Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Reviewing the July 18, 2016 Christian News
Reading CN Learning about WELS Discipline

Nothing is new in this issue. Kloha is the star again - and why not?

When most of the Lutheran leaders in America - ELCA or the rest of them - reject Justification by Faith and and teach universal absolution without faith, nothing else is an issue.

WELS Pastor Jonathan Rupprecht, now retired, wrote a little report about Kloha, with stereotypical WELS ending -

"For me, going to one of these events, where everything is so outwardly similar to our WELS, softens a person to LCMS. I just wish I could talk with LCMS leaders and ask: why so little - if any - doctrinal discipline? Why so many guest speakers, lecturers, etc, who are so heterodox? Why are you offering an alternate, second-rate system for training your pastors? What role does sound doctrine and its application really play in your priorities these days?"

That comes from a synod where WELS Pastor Mark Jeske is backing another Change or Die! conference led by ELCA women pastors and other Church Shrinkers. SP Mark Schroeder really clamped down in that sect. Harrison should look at Schroeder's work in awe and wonder.

Or - how about WELS taking in an all-gay congregation headed by an ELCA pastor. That did not happen by stealth, which is their favorite method. With stealth tactics they can get people to object and extend them the Left Foot of Fellowship. But no, the proper district voted on the issue and took St. John Lutheran Church, 8th and Vliet, back into the synod and district.

WELS, LCMS, and the rest

Pastor John Brenner (Sparky) plans to preach there. The Odd Couple is probably booking a speech there, and a book signing.

Or how about the latest Change or DIE!!! Conference?

Our 2016 Planning Commitee consists of:

 Rev. Walter Baires, Ascension, Milwaukee
Rev. Lisa Bates-Froiland, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Milwaukee
Michelle Burmeister, Siebert Lutheran Foundation
Diane Dalhoe, Siebert Lutheran Foundation
Deborah Engel, Siebert Lutheran Foundation
Gretchen Jameson, Concordia University
Rev. Mark Jeske, Time of Grace Ministry and St. Marcus Lutheran Church, Milwaukee
Bill Meier, Kingdom Workers
Rev. Randy Raasch, First Immanuel Lutheran Church, Cedarburg
Rev. Matthew Short, St. Luke Lutheran Church, Slinger
Brenda Skelton, Siebert Lutheran Foundation

Rev. Alexia Salvatierra - ELCA pastor speaking for Jeske's conference.

Rev. Sherrie Lorbeck - Another ELCA pastor.