how much is that in rose dollars?

Mr. Lincoln can be found for $8 and will make back its cost on the first bloom. Roses on sale can be bought for a similar price. All these are bare-root, which is the ugliest form but the best way to grow them. Other roses can be purchased for $30 and even $50 for the tree rose. A true rosarian will say "standard rose" but that sounds like "ordinary rose." The long cane is called a standard, so they are officially standard roses: a wild rose root base, a straight cane grafted to the root, and a hybrid tea grafted to the standard. They require more winter protection, but they are the sign of a rose fan.

The floral equivalent to fireworks is
a row of standard roses in various colors.

Not a Lot of Work
Roses are not a lot of work, no more than enough to get people outside and in the sunshine. Roses are not riddled with bugs or loaded with weeds, if the right steps are taken early.

They require pruning, which is to say that people who grow them can have fresh roses indoors all summer long, plus roses to share with friends.

The Right Steps

  1. Red wigglers are the best earthworms for soil improvement, so that means buying a bag and scattering them around the areas that need the most productive soil.
  2. Good soil is being built all the time, so a layer of organic mulch will feed the earthworm population. There will be a little weeding, but not much. Dr. Ben Dover N. Pull recommends this.
  3. When first purchased and dug in, whether bare root or in pots, roses need a lot of water at first. I also sprinkle the roses above ground for the first week or so, to keep the plant moist before the roots start doing their job.
  4. Garlic chives or garlic will help roses and repel insects. Bugs like sick plants, so one deterrent is a healthy plant grown in a garlic gas cloud. If you doubt the gas cloud, bend over a rose bed seeded with garlic chives on a hot, humid day. It is eye-watering. 
  5. Water twice a week when it does not rain, and prune every other day. Prune away dead wood and crossed branches. Cut the best roses and buds for inside the home and for friends.

Double Delight roses have to be ordered early.

Back to School - Undergraduates in Required English

I teach required English composition and world literature for Ecclesia College undergraduates. The first day was really fun with so many former students saying hello and fist-bumping in the hallway. The registrar told me at lunch that they can fill a class just by listing my name. "You're very popular with the students."

One freshman  in world lit was homeschooled and already earned 40 college credits from home. She was the only student who asked for the textbook - weeks before the class started. She tested out of English 1 and 2. Although there are exceptions to this rule, the best students are usually homeschooled.

One of the best students - ever - was a girl who asked her Ed.D. parents to take her out of school. She wrote essays that were easily A papers in graduate school.

Elective courses are the most fun to teach, because they do not bear the horrible description - required. Students never quite realize that electives are also required, since credits have to be earned in certain areas. Please do not let that word out.

Still, I enjoy required classes because all the students flow through them, and motivating them is a challenge. I have them call me "Your Excellency" as one possible address. They find that endlessly amusing. I have sound effects in my pocket, on a $10 device. I no longer fight a battle against texting addiction, because they all know I confiscate digital devices and give them to the academic dean, who approves my policy and asks the quavering student - "If this is yours, why do I have?

The readers are easily distinguished from the non-readers. The readers know grammar, spelling, and writing fairly well. That remains the best way to build language skills - reading extensively. The individual who develops a habit of reading will be much more knowledgeable in any field of study. The soft-spoken and articulate doctor/commentator Ben Carson was forced to read books and write reports each week by his impoverished mother, who cleaned houses.

My mother and my elementary school teachers read stories to us. They opened the door to that magical land of fiction. We listened to Lassie being taken away and finding her way home again. Sure, one was on TV and the other in Europe, but everyone loved that dog. We shivered when a man was trying To Build a Fire in minus 60 weather.  The Secret Garden was so spooky: I can remember that story from 60 years ago.

Due to various early trips to schools and meetings, a library often baby-sat me. That led me to read all the classical children's literature books at Garfield Grade School and the rest at Moline Public Library. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe sounded good - and it was. I discovered Freddy the Pig, Heinlein, and many others.

I read stories to our children, and our son reads stories to his.

Intrepid Lutherans - Laity Doing the Work,
Instead of Pastors, in Rebuking False Teachers


Dr. Martin Luther: Christian Unity needs Harmony among Individuals; however, Ecclesial Unity requires that False Teachers be publicly Admonished and Rebuked by Fellow Pastors

Dr. Martin LutherIn commentary following a recent post by anonymous blogger "Matthias Flach" entitled, A Travesty Examined, Part Nine , it was suggested that "Matthias" contact the President of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), and complain to him about all the problems he sees – the idea being that the Synod President, having enough complainers behind him, would be emboldened to, say, acknowledge these problems publicly, maybe even repudiate them... possibly, like Synod President Matt Harrison of theLutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), even use the publishing power of his office (the only power the WELS SP really has) to consistently expose the errors of false teachers in the WELS Ministerium who are apparently prized, protected and promoted by the entirety of the WELS Praesidium, warn against them, and rebuke those fellow pastors who embrace these teachings and practices.

