Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Classic Ichabod from 2011 - Jeske's New Age Huberism

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Time of Grace layin' it all out there:

Time of Grace on Facebook:

Jesus is already pure, and now he says you are too. Do you look at yourself as pure? Or does your guilty conscience endlessly remind you of what a piece of trash you are? You are pure. He made purification for you! When you lay your head on the pillow tonight, you can say, "I am pure." Not on the basis of your own performance, but on the basis of HIS performance.

That kind of theology is exactly what the orthodox Lutheran theologians at Wittenberg condemned Samuel Huber for only 15 years after the Book of Concord was published:

“And to make his (Huber) opinion plain enough to us, he then asked us, how we would deal with people, if we came to a place, where nothing had been taught about Christ before. Then we answered him that we would start with the Law; make it clear to them that they were poor sinners and under the wrath of God, which they should recognize with penitent hearts. If they now were sorry for their sins, God offers through the Gospel His grace and remission of sins in Christ, wishing to make them righteous and saved, as far as they would accept it in true faith. To this Dr. Huber responded: No, this would not be the true way to preach to the unbelievers, but he would begin by saying this: You have the grace of God, you have the righteousness of Christ, you have salvation. - Concilia Theologica Witebergensia, Frankfurt an Mayn 1664, p. 554.

Link - from Bethany Lutheran College!, E. Teigen's course:


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Another Time of Grace gem:

One of the great gifts that our Bethlehem birthday boy came to bring is to switch on the lights for people, then and now, who are blind and stumbling around in darkness. - "Messiah is Coming"


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Medical quacks partners with Time of Grace? Posted under "We're excited to share this great video with you from Dr. Tom Potisk, friend and partner of Time of Grace and a member of Pastor Jeske's home church. Enjoy!"

Martha Torreson As an RN, ND who practices with significant emphasis on spiritual care, I was interested in what Dr. Potisk had to say...much good to encourage healthy living. But am somewhat concerned that he doesn't seem to accurately reflect a medical model (I understand he comes from a chiropractic practice), and of more concern is the subtle mixture of some New Age religious beliefs in his wholistic approach...lacking in glorifying God in these beings (our lives) that He created and that He redeemed, and that He will raise to live eternally in the New Heaven & New Earth! Just trying to add to this "healthy" discussion in Christian love, most sincerely!!


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Censorship at Time of Grace:

We're excited to share this great video with you from Dr. Tom Potisk, friend and partner of Time of Grace and a member of Pastor Jeske's home church. Enjoy!

Time of Grace, Spiritual Growth for You and Me Time of Grace is my favorite Christian spiritual growth media source.
Like · Comment · 7 hours ago ·

Debbie Johnson, Hannah Arneth, Jane Sternberg and 5 others like this. 2 shares

Tom Potisk Thanks TOG! My intention with this video/article is to introduce my fans to your wonderful mission. Keep up the fantastic work! 7 hours ago

Nancy-Elizabeth Wentzel Dr. Potisk, I see from your blog post on your website that you have a book called "Wellness Wins!" that promotes many of your holistic health philosophies.

I was just wondering if all the spiritual wisdom in your book is strictly speaking from a Christian point of view, or if you draw on ideas from other faiths as well (I noticed a mention of Deepak Chopra, for example.) Thanks for any info you can provide! 4 hours ago

Elizabeth Woodfin Moll Thank you for your post, Emily - you are not the only one with serious concerns. 3 hours ago

Nancy-Elizabeth Wentzel Hey, where did Emily's post go? 3 hours ago

Craig Gerke Thank you for your previous post, Emily. It was deleted. I thought Time of Grace's social media policy was to engage in conversation. Apparently certain conversations are not welcome. Sad. 2 hours ago

Nancy-Elizabeth Wentzel Yes, I don't understand why Emily's post was deleted. It seemed like she was just raising some legitimate questions/ concerns about Dr. Potisk's teachings and spiritual stance. Would someone from Time of Grace be able to address this...? about an hour ago

Time of Grace Our policy, shortened, is to "Support each other as together we share the love of Jesus Christ" and to "promote community and HEALTHY discussion". We try to be very understanding with posts and opinions and comments, but if you do not adhere to that policy (i.e., supporting each other with healthy conversation) then we will remove your comments to protect the rest of our ToG family who is adhering to that policy with respect and Christ-like love. about an hour ago

Craig Gerke Thank you guys for the response! I'm not sure what the previous poster Emily said that was unhealthy?

Parlow, Jeske, Kelm, Patterson.


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Lest we lose the direct link to the UOJ "Messiah is Coming" book, here it is:

And lest someone retort with a "But that's Subjective Justification," here's Time of Grace's mission as published on Facebook:

ToG is a non-profit outreach media ministry that was founded in 2001. The sole mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible through the most advanced technology available.

Prepping for Edible Pod Peas

Directions for dragon claws are here - can be used for salads.

 In Midland I put chicken wire around the entire garage for supporting edible pod peas, and I made a teepee to support more. Needless to say, longing turned to loathing during the harvesting season, which was extended by picking them (more flowering, more fruiting, just like beans and roses). Our members from Hong Kong got two large sacks of dragon claws for their soup, a real delicacy for them. I said, "Don't worry. We will have even more tendrils because I harvested these." And we did.

