Monday, June 6, 2016

WELS Is Blessed with Notorious Liars Like VP Joel Voss.
The New DP is Michael Jensen, Western Wisconsin District

Scott Barefoot posed with Joel Voss and someone else.

Report from the District Conventicle -

"There was open laughter when Voss said that WELS was blessed to not have any major doctrinal disputes. Open laughter."

Pin the tail on the felony district. 
A great ice-breaker for synod beer parties!

1. Which one has the love letter pastor protected by the DP and CP?
2. Bonus - which state is he in?
3. Which district is the Anything Goes District?
4. Bonus - which city in that district has the highest percentage of drunks?
5. How many districts was Pastor Tabor in?
6. Where are the best liquor party/women's retreats?
7. Name the DP who has lost or kicked out the most congregations.
8. Bonus - identify the connection between Tabor and his doctrinal expert.
9. Which district is host to Fuller Seminary, their favorite school?

Voss preached at St. Paul in German Village (Columbus, Ohio).
It was the big Reformation service for the area.
He could not be found, because he was watching Green Bay on TV
somewhere in the building.