Monday, June 22, 2015

Thou Shalt Not Commit an Inappropriate Relationship.
UOJ at Work in the Neo-Evangelicals

Tullian shows off the Billy Graham DNA in this photo.
Tullian said that his wife had an affair, and in response, he sought comfort in a friend and their relationship turned "inappropriate."
Last week I was approached by our church leaders and they asked me about my own affair. I admitted to it and it was decided that the best course of action would be for me to resign."

Billy Graham's grandson, who became senior pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, after the death of D. James Kennedy, admitted to an "inappropriate relationship" and resigned from the church. He had been on a Sabbatical and now has his name removed from the church website.

Tullian was one bad dude growing up a Graham, tossed out of his house at age 16 and stealing from his friends and employers.

He settled down, went to college and seminary and started one of those Neo-Evangelical congregations - New City, which merged with Coral Ridge after Tullian was given a call to the much larger congregation.

Tullian and Grandpa Graham.
The next generation after the classical Evangelical preachers is certainly evolving - or degenerating.

Schuller, Graham, and Kennedy used a worship service with classic Christian hymns and a sermon. 

Robert Schuller liked the strangest combination of guest celebrities and went all-DP on anyone who questioned his generic non-confessional theology. Schuller claims he started the Church Growth Movement, since was practicing what McGavran taught nearby in Pasadena.

Graham modeled his crusades after the one where he was converted, a bit of entertainment with celebrity guests, but hymns, prayers, preaching - and a call to the mourners' bench up front for making a decision for Christ.

We heard Graham and D. James Kennedy live in South Bend, not to mention a collection on the B list, so I was always interested in Kennedy after that. 

With the Neo-Evangelicals, clergy robes and pipe organs are out. The Ten Commandments are being discarded with increasing speed. The trend is acceptance of gay marriage among the Neos - all trained at Fuller, Willow Creek, and Trinity Divinity. One after another is having new thoughts, new sensitivities on the topic.

The Neo-ministries are also blowing up, one after another, as predicted here. Potty mouth Driscoll, who trained Ski, Glende, and Bishop Katy, is one of many.

Church Growth began spreading like kudzu vines (also deemed beneficial) after Fuller Seminary formally and angrily rejected the inerrancy of the Scriptures. Nevertheless, the "conservative" Lutheran leaders of the LCMS, WELS, and ELS have found Fuller training to be an essential item in their resumes, adopting the agenda and trotting away on their cloven hooves to do battle against the Means of Grace.

Expect more of the same in the future, except the Lutherans use their papal structure to hide the criminal and immoral acts of their friends while driving out anyone who questions their infallibility.

Tullian and his wife Kim have three children.
Happy Father's Day, Tullian, you messed them up for life.

Here are three other mega-church pastors in Florida who resigned because of adultery.

This is the family history of Billy Graham's children.