Maybe such would happen... Assuming the best of the WELS SP, perhaps it can also be asserted that he needs numbers behind him, not for courage, but for factual corroboration. Quite honestly, however, even having the corroboration, I don’t think that any sort of public acknowledgement or admonishment would be forthcoming. At least nothing with any sort of impact that wouldn’t be immediately overcome by a swift, unanimous and well-coordinated action of the Twelve District Presidents who evidently oppose him. One primary reason, in my opinion, is how very close-knit WELS has become. It has grown unhealthy. For instance, when a person names a given WELS pastor, the instinct (in my personal experience) seems to be toward immediately calculating ones degree of familial relation to the man, and then recalling his direct and indirect experience with him. While this is perfectly natural in small old organizations, there now seems to be an inability to distinguish between individual and Office among them. Any just criticism of a pastor’s doctrine or practice seems to be interpreted as an attack against him personally or against his extended family and classmates, an arrogant elevation of the person issuing the criticism, and a disruption of the harmony necessary for unity to persist among them. The example currently found in the LCMS, of pastors exhibiting the courage to name false doctrines and practices among them, and, increasingly, the pastors who embrace and promote those teachings and practices, seems to be a cultural impossibility in WELS, unless it is already a family squabble of some sort, a matter of personal history or conflict between individual pastors going back, say, to high-school, college or seminary, or an internal political issue within the ministerium where lines have already been drawn.

Martin Luther preached, however, that recognizing a distinction between individual and Office is necessary, that Christian duty to cherish and preserve harmony – to be “compassionate and loving as ‘brethren, tenderhearted, and "friendly" or "humble-minded"’” – extends to the manner in which individuals carry on with one another. It is not, however, necessarily characteristic of the Office, the function of which includes the preachment of the Law in a way that cuts to the bone and exposes sin – which, to the person offended by the Law, does not seem like a very friendly thing to do – and as God’s representative, even extends to the withholding of forgiveness from the unrepentant (Matt. 16:19John 20:23) – which does not seem to the unforgiven to be a very friendly thing to do, either. He preached further that it is a function of the Office, and thus of the pastor who is responsible to “represent not [his] own but God’s dignity,” to admonish and rebuke false teachers – i.e., fellow Office holders, saying:

    But if one dishonors the Baptism, Sacrament, or Ministry committed to me by God, and so opposes not me but God Himself, then it is my duty not to be silent nor merciful and friendly, but to use my God-ordained Office to admonish, threaten and rebuke, with all earnestness, both in season and out of season – as Paul admonishes Timothy – those who err in doctrine or faith or who do not amend their lives; and this regardless of who they are or how it pleases them.
All of this – the duty to cherish harmony among Christians, the duty to rebuke false teachers in the Church (which appears disharmonious but preserves pure doctrine, which is necessary for true harmony), and drawing the distinction between these duties – is found in his Sermon on the Epistle Lesson for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity (1 Pet. 3:8-15), pertinent excerpts from which follow:

From Dr. Martin Luther’s Sermon on 1 Peter 3:8-15
The Epistle Lesson for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity

On the Duty to Cherish Christian Harmony
No one has a different baptism or sacrament, a different Christ, from mine, or grace and salvation other than I have. And no individual can have another faith than have Christians in general, nor does he hear any other Gospel or receive a different absolution, be he lord or servant, noble or ignoble, poor or rich, young or old, Italian or German. When one imagines himself different from or better than his fellows, desiring to exalt and glorify himself above others, he is truly no longer a Christian; because he is no longer in that unity of mind and faith essential to Christians. Christ with His grace is always the same, and cannot be divided or apportioned within Himself.

Not without reason did the beloved apostles urge this point. They clearly saw how much depends upon it, and what evil and harm result from disregard of the commandment. Where this commandment is dishonored, schisms and factions will necessarily arise to corrupt pure doctrine and faith, and the devil will sow his seed, which afterwards can be eradicated only with difficulty. When once self-conceit rules, and one, pretending more learning, wisdom, goodness and holiness than his fellows, begins to despise others and to draw men to himself, away from the unity of mind which makes us one in Christ, and when he desires the first praise and commendation for his own doctrine and works, his own preaching, then the harm is already done; faith is overthrown and the Church is rent. When unity becomes division, certainly two sects cannot both be the true Church. If one is godly, the other must be the devil’s own. On the other hand, so long as unity of faith and oneness of mind survives, the true Church of God abides, notwithstanding there may be some weakness in other points. Of this fact the devil is well aware; hence his hostility to Christian unity. His chief effort is to destroy harmony. “Having that to contend with,” he tells himself, “my task will be a hard and wearisome one.”

