Tuesday, June 30, 2015

In the Big Leagues of Rose Growing.
We Dropped Off a Collection of Fragrant Roses at His Hospital Office

Veterans' Honor

From our physician, who is a Lenski fan and a baseball fan:

"Thanks for the roses, they are beautiful!

You are in a different rose growing league than I am.

Thanks again."

R__, M.D.


GJ - We give away roses all over, and that means there are even more roses to share. As the Germans say, "A shared joy is a doubled joy - Literally, a cut joy is a doubled joy. Eine geteilte Freude ist eine Freude gedoppelt."

Cutting roses is fun, because they are bound to bring smiles. In our doctor's case, his nurses got them a day early, because it was his day off.

We had been talking about Creation cures - non-toxic - in his garden.
