Thursday, February 18, 2016

From 2012 - Paul McCain Channels His Inner Lucifer,
Raging Against Justification by Faith

WELS DP Jon Buchholz is Facebook friends with McCain.

Lutheran Pastor Suspended.

It doesn't happen often, maybe, some would say, not often enough, but it was encouraging to me to learn that the Wisconsin Synod has suspended from its ministry one of its pastors, Paul Rydeki (sic), who denies the teaching that on the cross God paid for and forgave the sins of the world.

Yes, you read that right. I know, it's crazy, isn't it? How could any Lutheran pastor d
eny what Scripture teaches so clearly?

Pastor Rydeki 
(sic) was asked two simple questions and failed to answer yes to each:

1) “Did God forgive the sins of the world when Jesus died on the cross?”

2) “Has God justified all sinners for the sake of Christ?”

God has acted, very objectively, in Christ to forgive and justify the entire world through the death of Jesus. Each individual receives this gift of forgiveness and justification, subjectively, through the blessed means of grace. It's just that beautiful a truth and that simple.

Kudos to the WELS.


GJ - McNasty is infamous in all synods. At least this is making apostates give a clear confession of their confusion.

McCain's Roman Catholic expert, Jack Kilcrease, thinks the Book of Concord is primitive.

A feckless captain ran the Concordia onto shoals, because he was showing off.
Concordia Publishing House has the same kind of leadership.

Paul T. McCain Pastor Webber: Thank you for your extremely important comment, clarifying the flat-out lies and distortion being used by Rydeki (sic) and his supporters to try to bolster his position. Let us all pray he repents of his sinful rejection of Biblical truth.
GJ - Let us pray that McCain learns how to spell the names of the people he denounces with Satanic glee.

In McCain's world of rationalistic Pietism,
babies are born already justified, forgiven, absolved.
Why do we baptize the little saints?
Naturally, McCain lied about Rydecki, who
never denied the Atonement.

Here are a few of the notable books Pastor Paul Rydecki has published - a staggering contribution to doctrinal research in Lutheran Orthodoxy.

What has Paul McCain published? His blog was so riddled with plagiarism from The Catholic Encyclopedia and his friends' Lutheran blogs that he wisely erased it - but without apologizing for his dishonesty, duplicity, and stupidity.

This famous Photoshop, lovingly shared by the Paul McCain fan club, shows the full painting that McCain used - in edited form - on his blog. If you fail to notice, a Roman Catholic saint (mental case) is being breast-fed from a statue of the Virgin Mary. This is a miracle, of course, a miracle of self-delusion. A graphics editor more skilled than I added Paul McCain looking on with pious satisfaction. This is an historic photo because McCain could still see his shoes in those days, long past. In 2012 he was already making almost $200,000 salary and benefits - as an editor. Ponder the irony - an editor plagiarizing without apology and earning a princely salary. No graduate degree; parish experience  - about two years.