Saturday, September 19, 2015

Child Victims Partly To Blame Say Catholic Bishop.
Different from WELS Sharia Law?
LCMS Policy Is To Destroy Evidence

This bishop was found dead  before his testimony was taken -
about his own crimes against children.

UPDATE: The bishop issued a public letter in response to this story.
SYRACUSE, N.Y. – The victims of child-molesting priests are partly to blame for their own abuse, the bishop of Syracuse said in a sworn deposition that revealed his views on the church's sex abuse scandal.

Bishop Robert Cunningham testified in a 2011 deposition in response to a federal lawsuit filed by a man who said a priest in the Syracuse diocese sexually abused him as a child.
The man's lawyer asked Cunningham whether, in the eyes of the church, a child molested by a priest has committed a sin.

"The boy is culpable," Cunningham said Oct. 14, 2011, according to a transcript of the deposition.

His sworn testimony provides rare insight into the thoughts of the highest-ranking Catholic in Syracuse about one of the most troubling chapters in the church's history.
Cunningham believes no child is responsible for being sexually abused, a diocese official said this week. It's unfair to use the deposition to characterize his position otherwise, the official said.

I had to add the evil Stephan and the excommunicated Loehe (boo hiss),
insert Knapp, and put a proper burglars's mask on Walther.

GJ - When an authority figure (teacher, doctor, therapist, minister, coach, priest) uses his or her position to take advantage of another person, this excuse if often used. 

According to WELS Sharia law, the woman or girl is always guilty. This is no different from the decadent Roman Catholic policy of protecting "a son of Holy Mother Church." Besides, it is easier to defenestrate and slander a woman than to admit the son of Holy Mother Church is an adulterous scoundrel willing to betray his wife, his children, and his Savior?

The LCMS has never abandoned its policy of lying about the facts, hiding the truth, inventing sainthood stories, and excommunicating victims from its history. Stephan's adultery was the "fault of his wife," according to a confidential statement by CFW Walther, confidentially published in a book with world-wide circulation (Servant of the Word). But Walther organized a mob at a time convenient to CFW rather than confront Bishop Stephan - according to Scripture - with his crimes. How perverted, to blame Mrs. Stephan for her husband spreading syphilis to her and their children, and then to the young women in the cult.
The LCMS cannot even tell the truth about its birth
as a Pietistic cult run by an abusive, dictatorial bishop
who was propped up the the clergy who became Missouri's founding fathers.

Getting the Most from Knock Out Roses.
Final List for Our Favorite Doctor

Magenta Double Knock Out Roses
are ideal for color and make fairly good cut roses.

Dear Dr. B.
I am happy to give you a short list and a second, detailed list about growing better Knock Out roses, based on God’s Creation being well designed and managed. Knock Outs were developed to be disease free;  they are also very productive and easy to grow.

Summary: Roses need –
Organic mulch. I use a layer of newspapers or cardboard, with a thick layer of shredded Cyprus on top of the bottom layer. This enriches the soil, protects against wind erosion, holds in water, and reduces weed growth. Do not use plastic or landscaper’s cloth beneath the mulch. Newspapers and cardboard really help in slowing down weeds, but when it rains 7 inches, weeds will find a way through.

Red wiggler earthworms. I buy mine from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm - They are often available from local suppliers as red wigglers, compost worms, etc. Earthworms tunnel the soil, fertilize the soil, sweeten the soil with calcium, and transport bacteria. Simply drop earthworms on top of the area in the sunlight. They will dig down and do their work.

Pruning. Knock Outs grow fast so they need plenty of pruning. All spent and fading blooms should be cut off. There is no magical place to cut. Use the surgeon’s motto – “When it doubt, cut it out.” Pruning spurs growth above ground and below. Knock Outs can be cut back 50% and will regain their size with beautiful blooms in short order.

