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Even McCain's friends do not want to be linked with him, but Otten called Paul a scholar while the putative editor was plagiarizing like a Glende. |
Pastor Herman Otten does not like my Photoshop, showing him as a pope, but he loved selling the pope's favorite book against Luther - The Facts (sic) about Luther, by Monsignor O'Hare, in the Reformation issue of Christian News! Context matters, so omitting crucial facts amounts to deceiving the readers of the weekly tabloid.
I reviewed the well known lies of that disgraceful book in Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, which Otten sells. He should read it some day. Is his favorite author, Haven Bradford Gow, a Roman Catholic? I was left puzzled. If so, Otten seems to be preaching the guy into heaven, based on his good works. What did Gow actually believe if he admired that monster Mother Teresa?
Favorably quoting the pope.
Haven Bradford Gow is a TV and radio commentator and writer who teaches religion to children at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Greenville, Mississippi.
Otten should explain why I received a free review copy of The Rite of Sodomy from Roman Catholic Randy Engel but not the second volume. "Conservative" Lutherans got their knickers in a knot because I pointed out the homosexuality in their own synods, especially the WELS synodical schools. Otten made a point of apologizing for my accurate, honest review, just before the FBI raided WELS headquarters to see if their national PR director Joel Hochmuth had boy porn videos and graphics at 2929 Mayfair Road, The Love Shack.
But wait, there's more.
David Becker, who called me a liar for telling the truth, had this odd note, above, while praising former ELCA pastor Tom Brock. "In 2010, Brock endured a mean spirited attack where confidentiality was violated, but he came through that successfully and is going stronger than ever." Christian News, 4-11-16.
I was somewhat aware of Tom Brock and some controversy, but I pay little attention to ELCA and the the mini-ELCAs that calved from that sinking glacier of Thrivent-funded abortion, sodomy, and women's ordination.
Brock is an unmarried homosexual pastor, now in the LCMC, who confessed to having a fling on his trip to Slovakia, as detailed in this article.
Here is more information about the matter, plus criticism of the outing of Tom Brock.
One can only conclude that Otten and Becker have a strange set of values, certainly not Biblical. They are hyper-sensitive, quick to take offense at the truth, hyper-vigilant, and overly dramatic. Every stinkbomb they throw temps one to look into the cause of all the drama.
Otten claims falsely that I am silent about his current crusade on the text of the Bible. I began Thy Strong Word: The Efficacy of the Word in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions- a book which he refused to acknowledge - with a chapter on that issue. That was 16 years ago. The new edition was published via Lulu.com in 2011 and the 2016 edition is coming out soon via Amazon and Kindle.
If Otten had stuck with the King James Version (and various updates) plus the traditional text of the Bible, he would not have led so many astray with the ever-changing Beck Bible, edited by an adulterer.
Adulterous editors must be the rage among the "conservative" Lutheran synods. One editor of the WELS hymnal had a mistress in the congregation - a sexretary - while he was dealing with serious worship matters.
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Pope John the Malefactor has been demoted to Circuit Pastor, since his sect is shrinking so fast. |
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Bishop Martin Stephan,took his mistress on the same ship with him, leaving Mrs. Stephan at home in Dresden with their dying syphilitic children, but Walther "didn't know" Stephan was an adulterer. |
21 January 1839
I, H. W. Exter master of the Ship Olbers do solemnly sincerely & truly swear that the within list signed by me & now delivered to the Collector of this district contains the names of all the Passengers taken on board of the Said Ship at the Port of Bremen or at any time since and that all matters therein set forth are according to the best of my Knowledge & Belief just & true & I do further swear that Two of the Said Passengers died on the voyage.
Sworn before me this 21st Jany 1839 ~~ [signed] J. W. Exter-Master
List of Passengers on board of the bremer Ship Olbers H. W. Exter My bound from Bremen to New Orleans
Columns represent: Passenger number, Name, Relationship to the head of the family, Last dwelling place, Occupation, Age, Died on the voyage.
Cabin 1 Martin Stephan Dresden Preacher 61 2 Martin Stephan his son Dresden 16 3 Theodore Julius Brohm Dresden Candidate 30 4 H. S. Fischer Dresden Merchant 40 5 Julie Fischer his wife Dresden 32 6* Louise Gunther Dresden 32
7 Gustav Jaeckel Dresden Cashier 32 8 Francis Adolph Marbach Dresden Attornay (sic) 40 9 Louise Marbach his wife Dresden 34 10 Gustav Marbach his child Dresden 11 11 Clara Marbach his child Dresden 6 12 Victor Marbach his child Dresden 5 13* Martin Marbach his child Dresden 2 14 Eduard Vehse Dresden Recorder 35 15* Mathilde Vehse his child Dresden 9 16 Hermann Walther Dresden Preacher 29 17 M. Emil Julius Moritz Wege Dresden Candidate 38 18 Sophie Schneiderin Dresden 40 19* Fred Loeschner *Konigsbruck Painter 44