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"Naow I realize - WELS is anti-Law and legalistic at the same time!" |
Doug Lindee, Intrepid Lutherans:
If the truth be told, however, we started this practice of home worship years before finally leaving the WELS. We began to notice that there was a consistent dearth of Law in the preaching and teaching, not only of Faith Church, but in every WELS church we visited. The emphasis on the Gospel was so smothering that the Law, if present at all, was virtually indiscernible. While both of us had grown up within pop-church Evanglicalism and among confessing Pietists, were fully acquainted with the Law, and personally found Law-less Gospel preaching a sufficient (and welcome) balance to the smotheringly Gospel-less Law preaching we had been reared with, the impact on our children, who, over a decade had only become familiar with the Gospel, was unmistakably negative. Having literally no acquaintance with the Law, they failed to place any real significance on the Gospel, taking for granted that they were already forgiven and righteous regardless of what they do, as if they were entitled to it. The result was behaviour issues of various kinds, a general disregard for God’s Word, and a failure to respond to correction which was drawn from it. We appealed at various times to our WELS pastors for more Law in their preaching, so that there would be a more discernible balance between Law and Gospel, but when our requests were dismissed – sometimes with ridicule for being “lovers of the Law” – we realized that there would be no changing their nearly Law-less Gospel preaching.
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Conventional WELS wisdom, from Jeff Schone, an icon of men's fashion in Lower Slobovia. |
GJ - More people are realizing the inherently corrupt nature of the WELS sect, since
Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
The WELS-LCMS-ELS campaign against justification by faith, symbolized by the pathetic Emmaus Conference, can only bear evil fruit - as it has already.
According to WELS Sharia Law, if a married pastor tries to seduce a young woman, it is her fault, so she must be shunned and driven away.
When married pastors are caught in affairs, they blame their wives and get the gentlest treatment possible - even a promotion to the Love Shack. If you know the truth, DP Buchholz only wants to know, "Who told you?"
Missouri has a long-standing policy of moving pastors and destroying evidence, so there is no reason to take refuge in that particular house of cards.
This anti-nomian (anti-Law) theme jump-started the entire Synodical Conference, which one wag called "God's cancer transplant from Dresden to the State of Missouri."
The Saxon Migration did not take place until
- Bishop Martin Stephan was hauled into court
- for sexual deviancy (young women) and financial issues,
- Put under house arrest
- Found officers posted in his home, and
However, the Great Walther, who knew all about Stephan's groupies, "confidentially" blamed Stephan's marital problems on Mrs. Stephan, a woman the bishop abandoned in Dresden, a woman sickened by her husband's syphilis, watching her syphilitic children slowly die with her. This confidential blaming of Mrs. Stephan was printed in the official LCMS hagiography called CFW Walther - Servant of the Word. Nice job keeping the blame under wraps, Missouri.
Paul McCain, another UOJ specialist, told me Missouri finally clamped down on their sexual deviants because "it was costing too much money in lawsuits." What nobility! What confessional integrity! What antinomianism!
Is there not a direct link to the UOJ and sex mania of the Kuske catechism and the continuing scandals in the WELS, as Lindee noted?