Watering. If the wood mulch is damp, the roses have enough water. Long, slow soaking is good, but I have no qualms about hosing down the bushes. They like a shower. If petals start falling down, more pruning needs to be done.

The tiny Ichneumon wasp lays eggs that kill pests when they hatch.

Beneficial insects. Pesticides, chemical fertilizers, fungicides, and oils all slaughter the beneficial insects and spiders, so do not use them. Flower flies (hover flies), Ichneumon wasps, and many other creatures feed on pests, so killing the pests will kill the beneficial creatures and their food supply. The pests come back but not in great numbers - if the beneficials are allowed to control them.

Fungal swapping. The key to rose nutrition is the interface at the root level between the plant’s roothairs swapping carbon for its needs from fungus. We now know that fungus will reach out across the soil to get moisture, nitrogen compounds, and various minerals needed by rose while asking for the carbon it needs to grow. That means mulching, earthworming, and avoiding all toxins will allow the roses to develop as God intended. The big rose gardens and Queen Elizabeth follow this NO TOXINS regimen – and that includes avoiding non-toxic oil, which suffocates all life, poison or not.

White Knock Out roses were aphid magnets
but soon bloomed without much damage at all,
thanks to beneficial insects.

Problems Addressed
Leaves eaten or blooms and buds ruined.
When the leaves were eaten by some bug, you sprayed oil and that stopped it. You also killed all the spiders and bugs that were doing God’s work. I had aphid destruction, on my favorite white John Paul roses, the white Knock Outs, and the Peace roses. I left them alone, cutting off the afflicted roses. In the next round of blooming, there was far less damage, then almost no damage. Now the most afflicted John Paul roses are the most productive, almost always undamaged, and spectacular in bloom. SOLUTION – Let the beneficial bugs do the work. Often my best roses have a tight spider web at the bottom of the stem. Or a tiny spider will let down from the bloom.

Bend close to the roses on a calm day and the beneficial insects will be seen flitting around.

Pink Knock Out Rose
Beat Down by Heavy Rains
When it rained 7 or more inches, all the roses were beaten down, mine, yours, and ones in Michigan too. Roses are easily softened by a lot of rain. The blooms are heavy with water and the stems are water-logged. SOLUTION – when the roses are a little drier, cut the Knock Outs back by 50%. They will grow back quickly. The red-green growth is very impressive, and the high nitrogen content of the rain will fuel growth in the plant and in the soil microbes that feed the roses.

Sad Looking Knock Outs
Late in the season people are tempted to let the bushes go. They end up with large displays of fading blooms, truly pathetic. I saw one KO with a weed growing out from within, higher than the bush.

I chop down the bushes by 50%, at the start of the season, after each big bloom cycle, and whenever I have bushes full of fading blooms. Our landscaper friend told me to do that when they were 6 feet tall. “I already did that.” He said, “You did and they are that tall already?” Yes, and they bloom like crazy that way.

The strength of the KO is the fast growth in good soil. That means more rapid blooming, unlike the regal hybrid teas, which bloom slowly and hold their flowers in perfection longer. More pruning is the answer KOs, combined with enough water or rain.

The Best Water

Rain is the best water for roses, so I store mine as run-off from the roof in back. I bought two huge Rubber Maid garbage cans for that. I dump water every so often to avoid mosquito population explosions.

Second best during a dry season is aged water. My mother used this long ago and was envied by all her colleagues. Fill the barrels with tap water and let them aerate for two days. The chlorine, which inhibits plant growth, will evaporate out.

Cultivate a Yard for Beneficial Creatures
We can do many things to attract beneficial creatures to the yard, to aid to keeping pests under control. That will give us more butterflies, birds, and hummingbirds.

Toads want flat pans with water for hydration. They eat thousands of pests each summer. I put flat clay pans under my soaker hoses. They also like logs resting on the soil.

Logs and sticks on the ground will harbor all kinds of beneficial creatures. So will piles of leave left along and a wild area where many beneficials can overwinter and breed – rove beetles, spiders without webs, praying mantids, etc.

