Monday, June 13, 2016

Keeping Track of the Fake WELS Luther Days Expo -
So You Don't Have To

Officially promoted by WELS, from their own synodical websty.

Sigh. Where to start?

My impression is that the Luther Days websty is a template , because the Prepper expos she promotes were linked from LinkedIn - and they have similar templates. They are also mostly empty.

My safe computer expert (WELS/ELS member) notes this -

WELS says they are already forgiven - without faith,
so a toast - Bottoms Up!

Natalie Pratt is still following Queer Grace.

"The Queer Grace team believes that lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, questioning, and other sexual and gender minorities are made in the image of God and fully welcomed into God’s family as they are.  Personal salvation and congregational participation are not contingent upon rejection of, or celibacy from, one’s sexual orientation or gender identity."

There are many new Roman Catholic links.

ELCA's first trans-sexual pastor, formerly a man, is still linked:

Rev. Megan Rohrer
(they/their/them): The first trans pastor ordained in the Lutheran church. Also, a disabled writer + award winning filmaker and historian

The new trans-sexual reformation