Thursday, February 11, 2016

By Popular Request - "How Can We Take Greg Jackson Seriously When He Puts Our Pastors in Bunny Suits?"

Matt Doebler earned a drive-by DMin
and got himself a call to be a WELS professor
at the Church and Change mini-seminary.

"How Can We Take Greg Jackson Seriously When He Puts Our Pastors in Bunny Suits?" - That is what one WELS pastor said to dismiss this humble little blog's efforts.

Patterson disgraced the office of ministry
by using bunnies to promote his Easter service.
Kudu Don hates this Photoshop, one of my best.

But he omitted this crucial fact. I put Don Patterson and Matt Doebler in bunny suits because both promoted their Easter Sunday service with live bunny rabbits. Bring the kiddies to church so they pet those cute little bunnies. Patterson hid the bunny notice on a separate websty the next Easter, but I found it by Googling Patterson and bunny. I am not a genius, just by comparison with the average IQ of WELS DPs. The third year Patterson dropped the public mention of Easter bunnies.

Patterson life-coach victim Ski would love to bring a bunny to church on Easter.
Osteen knows it's all about the bunnies and the Benjamins.
They were almost rained out one year, an act of God.

I admit adding the caption to the hat and the clown suit for Glende,
but they are metaphors for both. Figure it out.
They became FB friends during Ski and Glende's harassment troubles,
and Ski got his insta-call next door to Patterson.

DP Don is so pleased to have half of the Odd Couple at his church.

Don Patterson has lots of property and income,
plus rich members who take him to Africa to wild kudu deer,
but he mines WELS for more loot to run his operation.
That lets him run around being a bigshot.

PETA swung the DP vote to Kudu Don. WELS gossip said that
Schroeder and the previous DP did not want him in that office.
But opposition to the New NIV stopped when Don stepped up.

Did I put the Dapper Don in that silly mob outfit? No!
Did I add $ to his dark glasses. Yes!
No one fishes for funds faster than Kudu Don -
stirred by his mission to move from Hispanic Austin
to rockin' rich Round Rock.