Luther summarized - The Chief Article of the Christian Religion is justification by faith, the master and prince, the lord, the ruler and the judge over all kinds of doctrines; upon this article all things depend which we teach and practice in opposition to the pope, the devil, and the whole world. (Quotations and citations below)
- We do not need to go much farther than to see that the proponents of Universal Objective Justification have turned the above concept upside-down and inside-out. They are by definition liars, like those who would call cyanide "food" and apples "poison."
- This Emmaus Conference is no attempt to deal with issues or clarify matters, because the speakers only want to enforce their crude propaganda. Therefore, only one side--UOJ-- will be presented. Based on previous experience, they will not even allow someone to dissent from their malignant dogma.
- Jay Webber and Jon Buchholz have never shown a capacity for study beyond earning their precious MDiv degrees. Neither one has contributed a micron to Lutheran doctrinal work. Buchholz has only dug himself deeper with his commitment to universal salvation.
- Their position never found a home in the Lutheran Church until the era of Pietism, when the spirit of rationalistic Calvinism took hold at Halle University.
- All their prime sources are from Pietism and some (not all) of the Synodical Conference leaders, who were reared in Pietism.
- CFW Walther only knew rationalistic training at Leipzig University or Pietism (his Bible study group, Halle style, his following of Kuhn, and his devotion to Martin Stephan, the adulterous and syphilitic leader of the Saxon Migration.) They brought cell groups to America.
- UOJ was not universally affirmed in the Synodical Conference, as shown by the original Gausewitz Catechism.
- UOJ was not taught everywhere in WELS. Papenfuss, of UOJ Kokomo fame, never heard of UOJ until seminary. Many old-timers, even Boomers, know that UOJ was not taught in WELS in their congregation - only justification by faith.
- UOJ was not taught in all places in the Missouri Synod, and it is certainly not now. One pastor told me he knew about 500 who did not bow the knee to this crackpot idea.
- Eduard Preuss is hailed as the justification genius, by Cascione and McCain quoting Robert Preus, but Robert Preus abandoned that position and put together excellent anti-UOJ quotations in Justification and Rome.
- Luther - UOJ expert? Really?
Quotations and Citations
Luther on Justification
Luther went as far as claiming that if one did not believe the correct teaching, one was not even a Christian![1] Luther viewed justification as the very foundation of the Church. It was “the master and prince, the lord, the ruler and the judge over all kinds of doctrines;”[2] “upon this article all things depend which we teach and practice in opposition to the pope, the devil, and the whole world.[3]
[1] Luther states, “And unless you are part of the company of those who say “our sins,” that is, who have this doctrine of faith and who teach, hear, learn, love, and believe it, there is no salvation.” Luther’s Works: Vol. 26, page 35. See also Lohse, Martin Luther's Theology: Its Historical and Systematic Development, page 259 where Lohse writes, “Such concentration on one particular article as we find in Luther is without precedent.”
[2] Weimar Ausgabe, 39, I, 205, Promotionsdisputation von Paladins und Tüemann, June 1,
1537. qtd in “Justification and Eschatology in Luther's Thought” by George Wolfgang Forell.
[3] Triglot Concordia: The Symbolic Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, German-Latin-English, The Smalcald Articles 2.1.5
[2] Weimar Ausgabe, 39, I, 205, Promotionsdisputation von Paladins und Tüemann, June 1,
1537. qtd in “Justification and Eschatology in Luther's Thought” by George Wolfgang Forell.
[3] Triglot Concordia: The Symbolic Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, German-Latin-English, The Smalcald Articles 2.1.5
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Leyser was an editor of the Book of Concord and an expert on justification. He spanked Huber - the first promoter of UOJ in Lutherdom. And they kicked him out. |
Luther, from his Galatians commentary:
Speaking of money, nobody wants to contribute nowadays to the maintenance of the ministry, and the erection of schools. When it comes to establishing false worship and idolatry, no cost is spared. True religion is ever in need of money, while false religions are backed by wealth.
- VERSE 11. But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed.
Paul goes on in his refutation of the false apostles by saying that in Antioch he withstood Peter in the presence of the whole congregation. As he stated before, Paul had no small matter in hand, but the chief article of the Christian religion. When this article is endangered, we must not hesitate to resist Peter, or an angel from heaven. Paul paid no regard to the dignity and position of Peter, when he saw this article in danger. It is written: "He that loveth father or mother or his own life, more than me, is not worthy of me." (Matt. 10:37.)
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Rambach was 100% Pietist, 100% UOJ. |
John teaches mainly the sublime and chief article of our Christian faith: believing in Christ. Because of this article we are called Christians. Besides this, we do not find many sermons on the Ten Commandments in this Gospel. Rather it is his greatest task to establish well the sublime article of the righteousness of faith and to impress it deeply on the people. For there is no danger when this article remains pure and unadulterated and stands firmly. But when it is overthrown, we are lost and are no better than Jews, heathen, Tartars, and Turks, aye, we are as bad as the papists. For this reason, because he so diligently teaches this chief article, the evangelist John deserves to be highly praised.
What Luther Says, ed. Plass, 3 vols, II, p. 702. W 33, 82. E 57, 298. SL 7, 2252.
What Luther Says, ed. Plass, 3 vols, II, p. 702. W 33, 82. E 57, 298. SL 7, 2252.
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Looking for UOJ here. Oops. |
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Trying hard to find a UOJ quotation among the Lutherans, before Pietism. Coming up dry, Jon and Jay. |