Therefore, Christians should be all the more careful to cherish the virtue of harmony, both in the Church and in secular government. In each instance there is of necessity much inequality. God would have such dissimilarity balanced by love and unity of mind. Let everyone be content, then, with what God has given or ordained for him, and let him take pleasure in another’s gifts, knowing that in eternal blessings he is equally rich, having the same God and Christ, the same grace and salvation; and that although his standing before God may differ from that of his fellows, he is nevertheless in no way inferior to them, nor is anyone for the same reason at all better than or superior to himself.


The other virtues enjoined by Peter are easily recognized – compassionate, loving as “brethren, tenderhearted, and ‘friendly’ or ‘humble-minded’.” These particularly teach how Christians should esteem one another. God has subjected them all to love and has united them, with the design that they shall be of one heart and soul, and each care for the other as for himself. Peter’s exhortation was especially called for at that time, when Christians were terribly persecuted. Here a pastor, there a citizen, was thrown into prison, driven from wife, child, house and home, and finally executed. Such things happen even now, and may become yet more frequent considering that unfortunate people are harassed by tyrants, or led away by the Turks [Muhammadans], and Christians are thus dispersed in exile here and there. Wherever by His Word and faith God has gathered a church, and that spiritual unity, the bond of Christianity, exists in any measure, there the devil has no peace. If he cannot effect the destruction of that church by factiousness, he furiously persecutes it. Then it is that body, life and everything we have must be jeopardized – put to the stake – for the sake of the Church.

On the Duty to Admonish and Rebuke False Teachers
The lesson teaches the duty of each individual toward all other individuals, not toward the God-ordained Office. Office and person must be clearly distinguished. The officer or ruler in his official capacity is a different man from what he is as John or Frederick. The apostle or preacher differs from the individual Peter or Paul. The preacher has not his Office by virtue of his own personality; he represents it in God’s stead. Now, if any person be unjustly persecuted, slandered and cursed, I ought to and will say: “Deo gratias;” for in God I am richly rewarded for it. But if one dishonors the Baptism, Sacrament, or Ministry committed to me by God, and so opposes not me but God Himself, then it is my duty not to be silent nor merciful and friendly, but to use my God-ordained Office to admonish, threaten and rebuke, with all earnestness, both in season and out of season – as Paul admonishes Timothy (2 Tim. 4:2) – those who err in doctrine or faith or who do not amend their lives; and this regardless of who they are or how it pleases them.

But the censured may say: “Nevertheless you publicly impugn my honor; you give me a bad reputation.” I answer: Why do you not complain to Him who committed the Office to me? My honor is likewise dear to me, but the honor of my Office must be more sacred still. If I am silent where I ought to rebuke, I sully my own honor, which I should maintain before God in the proper execution of my Office; hence I with you deserve to be hanged in mid-day, to the utter extinguishment of my honor and yours. No, the Gospel does not give you authority to say the preacher shall not, by the Word of God, tell you of your sin and shame. What does God care for the honor you seek from the world when you defy His Word with it? To the world you may seem to defend your honor with God and a good conscience, but in reality you have nothing to boast of before God but your shame. This very fact you must confess if you would retain your honor before Him; you must place His honor above that of all creatures. The highest distinction you can achieve for yourself is that of honoring God’s Word and suffering rebuke.

Yes, but still you attack the Office to which I am appointed.” No, dear brother, our Office is not assailed when I and you are reminded of our failure to do right, to conduct the Office as we shouldBut the Word of God rebukes us for dishonoring that divinely ordained appointment and abusing it in violation of His commandment. Therefore you cannot call me to account for reproving you. However, were I not a pastor or preacher, and had I no authority to rebuke you, then it would be my duty and my pleasure to leave your honor and that of every other man unscathed. But if I am to fill a divine Office and to represent not my own but God’s dignity, then for your own sake I must not and will not be silent. If you do wrong, and disgrace and dishonor come upon you, blame yourself: “Thy blood shall be upon thine own head,” says Scripture (1 Kings. 2:37). Certainly when a judge sentences a thief to the gallows, that man’s honor is impugned. Who robs you of your honor but yourself, by your own theft, your contempt of God, disobedience, murder, and so on? God must give you what you deserve. If you consider it a disgrace to be punished, then consider it also no honor to rob, steal, practice usury and do public wrong; you disgrace yourself by dishonoring God’s commandment.