The rabbits ate vines galore too.

I am planning on repeating this along the fence. Our helper came by looking for a project. I had a wheelbarrow full of soggy newspapers, which are ideal for laying down. I was only needing some organic paperweights, like mushroom compost, soil, or mulch.

Sassy and I went out to do some errands that would necessarily take us by Lowe's, so I decided to pick up some then. Lowe's welcomes dogs, and she loves the attention she gets there. I take her in without a leash each time. She obeys hand signals and voice commands.

We walked in together and I saw straw bales. I had a conversation about when they would be available in the spring and how much they cost - $6 for large ones. Many use them for Halloween displays, but that is not a holy day in our house. The worker said stray bale gardening was really growing in the area.

I ordered some mulch and mushroom compost. Instead of relying on a phone message (not always effective at Lowe's if a teen gets it) we went out looking for guys with big carts. Sassy was excited so she walked around with her happy bark. That got immediate attention in the back and I showed them my receipt.

"Do you have a truck?" I said, "I have a Lincoln Town Car."

We walked back and found the clerk squatting low to the ground with her arms out for Sassy. Our wonderdog wiggled all the way there and loved getting petted and praised. "Oh, you are the most beautiful dog!" Once the cart came toward us we went to the car. Sassy waits at crossings and crosses with me. She got in the car and we soon had our load.

The store could be fussy about dogs, but they welcome dogs without leashes. Sassy has often has a meet and greet with other loose dogs shopping in the garden department. The clerks are unusually welcoming and she knows she is welcome.

Peas love cold weather and can be planted before the last snow fall. Snow peas, right?

They are shallow rooted and enjoy sweet soil. I had them thrive in gravely (limestone) soil.

Men Overboard - Robin Steinke Installed as the First Female President of Luther Seminary.
Liberian Leader Attends

Robin Steinke came to install the new female head of the Berkeley ELCA seminary,
which has very few students but very valuable land.
The seminary has merged with California Lutheran U.,
so Boss Bloomquiest is merely a dean.

This ELCA pastor preaches herself and really likes the word "like." She's like saying like whenever transitioning to another, like, story about her favorite topic, her amazing life.


Feel free to watch the installation of Robin Steinke as president of Luther Seminary, where Jack and Robert Preus attended.

I found the entire service to be strained, awkward, and weird. This is the largest seminary for Lutherans, but the church was not full. The school is located in the Twin Cities, where one ELCA congregation alone has 10,000 members. Those attending seemed mostly to be seniors - not seniors in seminary, but elderly and possibly stunned.

The choir was small; the orchestra accompanying it was every bit as good as a high school band.

One of the opening songs was African, so Steinke can be seen rocking back and forth a bit. The new ELCA presiding bishop, Liz Eaton, is petite and mannish. Robin Steinke is large and mannish, wearing slacks, heavy boots, and preaching from the chancel holding a notebook. The face mike reminded me of Ski's attempts to be cool.

The pulpit was nearby but empty. Everything is in code. The radical Left knows what the language and symbols mean. Pacing about in the chancel is a message, like Ski preaching in his car repair clothes. Words about new horizons and reaching out to the marginalized  - that means their radical Left activism that will leave liberal mouths hanging open in dismay.

If you want to study bumbling sermons, try to listen to Steinke. Everything seems to say, "We finally got to take over the ELCA institutions, and now it is not so fun."

I could not find a news story about the event, which should be a major bragging point. The gay Left was thrilled with Eaton taking over ELCA. Reconciling Works, their home base, bragged about Eaton, who is safely married to a man. Why not Steinke? Her domestic status is never mentioned. That may account for the sullen reaction to her installation - but I am only speculating.

Karen Bloomquist is the new dean of the transplanted California seminary.
Her obedient husband Bill is on the right.
The old campus had a spectacular view - they will miss Sodom-by-the-Bay.

This pot on the head dance was part of the Bloomquist installation.
Where do they get these clowns?

Try to read her Leftist mumbo-jumbo below.
She is not speaking in tongues.
She is speaking in gay Marxist rhetoric.

Karen Bloomquist

I am a constructive theologian/ethicist, pastor and administrator, committed to preparing the people of God to discern critically and work collaboratively with others to further God’s liberating mission in pluralistic, multi-faith contexts.  Given the global horizons within which I have been networking, teaching and writing over the past decade, I am eager to find ways in which my experience, expertise and perspectives might be drawn upon in the preparation of religious and other leaders in settings throughout the world.  Throughout my career, my passion has been relating to, analyzing and actively seeking to change situations of injustice and furthering God’s mission in the world.
The preacher at the Bloomquist installation was a long-term friend,
and has a doctorate in feminist theology.

Ph.D., Theology, Union Theological Seminary [The Devil's Playground], NYC
M.Div., Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
B.A., Sociology and Religion, St. Olaf College
Professional History
Director, Department for Theology and Studies, Lutheran World Federation
Associate Professor of Theological Ethics, Wartburg Theological Seminary
Director for Studies, Division for Church in Society, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Assistant Professor of Church and Society, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Pastor, Lutheran Church of St. Philip, Brooklyn, NY
Pastor, Faith American Lutheran Church, Oakland, CA

Chairman of the Board