I use a kiddie pool for a large bird bath. I cut down the sides to let birds hop in and out. They do not want much depth, and adding stones will only mean something else to clean. The sound of moving water is even better.

Some Beneficial Insect Plants
  1. Coreopsis (tick seed).
  2. Shasty daisies.
  3. Sunflowers.
  4. Bee balm.
  5. Trumpet Vine.
  6. Honeysuckle Vine.
  7. Buckwheat (for the wild area).
  8. Butterfly Bush.
  9. Chaste Tree.

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans

The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans
Cover by Norma Boeckler
Writing work will finish at the end of September, with Reformation Sunday as the goal for print copies to arrive for those who helped sponsor the book.

The cover says "edited" because several have participated in working on the book.

The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans
The first phrase is significant. Others must think so, because the New KJV changes the faith of Jesus (original Greek text and KJV) into faith in Jesus. The rest of the translations do the same thing.

Romans 322 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: KJV

The rest have faith in Jesus Christ, except this one -

American King James Version
Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ to all and on all them that believe: for there is no difference:

Against the Faithless Lutherans
I discussed the subtitle with one expert writer and Biblical scholar. We agreed that "Faithless Lutherans" conveyed the most in the fewest words. Those who promote universal forgiveness and salvation - without faith - are faithless in both senses. They have no faith in the Word of God, and they are not faithful to their calling or their ordination vows.

Like the ELCA, which they overtly despise and covertly emulate, the so-called conservative Lutheran leaders teach a cowardly form of Universalism. They are all "confessional" Lutherans, although few of them can explain the basic elements of Biblical doctrine.

This book will describe the basics of Christianity, the sordid history of UOJ, and the proper way to teach the Scriptural passages. Finally, an extensive review of the blasphemous Emmaus 2015 essay is included, refuting point by point.

The Sausage Factory - Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary - Is the New Seminex.
Follow the New Grads with Big Subsidies To See Where WELS Is Going

These brave Concordia seminary students walked out,
and came back for lunch at the seminary.
Is that a walk out, or a morning stroll?
Seminexers radicalized ELCA and the Chicago ELCA seminary,
leading to the 2009 resolution and a REAL walkout - 25% of the members
and six retired bishops.
Seminex was a vast media photo-op and stunt,
for the adoration of the media.
"The biggest liars left," as one LCMS leader observed.

The backbone of Missouri's Seminex movement - where the radical faculty members took over Concordia Seminary St. Louis and left to form a new school and sect - is WELS. Few people realize this because the LCMS is more of a melting pot where old alliances are overlooked by most.

One friend told me about the alumni meetings for Nortwestern College in Watertown, where there were so many Seminex bumper stickers. How did so many future pastors become radicalized at that tiny college?

Two of the Northwestern College professors were Richard Jungkuntz and Ralph Gerke, both destined to become holy martyrs in Missouri, where they abode for a time before landing at Pacific Lutheran University, ELCA.

Ralph David Gehrke was born on October 4, 1919 In New London, Wisconsin and died on January 4, 2011 in Tacoma, Washington. He was preceded in death by his parents, Rudolph and Alma, and his brother, Howard. He is survived by 'his sister, Lois Mae Hannewald (Norman), his sister-in-law, Ruth Gehrke and nieces, Betty Geiger (Roger) and Irene Hintz (Darwin). 

Ralph earned a B. A. from Northwestern College (Wisconsin) in 1941, a B. D. from Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary in 1944 and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1959. As a graduate student at the University of Chicago, he was awarded the prestigious Shorey Fellowship in Classics. Ralph was ordained as a Lutheran Pastor in 1944 and recently celebrated the 65th Anniversary of his ordination. 

