Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Where Are the Booze Brothers Now?
Update on the St. Peter, Freedom Scandals

The coffee house "ministry" turned out to be a bar ministry,
and The CORE was not a mission but just another
service for St. Peters at various locations,
finally ending up with the purchase of a bankrupt bar.
Read the attached story, from an attorney,about how an abusive pastor is treated with kid gloves and protected by the Jeske Mob, including the SP,so Ski can have his fourth call in his fourth district.
MariQueen measures the man -


GJ - This linked story from 2014 is a good indication how WELS is managed by the "reformer" Mark Schroeder, aka Jeske's right-hand man.

Schroeder does not hesitate to kick out a faithful pastor and the congregation, under the UOJ guidance of Jon Buchholz and Jar Jar Webber. Nor does Schroeder waste a moment to bail out Ski, whose pastoral methods including suing the husband of a former staff for telling the truth about his bullying behavior and sexual harassment - both enough to precipitate an escorted removal from most institutions. But not WELS. Oh no.

Drinking on the job? No problem. VP Zack, soon to be DP Zack, made sure Ski slipped away - breaking the WELS rules - before anyone knew it. And Kudu Don Patterson, new DP of the AA District, got him a call while getting rid of the competition in wealthy Round Rock. Patterson has designs on the white suburb, so he can leave his Mexican location behind.

"Let us gather with the Babtists, the Babtists,
the Ba-a-babtists.
Let us gather at the Babtists,
and drink their wisdom in."