Friday, April 17, 2015

Using Straw Men Arguments To Argue Against Faith.
It Is Not Too Late to Boycott the Emmaus Conference

Ron Pederson is against faith.

“God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting men’s sins against them” (2 Cor 5:19).
What did Jesus accomplish by His life, death and resurrection? Did He accomplish a potential forgiveness that is true only when we believe it? Is our faith like some kind of magical genie that brings the forgiveness of sins into existence? If the forgiveness of sins is not already there, what is faith to believe?


GJ - How pathetic - three tired old straw men arguments in a row.

1. Did He accomplish a potential forgiveness that is true only when we believe it?
GJ - That one is especially lame, Ron. Who has said that? You are arguing in a circle and daring anyone to challenge your circular reasoning. You seem to reject utterly the Formula of Concord. See the quotation above.

2. Is our faith like some kind of magical genie that brings the forgiveness of sins into existence?
ELCA argues the same way. "Is the Bible a book that fell from heaven? Do you worship the Bible?" Instead, begin with Romans 4:24-25 and slither your way out of that passage. Luther's Galatians Commentary speaks only of justification by faith.

If the forgiveness of sins is not already there, what is faith to believe?
GJ - Ron, tell us the truth. Is the revealed Word of God dependent upon your darkened understanding? If you cannot believe in a universal absolution and salvation without faith, you cannot believe? How fortunate that so many read and understand the plain words of the Bible, that we are justified by faith.

Darwin could not believe in God creating a wasp that laid its eggs on pests, only to have baby wasps eat the larvae of those pests as they hatched in their warm, juicy bodies. Would that keep you from trusting in Creation too, since it was so hard on Darwin's tender sensibilities?