He served in the 
  1. Wisconsin Synod, 
  2. Lutheran Church---Missouri Synod and 
  3. the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Dr. Gehrke came to PLU in 1975 after teaching for 24 years at Northwestern College in Wisconsin and Concordia Teachers College in Illinois. At PLU, he was as a professor in the Religion Department until his retirement in 1990. - See more at:

Here is Richard's obituary - He married a Kowalke but was kicked out for his radicalism (historical critical method).

Richard Paul Jungkuntz 

October 1, 1918~June 22, 2003.
Richard P. Jungkuntz, Provost Emeritus of Pacific Lutheran University, died on Sunday evening, June 22, 2003 of prostate cancer. Born October 1, 1918 in Cleveland, OH, Dick grew up in Wisconsin. He met his wife-to-be, Grace Kowalke, at Northwestern College in Watertown, WI, and they were married in 1943 after his ordination as a Lutheran pastor.

He served Wisconsin Lutheran congregations in Janesville and Ft. Atkinson, and became a professor at his alma mater in 1949, teaching Classics and Ancient History until earning his Ph.D. in Classics at the University of Wisconsin in 1961. His teaching career continued at Concordia Seminary in Springfield, IL, and he became Executive Secretary for the Commission on Theology for the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in 1965. 

Dick came to Pacific Lutheran University [ELCA] in 1970, serving as Provost for 18 years. Additional professional service included chairing the Board of Directors for Christ Seminary-Seminex from 1974-1980, and participating as a Faith and Order commissioner with the World Council of Church- es from 1968 to1977. His book, The Gospel of Baptism, was published in 1968. [Seminex was the first gay Lutheran Seminary, the official school for the homosexual Metropolitan Community Churches.]

We wish to thank the entire Oncology Department of Good Samaritan Hospital and their Home Health/Hospice Team as well as the extended PLU community for their support and care. Dick is survived by his wife of 60 years, Grace, and six of their seven children: Gay Osborn of Ferguson, MO; Paula (Tom) Warren of The Woodlands, TX; Richard W.D. (Ann) Jungkuntz of Falls Church, VA; 
Lisa Darling of Yuma, AZ; Andrea Jungkuntz of Lacey, WA; Laura (Tom) Karlin of Tacoma, WA. A sister, Doris, and two brothers, Ted and Dan, also survive him.

He was preceded in death by his son Will in 1985. The memorial service will be held Saturday, June 28, 2:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, 12115 Park Avenue South, Tacoma. Memorials can be made to Trinity Lutheran Church, or to Pacific Lutheran University, or to Tacoma Rescue Mission. Pub Date: 6/25/2003 

Tacoma News Tribune


I am quite sure the Wauwatosa Gospel of WELS had everything to do with the past radicalism of WELS and its rapidly devolving downfall. John Brug is retiring from the seminary, and some adoring alumni said, "He is the spirit of Wauwatosa." Certainly, he solemnly declared women's ordination to be wonderful 20 years ago, noting that WELS was not quite ready for it yet. 

They are now.

Wauwatosa begins with its intoxication with itself and tossing away all hindrances from the past - like Luther and the Book of Concord. That same spirit prevails today, with the DPs, Mark Schroeder, and the semi-literate pastors all dumber than a bag of rocks about the Confessions and Lutheran doctrine. There is no use talking about the Book of Concord with them - they dismiss it as boring and irrelevant.

They cannot teach the Confessions because they know more about craft beers nad the court system than they do about Lutheran doctrine.

UOJ Comes from Radicalism and Enables More Radicalism
The only dogma of WELS is Universal Objective Justification. If people think Babtists are shallow, they are in for a schock - WELS makes  the Babtists look profound in comparison.

UOJ = "The entire world is forgiven and saved."

After that, nothing really matters, which is why WELS does such nutso stuff in worship. 
  • Communion without consecration? No problem. 
  • Women consecrating Holy Communion? - maybe they should not do it for now - WELS is not ready for it yet.
  • No altar, no baptismal font, no pulpit? Adiaphora.
  • "Pretty much everything is adiapora in worship." Patterson's Wauwatosite lay leader.
  • Lutheran name for a parish? Nah. Church mentioned in the name? Bah. Ask Illumine or The CORE. 
Oddly enough, a Praise Band is now considered mandatory in WELS. 

