Friday, June 17, 2016

The Finishing Editor Is Done with Thy Strong Word:
The Efficacy of the Word in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions

Is it safe to stick my head outside the trench?

I am currently anathematized by ELCA, WELS, the Little Sect on the Prairie, the CLC (sic), Christian News, the LCMS, Steadfast Lutherans (sic), SpenerQuest, and the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Malone, Texas and Adjoining Counties.

Ever since 2000, Thy Strong Word has been steadfastly ignored and kept off the Lutheran sect radar screens, but the book has been read and used by many laity. Ironically, Jim Heiser admitted to rejecting UOJ after reading Thy Strong Word, a book he sold from his website.

Logia refused to advertise the book, but that did not matter. Once some laymen asked for a case of them. Later the book was edited for the English only edition. This edition is for Amazon and Kindle. I will keep the PDF on the blog so people can easily search it with control-F.

Kindle is great for low cost, searching, and quoting with the citation. That may not be the best way to read, but it is the fastest way to quote. I have both versions of my favorite books, such as Walliser's Attracting Beneficial Bugs, Luther on Galatians, and Lowenfel's Teaming with Microbes.

The Amazon version should be very inexpensive in the author's version, so people can order multiple copies through me for very little. Details will emerge once I leave my secure, undisclosed location.