Notice that Luther preaches the following:
    However, were I not a pastor or preacher, and had I no authority to rebuke you, then it would be my duty and my pleasure to leave your honor and that of every other man unscathed.
This is a note to us laymen. We don’t have the Office of rebuking and correcting. It’s not our job. It is for this reason that I, for one (and I think, perhaps, many laymen along with me), have been very reluctant to name specific situations or pastors, and have preferred to speak in general. IT’S NOT MY JOB! This makes the silence of pastors who see the error and yet remain silent all the more distressing, as it drives the laity, of necessity, to enter in where they would otherwise have no place. And to their shame, they seem content to allow the laity to do it, unaided. IT IS THEIR JOB! But they seem to either be derelict or cowards.

And to those WELS pastors who boldly speak behind the cloak of anonymity – you help no one other than rumour mongers and gossipers. You complain, “What of my family? What of my livelihood! I can’t let anyone know who I am, my adversaries might find out and cause me grief and woe!” But you are more than willing to name them publicly, to cause them grief and woe. Luther preaches above,
    It is my duty NOT to be silent nor merciful and friendly, but to use my God-ordained Office to admonish, threaten and rebuke, with all earnestness, both in season and out of season,”
and in times of persecution,
    body, life and everything we have must be jeopardized – put to the stake – for the sake of the Church.”
Your adversaries have the courage to openly preach and promote falsehood, but you do not have the courage to correct them with the Truth, to act in the interest of preserving their disciples and the Church from the impact of their false doctrine and practice? How strong, then, is your doctrine? Indeed, how eminently valuable is it if you are not willing to sign your name to it? Is it truly Christian Conscience and Confessional Integrity that drives you to “anonymously voice your deep concerns,” or is it sport? Tinged with a touch of schadenfreude?

You saw the hurricane approaching far in the distance, and you’ve waited only till landfall to begin preparing yourselves, your families, and your congregations for the inevitable? You have only yourselves to blame for the disaster you have brought upon them: “Thy blood shall be upon thine own head.” The time to act was in May of 2010, if not before. Where were you? Still deciding to prepare? Where are you now? Just beginning to prepare? Must you “first go bury your father” (Matt. 8:21-22)? I’ve got news for you – it’s way too late now to weather the storm intact. Your Leaders are unanimous: they are busy excommunicating the likes of Rev. Rydecki, while coddling the likes of Rev. Skorzewski and publicly endorsing events like the 2015 Christian Leadership Experience. In my opinion, the only way to survive now with pure teaching and faith intact is to evacuate, to leave everything behind and start anew on higher ground.


Anonymous said...
Mr. Lindee,

Thank you for the wonderful post. I think it fully expresses in a very cogent way the frustration so many lay people feel with our Orthodox Pastors. To copy and paste from your post above -

"If I am silent where I ought to rebuke, I sully my own honor, which I should maintain before God in the proper execution of my Office; hence I with you deserve to be hanged in mid-day, to the utter extinguishment of my honor and yours. No, the Gospel does not give you authority to say the preacher shall not, by the Word of God, tell you of your sin and shame. What does God care for the honor you seek from the world when you defy His Word with it? To the world you may seem to defend your honor with God and a good conscience, but in reality you have nothing to boast of before God but your shame."

Something for our Orthodox Shepherds to think about. They do have a duty based upon their Office and if they do not wish to do that duty then why are they in that Office? It seems over the past decades that the Church Growth Movement has marched relentlessly on within WELS, positioning like minded men in positions of influence, protecting their own (see the Rev. Skorzewski scandal and it can be called nothing less and probably a good deal more) starting various committees to peddle their wares to the congregations and all for the remaking of WELS. All this while the Orthodox have done what? Where are our Shepherds? To reference the quote - Is there any shame? Do they have any honor?

As for too late - it is never too late where God is involved. But where is the trust in God's promises? Will He forsake you? Will He leave you? You know the answers and teach them to the youth of your congregations. But if I may be so bold "Do you believe those promises?" I ask only because of what we have seen or shall we say not seen in your actions as I do not presume to know what is truly in your heart.

Luckily we know that all is in our Father's hands and if the WELS should forsake irretrievably it's heritage, He will raise up faithful preachers for His sheep, He will call others to be His shepherds and guide His sheep to them for they will know their Masters voice.

If I am too doom and gloom and speak of things which are not so or have cast too wide a net or painted with too broad a stroke (which is probably true) - then speak and dispel, enlighten me - I am more then willing to have a Damascus moment. I am more then willing and in fact would rejoice to admit that I am wrong, for then perhaps I could believe that the lights of Confessional Lutheran Orthodoxy are not winking out within the WELS one by one. On the other hand, and not to be too smarmy, I am not holding my breath either.

Signed if you cannot guess - Extremely Frustrated.

Or to comply with Intrepid Policy - Lee Liermann