Readers will find that all the new graduates of The Sausage Factory have been drilled in 
  • UOJ, 
  • Worship adiaphora, 
  • Praise Band Fundamentalism, and 
  • New NIV Enthusiasm. 
Treating the congregation like little children, they will have them "repeat after me" - Everyone is forgiven and saved. 

Back to their radical roots -
Jungkuntz would be proud.

Witty WELS pastors call the mandatory NNIV -
The HIV Translation.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

For All the Saints, Who From Their Labors Rest - One Year Ago

Gary Meyer
Gary went to be with his Lord and Savior on September 17th, 2014 at his home with his family by his side.

Gary was born June 1st, 1933 in Burbank, California. He attended Harvard Military Academy in Sherman Oaks, California. After graduating, he attended Arizona State University before joining the Air Force Cadet training program and graduated as a Lieutenant. He flew refueling aircraft for six years. He achieved the rank of Captain and then joined the California and Washington Air National Guard. He began his career with United Airlines in 1964. He retired after thirty years as a Captain on Boeing 747's.

Gary enjoyed hunting, fishing and camping with his wife and three sons. He was a member of the Retired United Pilots Association. Gary was preceded in death by his father, James B. Meyer and his mother Alice Viola Howland Meyer.

Change and Die Conference - Brought To You by the Jeske-Patterson Mob -
And the Church Shrinkers in WELS, ELS, and Missouri


Change or Die 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (approximate)


Country Springs Hotel
2810 Golf Road, Pewaukee, WI  53072
(If you would like to reserve a room, please call the number above.  A block of rooms has been reserved for this conference for $109/night. The block rate expires on September 7, 2015.  The Siebert Lutheran Foundation is not responsible for hotel mini-bar charges or movies.)
Our Change or Die! Conference provides an opportunity for Lutheran ministry leaders to network and learn from each other.  The Conference is a safe place for assembling people from across the Lutheran tribes and building relationships across denominations. 
This year, the Conference focus is on Money, Millennials & Ministry Leadership.  Our speakers are:
Brenda Moore, CFRE, Brenda Moore & Associates, LLC, Carver, MN
Erin MorrisELCA Diaconal Minister of Faith Engagement, St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Mahtomedi, MN
Rev. Tom Pfotenhauer, LCMS, Woodbury Lutheran Church, Woodbury, MN
Tim Schwan, Thrivent, soblessed, llc, Appleton, WI. Ask me about funding Planned Parenthood
Rev. Daniel Thews, LCMS, Faith Lutheran Church, Appleton, WI
Rozella White, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Chicago, IL. Ask me about our ELCA health plan paying for abortions for any reason.
Rev. Steve Witte, WELS, President, Asian Lutheran Mini-Seminary, Hong Kong
  • We respectfully ask that you limit participation from your organization to an appropriate number.
  • The Conference charges include free lunch and dinner. 
  • Please plan to attend the entire Conference if you register, as costs are incurred for both meals for all registrants.
  • If plans change and you cannot attend, please email your cancellation to Diane
  • Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The Martin Luther College Cross-Dressers will entertain the audience
with their interpretation of "Born This Way."

Registration is limited, so sign up early!
Our Planning Committee consists of:
If you cannot attend, but would like to be added to our mailing list for future Change or Die conferences and other events, please click here.
Videos of the 2014 Change or Die Conference can be viewed HERE.

Tolja - Intrepid Lutherans Linked with Pornography, Yellow Journalism -
WELS DP in 2013.
Have Mark Jeske and His Abortion Loving Insurance Company Ever Been Named?

Prexy Peter would probably call the Galatians commentary "Yellow Journalism" -
if he has even read it. I doubt it.
He has probably been through Fuller/Trinity Divinity/Willow Creek brainwashing.