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Why do the bright, sincere, well read people keep leaving WELS? |
Then we read the catechism that would be used by the Reverend to instruct our young boy, which was written by one Rev. David Kuske. In comparison with the catechism resources we afterward recommended he use instead for the Sixth Commandment lesson (Gausewitz or Koehler), Kuske goes into excessively lurid detail of sexual intercourse, including what kind of sex to have, when to have it, and how enjoyable it should be. The Rev. Wxxxx forcefully rejected use of the alternative resources we suggested (which were, in our opinion, better by orders of magnitude, without all of the direct sex-talk and associated imagery), and when we opted to keep our son home rather than attend his lesson, were indirectly criticized by him for our parenting decisions. In retrospect, given all of the sexual scandals in WELS that have been made public over the past year, and the many more that are roiling just under the surface, we wonder now whether Kuske’s catechism might have something to do with it – whether, in our over-sexed day and age, introducing direct sex-talk with sixth-grade boys and girls is a bit premature for these youngsters, and puts images in their minds that they might otherwise be inclined to struggle against, had their pastor not been the one who put them there using Synod materials that carry the approval of the Church. Given this, it is no wonder the current generation of WELS theologians prefers the NIV 2011’s use of the phrases “make love” (Ge. 4:1,17,25; 29:21,23,30; 38:2; Ru. 4:13; 1 Sa. 1:19; 2 Sa. 11:11; 12:24; 1 Ch. 2:21; 7:23; Is. 8:3; etc.) and “have sex” (Ge. 19:5; Jud. 19:22; 1 Co. 6:9) – phrases and imagery thought in previous generations to be far too indelicate to implant in the minds of pious Christians, who were probably also averse to using such terms for fear that they would indirectly reinforce immoral standards cherished by the world and ignite fleshly desires, against which Christians already struggle.
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Fox Valley WELS really hates this graphic, so they try messing with it on the blog. I know how they do that, so here it is again. |
Fox Valley WELS
What two things came together so well to prove Lindee's case?
To attack me, which was like being stoned to death with popcorn, Tim Glende and Gang launched two anonymous blogs. They combined their blogs with vicious comments sent to this blog. Like DP Patterson, they left a trail of electrons back to their nest of vipers.
To prove what a horrible false teacher I was, they defended their precious dogma called UOJ and accused me of Inuit Fidei, which I imagine is the faith of Eskimo, since the Eskimo are Inuit Indians.
They posted comments pretending to be me and another person, which is against the law. They slandered members of their own sect - by name. They engaged in lame, perverted graphics that revealed as much about their character as their favorite websites. Yes, I could tell where they came from when they opened up this URL. It was the biggest referral URL for the longest time, but that stopped when they realized I was learning so much from my software.
They could not make a case for their dogma, their plagiarism and their entertainment services, this Fox Valley gang of thugs, so they dropped and erased their blogs, several times as I recall.
Fox Valley WELS Behavior
Bishop Katie followed Ski from St. Marcus, Milwaukee (Jeske Inc), a strange set-up, most people would say. She suddenly resigned but it was not from any problems.
Oddly enough, the next lady staffer resigned too, citing a lot of verbal abuse, obscene behavior, drinking on the job, and pornographic language. Ski even gave the staffer a nude male photo to view, not to mention other matters best left unstated here. This second staffer was told to tell everyone there were no problems, etc, just as Bishop Katie had told everyone. It looks like a pattern.
This UOJ-alcoholic-plagiarist could do no wrong in the eyes of antinomian WELS, so they backed Ski above and beyond the call of duty. If a Medal of Dishonor is ever granted by their Father Below, the Anything Goes DPs will earn it, both Engelbrecht and Zank.
The boozy duo took the husband of the lady staffer to court for telling the truth about Ski. Glende must have thought he had a great cause to uphold, so he took the stand first. As detailed by one of his other victims, an attorney he kicked out of the congregation for telling the truth, Glende had to admit that the woman's husband told the truth about Ski.
Nevertheless, even though three more thugs (Ski and two staffers) persisted in court for another day, Ski got CRM status and an insta-call, so he could be whisked out of Fox Valley for a safe landing near DP Patterson, who hosts booze fueled retreats for women. (Paradise? thought Ski)
Drunkenness, obscene behavior, neglect of duties, plagiarism, and treating women like dirt - WELS rewards this behavior because it is harmonious with their UOJ dogma.
Zank, the VP who supported Disappearing Doug Engelbrecht, was voted in to replace Glende's finger-puppet -
And Glende was invited to teach the mostly female WELS teachers about spirituality, at their national conference.
Stephan - thou hast conquered!
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If your dogma is rank, count on Zank, endorsed by Joel Lillo. |