Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Second Wave of Edible Pod Peas - Crash into Spring Gardening with These Cold-Loving Veggies

Super Sugar Snap Peas - eat them raw or cooked.

We ran out of peas to plant along the fence, so I ordered another big envelope. It is good to try different types and also to plant some early and some later. Trying types is only a problem with corn, since it is wind pollinated and that affects the seed.

Peas are the ultimate way to break into spring gardening. Carrots maybe, peas always. The idea of waiting until Ash Wednesday to plant peas is strange, because that date changes so much from year to year, depending on the date of Easter Sunday.  That date varies by one entire month, from the earliest date in early April to the latest date in early May.

Here is the guideline for peas - Can you get them into the ground? Good, then plant, the earlier, the better. They love cold. LeSeur peas come from Minnesota, not Florida.

I am going to do more wide row planting. We will open up the mulch, throw a lot of seed in wide rows, cover them with mushroom compost, and tamp it down lightly. Then water. The fence will support the vines, and vines grab each other to climb the fence.

Peas will add nitrogen to the soil, open up the root zone with their new roots, create complex cells from the soil, water, and solar energy, flower and fruit.