The Prexy Press
Peter J. Naumann     home   605-845-7242
620 W 9th Street    cellular  952-807-3424
Mobridge, SD  57601-1622
Epiphany - 2013

As you have noticed, we haven’t  been sending many updates between conferences.  That is for several reasons.  The two biggest are: Pastor Schroeder’s Together letter which summarizes very well just about everything that I would report from any meetings that we have in Milwaukee.  There isn’t much that follows that you haven’t already seen in this week’s issue.  The other big reason is that the Call reports are readily available on the synod’s Connect little corner of the world.  The reports are also linked to Together.  So, why duplicate? 

But this time we should send an extra  note of thanks.  You heard from Pastor Schroeder that CMO came in very strong this year.  You can see that on the other files attached.  Thank you all very much for your efforts and thank your generous members as well.  This together with other good financial news has enabled extra funds for much needed repair work at the schools and to authorize a couple more home mission starts. (May one of them be Williston, ND!)  Our district was first in performance again, as it has often been in recent years, and we jumped up a couple levels to fourth in per / communicant CMO.  (Maybe we’ll make it to $100 / communicant yet.)  Seriously, thank the people and then more so thank our gracious God who has given us ample supply and moved our hearts to use a goodly portion for his work.  May many teachers and ministers be well trained and many souls reached and strengthened through their work. 

Thank You, Lord Jesus

Call Report  1/15/2013
Pastor Vacancy  (vacant since) [call #]   
                Morning Star, Carstairs, AB [2] Dustin Blumer called 
                Jon Hein to the Commission on Congregational Consulting - WELS [1 - halftime] (1/7/13)
Teacher Vacancies 
                Saint Martin, Watertown, SD Gr 3f (6/30/12)  [ ]
                Bethel, Sioux Falls (10/28/12)  [3] calling 1/27/13 
                Saint Paul, Rapid City, Gr 5-6 (6/30/12) [3] calling 1/27/13   
                Great Plains LHS, Wttn, SD, principal  (6/30/12) [2] calling  1/19/13   
                Great Plains LHS, dean of students (1/2/13) [1] calling  1/19/13   
Holding Calls away  
                Ben Schmeling to Beaver Dam, WI
                Ben Schmeling to Clinton Township, Michigan
                Gerhardt Juergens to Cambridge, MN
Call Accepted 
                Bethel, Sioux Falls, SD, Ben Tomczak
                Mike Schultz - hymnal director
                Great Plains LHS, Watertown, SD President, Dave Maertz
Calls Declined  
                Tim Berg to Morning Star, Carstairs, AB
                Steve Bremer to GPLHS, principal
                Rebecca Kramer  to Bethel, Sioux Falls, SD
                Richard Muchka declined to Rapid City
Synod Pastor Vacancies  About 40 regular pastors are needed as 1/7/2013.  There will be 37 graduates in May. 

SAB Sale and Move     The committee continues to work on selling one or both of our properties.  There is one firm offer on the Mayfair Road site, and perhaps another coming. 

Every Member Visit (EMV)     You have the materials and the plan for this.  Hopefully, some have used it or plan to soon.  We pray every congregation participates in some manner.  We plan to use it at Glenham & Mobridge in February. 

Various Conference of Presidents Business last Week

John Braun from NPH     gave us updates on three things.  First, the plans for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.  A new catechism is planned in connection with the anniversary.   The other event coming in 2015 is the 100th anniversary of the Forward in Christ magazine and it’s predecessor  The Northwestern Lutheran

Continuing Education for Called Workers     We had a fair amount of discussion on this topic.  Others had questions about the need for it and the expense of the new pastor mentoring program.  Questions, concerns, and suggestions will be taken to the whole committee and to Richard Gurgel. 

