Friday, June 10, 2016

Update on Fake Luther Days Conference.
Learn All the Four Letter Words on One Twitter Account Liked by LD.
ELCA Seminaries, World Council of Churches, Andy Stanley Gay Activist, and Tony Robbins

Sample of Twitter accounts linked by Luther Days:

  1. Three on porn addiction.
  2. Uncrappy Theology.
  3. Northpoint - Andy Stanley, gay activist.
  4. Craig Groeschel.
  5. Obscene title (c___) foul language, etc. Supposedly Christian account.
  6. Pastor Rick - WELS.
  7. Thrivent salesman.
  8. Wartburg ELCA Seminary - celebrating the inauguration of Louise Johnson, president
  9. World Council of Churches.
  10. Gettysburg ELCA Seminary.
  11. Plenty of ELCA congregations.
  12. Tony Robbins.
"So much good stuff to read!
And distinctively Lutheran!"

She has "generous donors"?  The biggest in North America - or the biggest scam?

Tony Robbins, Church and Change, and ELCA - distinctly Lutheran?