Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Jay Webber Lying about UOJ Dogma - Again.
Boycott the Emmaus Conference

Jay Webber, the Marvin Schwan Adjunct Professor of UOJ, is being taken seriously on the WELS Discussions page. Hurry over and join the confusion.

WELS Discussions is a page where a number of participants said they would quit if I posted anymore. I volunteered to drop my charter membership, not wanting certain pastors to hold their breath until their lips turned blue.

Jay is solemnly declaring a series of falsehoods, contradicting himself at every turn. Several of the blockheads agree that UOJ is not Universalism,

Here is a current definition of Universalism:
Universalism is the teaching that all people will be saved.  Some say that it is through the atonement of Jesus that all will ultimately be reconciled to God.  Others just say that all will go to heaven sooner or later, whether or not they have trusted in or rejected Jesus as savior during their lifetime.

This is Jon Buchholz revelation about UOJ and WELS - WELS Essays:
The forgiveness acquired by Jesus for all at the cross gives us confessional Lutherans, among all the church bodies of the world, the highest motivation to share our Savior. In contrast to the “Jesus Saves” churches, we don’t preach a salvation that is incomplete and just waiting for the sinner to do something to complete the transaction. We proclaim boldly, “Jesus Saved,” past tense, finished, certain. 

DP John Seifert "disciplined" ex VP Paul Kuske
for opposing UOJ.

A Slight Difference - WELS Is More Radical
The main difference is - Universalists place this salvation in the future (although results vary). "All people will be saved." But WELS teaches that the entire world is already saved -

We proclaim boldly, "Jesus Saved," past tense, finished, certain. [Emphasis in the Buchholz original] Although Buchholz pretends to differ with JP Meyer (in the graphic above), he is saying the same thing.

Webber likes to tell people that WELS put out messy material that does not express UOJ properly, mentioning the Kokomo Statements as the example. But three of the four Kokomo Statements are almost verbatim from JP Meyer's Ministers of Christ, quoted above. I spoke to the two families kicked out of WELS in Kokomo. They were expelled because they did not agree with the Kokomo Statements, which were quoted in the certified letter.

UOJ is the foundational dogma of WELS, borrowed from the syphilitic founder of the LCMS and copied by his enabler, CFW Walther. UOJ is so handy when taking guilt money from a billionaire who left his wife for his mistress, causing his wife to despair and end her life.

UOJ is found in the dogmatics of Karl Barth and his mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum, and Barth/Kirschbaum is the primary theologian of Fuller Seminary.

UOJ is the central dogma of ELCA, making it easy for them to ordain and marry anybody, and WELS fits right in, with their UOJ.

The Real Issue Is Enthusiasm

Various minders try out their wordings to see if Webber approves or not, a good example on both sides of the low estate of Lutheran theology. Webber likes to play with the history of everything rather than deal with the actual doctrine.

No one (so far) has the guts to remind Jay Webber that he sided with the Pietist Rambach and the Pietist Quistorp against Martin Chemnitz on the meaning of 1 Timothy 3:16. Which of three mentioned served as senior editor of the Book of Concord?

Sound familiar, ELS? When Martin Teigen corrected the Synodical Conference on the Lord's Supper, the ELS and WELS beat Teigen like a rented mule for agreeing with the Book of Concord...and Martin Chemnitz.

Ironic note - Webber pointed out to me the value of the Enthusiasm passage in dealing with the Church Growth Movement - not that he ever has. The same passage describes UOJ perfectly. "God does not wish to deal with us otherwise than through the spoken Word and Sacraments." There is no forgiveness outside of the Means of Grace, even if three small, dying sects in Middle America think otherwise.

Look at what UOJ has done to ethics and integrity of WELS, the ELS, and the LCMS:

  • All three sects depend on money from the Schwan Foundation and Thrivent.
  • All three work happily with ELCA while pretending to be superior. Who calls the shots?
  • Jay Webber was glad to work with marriage wrecker Floyd Stolzenburg and let Kovaciny be the bagman for the Ukraine fiasco. 
  • Jon Buchholz expelled Pastor Paul Rydecki and his congregation for teaching the Biblical doctrine of justification by faith, doubtless with Jay Webber as the cheerleader.
  • The same DP Buchholz embraced Jeff Gunn as a faithful WELSian, much to the shock and dismay of his subjects.
  • Unrelenting sex scandals victimize the helpless, but the synodical leaders help, protect, and promote the abusers.

I could list such doctrinal issues as the efficacy of the Word, clearly taught in the Scriptures, in the Book of Concord, in all of Luther's writings, but sadly lacking in mainline Protestant sects. Most of them came over via Pietism, just as WELS, Missouri, and the ELS did.

Long ago, LCA Bishop Ray Heine said, "People think we are a lot worse than we are, because of the groups we associate with."

I said, "Lie down with dogs. Get up with fleas."

He said, "I guess we have a lot of fleas."

I agreed and soon left the LCA, not knowing that the proud and obstinate Synodical Conference was eager to curl up in the lap of the nascent ELCA - and study with them at Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek, and the late Mars Hill.

Luther wrote, "It is good when people disappoint us, so we learn to rely on the Word alone."

Love for sale.