Intrepid Lutherans     I don’t read this yellow publication or any others of its ilk.  There are better things to do and to read.  The main concerns were about its promoting the false justification views of one of the principals and infractions of the Eighth Commandment. One said that, sadly, such muckraking tabloids will always exist.  As I’ve told many graduates to the district, I would hope we could find far better materials to read and ways to spend our time. 
Pornography     There continues to be great concern for the many people - members and clergy alike - who have fallen prey to this material and sin.  As we know, internet pornography is a special temptation.  If one believes the figures that are given, many, many people are involved. May it not be true of us.  Concerning the whole subject of 6th Commandment sin it is good to remember Prov 6:32-33 and 1 Cor 6:18 among others.  It would be best for anyone taken by such activity to seek help, beginning with prayer to God, through repentance and faith.  Spend more time in the Word.  Then think about, “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure …” (Phil 4:8).  And, be assured, there are brothers, sisters, and professionals ready to help. 

WELS Convention  Please note the proper date, here and below: July 29th to August 1st.  This will be a day shorter.  The convention will convene Monday morning and the opening service will be that evening.  Adjournment and the closing service is planned for Thursday. 

If your congregation is a delegate or alternate, please identify firm delegates soon. 

District Constitutions     Two memorials are coming from the COP to the convention.  One would make district councils optional.  The other would allow districts to eliminate the legislation committees. 

Youth Discipleship     Because of the good turnout last summer CYD is planning to hold these rallies every other year. 

WELS Debt Elimination     Our indebtedness should be under $9,000,000 by convention.  Together with the Jubilee offering and regular payments, we have made good progress on eliminating this debt.  When it is fully paid, there will be $1,600,000 more annually for other forms of ministry.  The suggestion was made that we have a debt retirement drive in 2015 to pay it off completely.  Stay tuned. 

Names, Names, Names     If you have someone in the military, be sure to let Milwaukee know. If you know of people moving to western North Dakota, contact Jake Hannemann for Williston; Jordan Ertl for Minot; and Ryan Wolff for Dickinson.   Services are being held in each town.  We hope to send a request to the general board for a new mission exploratory effort in at least Williston this winter, it not one or both of the other locations. 

Statistics & CMO Pledges     Please be sure to submit all this to the synod via Connect as soon as you are able.   Thanks! 

Walking Together Video     Did you all see this short (4:15 min) presentation of what our synod is and does.  It is in the “toolbox” of last fall’s WELS Connection DVD.  It is a very interesting, short overview of the synod’s work.  Use it where and when appropriate, perhaps especially in annual meetings as 2013 CMO pledges are set. 

(You can find the video on the synod’s site:  > Connect Resources (bottom left of page) > Resources (on right side) > Walking Together > Walking Together video (under the pic, in the links.)

January 22-23, 2013             Rocky Mountain Conference, Missoula  
February 5, 2013             Western Conference at Morristown
2/13/2013                         Ash Wednesday
3/31/2013                         The Resurrection of Our Lord
4/9-11/2013                         Spring Pastor Conference, Rapid City
5/18/2013                         MLC graduation and assignments
5/23/2013                         WLS assignments
7/29-8/1/2013                         WELS Biennial convention at New Ulm
9/24-25/2013                         Western Conference at Gillette
10/2-3/2013                         D-M/NE Teacher’s Conference (in Colorado)

Thanks for all you do

May the Lord abundantly bless you, yours, and your ministries!


GJ - Prexy Peter fails to mention that one motivation for the Intrepids was to provide a counter-lobby to back Mark Schroeder.

Under Steve Spencer, it has always been a Mark Schroeder shop, but apparently people took the original statements seriously and began to think on their own.

This has a great advantage for Schroeder and the DPs. Now that the flowers have bloomed, they can cut them off, as Mao used to say.

They can also denounce them as trouble-makers and scare anyone else from thinking and studying the Word without expressed, written permission.

They want to play justification by faith as one person's opinion, which is what I heard about everyone else who has ever objected to the absurdity of UOJ.